hugo's boundaries + rules

BOUNDARIES venting y/n/a – dms y/n/a – frqs y/n/a – ask to front y/n/a – "touch" y/n/a

﹙BYI﹚ i am a priest and do believe in god, but i will not bring my faith into conversations unless given clearance beforehand. i also make jokes about things that apply to the body, as the rest of the system does

﹙DNI﹚ chronically online people, you know who you are. other than that, only basic dni applies

extra info . . . 'ask to front' entirely depends on your intent. i am always willing to lend an ear
look to the skies to see the end of all creation again


Pub: 19 May 2023 22:54 UTC
Edit: 19 May 2023 23:06 UTC
Views: 48