Beta Chapter 1, Delinquent Hero X Sunny

Boop Bada Bah Bah!

Hero's eyes slowly opened to the sound of an obnoxiously cheerful text tone. After having a low, whiny groan to nobody in particular, A naked arm stretched out from beneath his blanket to fumble for a nightstand. The other still hugged a pillow to his bare chest.
Peering from behind a makeshift sleeping partner, squinted eyes challenged the phone screen's glare.

Sunny - 1:01 AM
"u up?"

Recognition poked his brain, but he wasn't awake enough to think. Faint images tried to place who this was. Maybe it could wait, though. Maybe he could just close his eyes for a second... Squeeze his pillow again... A dreamy sigh escaped.
With the phone still in his hand, Hero nodded off for all of a beautiful second.

Boop Bada Bah Bah!
The pillow was now squeezed out of frustration. Pleading eyes opened now as if asking the phone to stop.


That... That can't be right. This probably wasn't a fellow med student begging for last-minute writing help. Brain finally starting from a half-slumber, sitting up in bed, Hero placed his friend to the side. Pillow would still be there later. This was more concerning. Letters on a screen were scanned twice, but the words didn't make sense. He batted stray hair out of his eyes and tried again.

Boop Bada Bah Bah!

"outside your bldg"

The dull images loaded into thought and shot his brain.
His head continued to run faster than the rest of him as he got out of bed, covering his naked body with a familiar pajama shirt and pants. He'd wasted enough time.

This whole scenario just raised more questions as he stumbled out of his apartment and down the stairs. What had happened, and why was he his first option? He'd only recently reconnected, and it wasn't much more than swapping numbers. Was he his only option? What else was happening for all these years? Should we have been there for him? Will Sunny even tell me? What kind of bleeding is this? Is he already bleeding o-?

He didn't follow that one.
Hero took a deep breath and remembered somebody else took first priority here. His face straightened out and prepped for the worst. He wasn't yet a doctor, but Sunny, despite whatever situation he's in is entrusting his care, so he'd do whatever he could to help with... Whatever is happening.

A blue-haired boy waited, cursing in his head for thinking this was ever a good idea. He turned around and prepared to leave, and thought of other ways he could deal with this. It wasn't that bad, right?
The door opened, and he looked back to see a smiling face in his pajamas.

"Get inside."

Pub: 29 Dec 2021 03:56 UTC
Views: 579