The Faraway Marathon

Kel woke up vigorous even more than usual, practically springing out of bed. He hurried to get ready, got his gear, and took hector out with him. Today was going to be a long day. For today, Kel was going to see the whole town, from the smallest mailbox to the biggest building, he was going to see it all. In record time.

Kel and Hector went to the town limits, and started there. The two started off with a light jog, eventually becoming a solid run. The duo sped by the church, causing a pink haired lady to see what the commotion was.

Kel and Hector breeze by the first row of houses rather quickly, giving them a small glance and taking various mental notes. The two cross the street just in time, before a speeding car comes around the corner.

"Whoah! That was a close one, right Hector?" Hector barks in response. Nevertheless, the two continue. They pass through the next set of houses, and move up the street, onto the next set.

The two sprint through the first set, stopping for a little breather. A neighbor stops by to ask Kel if he needs something. "Nah, I'm just taking a breather. I'll be fine." Kel and Hector continue their 'marathon', and head up the street once more.

The two pass by Othermart, and trek towards the park. At last, the duo stop at the park. Kel checks his stopwatch.

'5 minutes, 21 seconds. Shaved off a minute and a half, nice!' Kel thought to himself. Kel reaches for his notepad to write the new record down, but is interrupted.

"Uhm Sir, are you alright?" It was that artist lady Kel saw a few times during his exercise routines. "Oh, I'm fine. Just got done beating my old record!" "Oh, I see! Carry on then!"

Kel gave her his thanks, and returned home.

Pub: 29 Dec 2021 04:34 UTC
Views: 581