

son of travis and april silversoul. white. born may 17, 2002. gets his curly, reddish brown hair from his late mother. covered head to toe in freckles and scattered scars. half werewolf, half witch.

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juno's parents weren't exactly high school sweethearts, but were very close back then. travis was an avid sculpter and woodworker and a very hands on person. april was an artist as well, opting to work with soft colors and smooth lines in the form of pencil drawings. they met and bonded in an art class over a group assignment. they eventually linked up and spent several years together before having juno. they waited to have an official marriage cerimony, planning for juno to be the flower kid. they carved him a palisman early, hoping to gift it to him in the years to come. that day never came. unfortunate circumstances led to april's passing the same day juno was born. travis always said, "april showers bring may flowers," when juno asked what happened to them. juno became the last fragment of their heart, the last gift they ever gave. travis took it hard. he never completely moved on for years after they passed and juno felt it every day. for that reason, juno had a bit of a troubled upbringing. travis was as good a dad as the cards dealt to him allowed. he was kind and understanding and patient but he was grieving all the same. to support he and his child, he turned to the emperor's coven and their promise of good money and opportunities. after travis joined the coven, juno saw him less and less. the emperor wanted him too often, needed him for too much behind the scenes. juno was raised half by the beasts they had at home. mostly dog adjacent, or as close as one could get in the boiling isles, they were kept by travis and april as pets and working animals. the two had been in the beastkeeping coven and eventually juno joined the track, which allowed juno to more efficiently communicate with them. as juno got older and became more in touch with his magic, travis showed him how to use portal magic. it took him a long time to get a hand on, but eventually he was able to teleport both with and without the help of a portal. he was one of the few witches around who knew how to use portal magic, let alone use it well. when juno was 12, emperor's coven tryouts were returning to hexside. travis, hoping to help ensure a good, solid future for his son, encouraged juno to try out. juno figured the training his father had given him would give him an upper hand in them and accepted. when he won, he was sworn in to the coven and placed among the novice scouts. inexplicably, it seemed the emperor now needed travis less and less. something about another taking his place. he was moved down a rank, back into the regular scouts. for a while, juno was a regular apprentice in the coven. he trained daily with the rest of his peers and went on occasional missions with them. his usage of portal magic and beastkeeping knowledge got him far and quick. then it happened. a freak accident leading juno to kill another witch. travis tried to console him and tell him he did what he had to do to survive. neither of them could've ever comprehended the storm over the horizon. the emperor calls juno into the throne room one evening. naturally, juno is absolutely mortified and fears he may recieve extreme punishment for what he's done. he's wrong. when the emperor caught wind of the scout who had so effortlessly killed another witch, he knew he had to meet them. to juno's surprise, he wanted to promote him. told him that witches like him are "just what the coven needs." juno, being presented before the very man running the entire boiling isles, the man he and every other witch out there had been raised to obey, the man who could speak to the titan, accepted his offer. perhaps he would've refused if he knew what was next for him. over the following months, juno was trained almost entirely in combat. with magic, without, and combinations of the two. he learned dozens of ways to kill and even more ways to attack. he became desensitized to death and taking lives. the emperor had effectively molded him into the perfect, personal hitman. for four entire years, that's exactly what juno did. he hunted down anyone the emperor told him to and killed them quickly and cleanly. he gained a title, the bronze brute, and a reputation. the boiling isles citizens feared him. he turned into the beast a parent tells their children about to make them behave. he turned into a bad omen. at some point, he'd met the golden guard. for a while, he was juno's superior and commander. eventually, as juno's rank shifted, they slowly became closer to equals. this led to them developing a rivalry of some kind. it was lopsided, with the golden guard seeming to take everything juno was tasked with as a personal attack against his own abilities and competence. juno only ever shot back after the golden guard got on his nerves. it didn't last forever, though. after so many missions together, they had to learn to tolerate one another to stay alive on the tougher ones. slowly their rivalry morphed into an allyship full of banter and teasing. bandage my wounds, and i'll bandage yours. pour salt in them, and i'll pour salt in yours. the friendship was welcomed, but not enough. the things juno was being put through and seeing every day were still sucking away at his mind and his mental health. it peaked one day when juno was tasked with a solo mission to reap fire upon a group of wild witches. it was the moment juno knew he was too far gone. killing several people usually brought him guilt, but this time he didn't feel much at all. after his amount of successful missions, the emperor wished to send him on one of the most important ones out there. capturing the owl lady. the only reason juno wasn't sent after her was because her sister had begged for another chance and sworn she would catch her. they both knew juno would not fail. they both knew the owl lady would've ended up dead. as more time went on, juno and hunter became only closer. they became each other's only confidant, and closest ally. juno was there to listen to hunter's rambles about his interaction with that human girl and one of the first to meet flapjack. he watched as hunter had more and more run-ins with the human and her friends and got an earful of flyer derby and penstagram and all about hexside. he indulged hunter with stories about his own time attending the school when he was just a kid. he was utterly devastated when the news of his disappearance reached him. the emperor turned to juno to task him with hunting down the boy and juno went half insane with it. half from the weight of the emperor's expectations, and half with the anxiety of what could be happening to his friend. that's when he heard about the illusionists soon taking a trip to hexside. he immediately volunteered himself, noting his previous experience with the school and his knowledge of both the building and the student body. something in his gut instinct told him he would find answers there. and off he went, never to return to the coven.

dog person. he was nearly raised by wolves and has a wolf palisman, it's only natural they're his favorite animal. loyal to a fault. his favorite colors are yellow and red. avid painter and artist. would collaborate with his father on art projects. could fill sketchbooks with only drawings of hunter.

always had trouble making and keeping friends. he has a tendency to be dropped by people after they get what they want out of him. terrible at keeping secrets unless he forgets them. can't help but want to please anybody who treats him decently, even if it's disingenuous. tends to isolate himself when he's upset. he will do almost anything to protect himself.

the knowledge that he's feared is one of his own greatest fears. he hates being the boogeyman people tell their kids about to scare them into behaving. he hates how his reputation preceeds him because it pushes people further away than he ever could. he's scared of what he's capable of. he's scared of being hurt and hurting those he's close to and under regular circumstances would hate doing it.

Pub: 10 Apr 2023 20:47 UTC
Edit: 04 Sep 2023 05:05 UTC
Views: 129