United Sprout Socialist Republics

Sunny fell back asleep
Despite his best judgement he decided to visit Sweetheart's castle
He just wanted to make sure that kind of dream was a one off and didn't effect headspace
Sunny made it to the Sprout Mole Village, however a new welcome sign had been planted near the entrance
"Welcome to the Glorious United Sprout Socialist Republic!"
Sunny was confused before remember 6th grade history
Oh no, what did they do while I was gone?

Sunny stepped off of the ladder to see the walls covered in concrete with a group of sprouts digging out the ground with a large industrial drill
Sunny walked up to the group and asked what they were doing
They explained that they are digging new homes for their growing population as decided by the party
He asked about the party, thinking maybe they were just needing more room for guests
The Sprout Moles said that after the Sweetheart gangbang a sprout mole came and told them that they were all seduced by Sweetheart as slaves calling her a parasite sucking the blood of the humble Sprout Mole worker
Sunny asked who told them all that
"Sproutimir Lettuce"
Sunny groaned at the pun his subconscious made
The Sprout moles said they over threw her and wanted to execute her for her crimes, but she and her most loyal followers escaped to the sprout mole colony on Otherworld
Sunny wasn't sure if this was good or not(though he was sure Sweetheart wasn't taking it well)
Sunny decided it was in his best interest to meet with this 'Sproutimir Lettuce' guy and see what he was all about

Sunny made it to Sweetheart's Castle
The bright pink castle had been turned a cement gray with high rise brick apartments being built behind it
All of her banners had been torn down and replaced with red banners with a gold leafs on them
Posters lined the walls of the corridors
One was a very muscle Sprout Mole looking over his back to see many ticks all looking like sweetheart
Another showed a Sprout Mole refusing a glass labeled "Sweetheart Pussy Jelly"
Sunny was sure if he should be concerned, disgusted or confused

Sunny made it to the old theater now labeled "Films of the Sprout Mole's: Free of intervention of the tyrant!"
The film being showed was called "Mole and Parasite"
It was a very crude animation about a sprout mole working in the tofu mines before the tofu he mined gets stolen by Sweetheart
The Sprout Mole then kills Sweetheart with text reading "THE TYRANT STILL LIVES! KILL THE TYRANT AND THE TRAITORS! FINISH THE REVOLUTION!" appearing afterwards
The crowd of Sprout moles then begins to cheer and chant "DEATH TO THE TYRANT!"
Sunny backed away slowly hoping him and his friend's battle with her mean they'll be OK

Sunny checked out the garden
The sweetheart statue had been replaced with statue of three Sprout Moles
One was smaller than the rest and another had a small bow
All of them were muscular with a well defined chin
Sunny thought to himself about how Sprout Moles even reproduce or if they even could
Sunny decided his time would be better spent meeting with their leader instead of thinking about Sprout Mole reproduction

Sunny walked up towards Sweetheart's former room
Dodging a group of Sprout Mole's carrying a steel rod in the process
He saw a long line of Sprout Mole's to his right with a sign saying "TOFU RATIONS!" on top of the stall they were going too
Sunny asked a Sprout Mole why he was waiting in line for Tofu
The Sprout Mole explained he is getting his fair share of Tofu based upon the work he has done in the Tofu Mines
Sunny wanted to ask him why he didn't just eat some of the tofu he mined before seeing the Spout Mole Guards,armed with rifles, standing to each side of the Tofu stand
Sunny scurried off to the elevator

Sunny walked up to the elevator, guarded by two Sprout Mole guards
The Moles asked what business he had with the leader
Sunny stuttered
The Guards pointed their rifles at Sunny yelling at him to state his business
Sunny panicked and let instinct take over
He pulled out a knife and killed them in one shot

Sunny stepped out of the elevator to see Sweetheart's former bedroom
He looked over to see Lettuce writing at his desk
He hummed away going to get some Fruit Juice? from a nearby fridge
He spat out his drink the moment he noticed Sunny
"What the hell are you doing here?!" He said in a thick Russian accent despite no Sprout Mole prior having such accent
Sunny explained that he just wanted to learn about what he did to the Sprout Mole Village
"You wish to learn about our glorious revolution? Very well!"
He sat back down on his chair with a smile on his face
"We overthrew our tyrant named Sweetheart, who horded all we made and forced us to make everything in her image. We replaced this horrid system with one built upon friendship, equality and truth!"
"We follow the teachings of Karl Molx and Friedrich Engels!"
He then pointed towards two paintings
One had a Mole with a large beard the other a human with a beard looking just like one from his text book
Sunny realized his subconscious wasn't as creative as he thought

"In our new glorious socialist state, all are given based upon what they need!"
Sproutimir began speaking with more gusto
"We build not in the image of that pink hag but for the Sprout Moles themselves! For their sake and for their needs!"
As he continued two other Sprout Moles came out from behind a door
One had a large mustache and was smoking a pipe
The other had a smaller stache and goatee
"I am trying to figure out tofu rations in here and I can't hear myself think with you yelling out here!" The one with the large stache exclaimed
"And I'm trying draw up battle plans" The goateed mole added on
Both spoke with the same accent that Sporutimir had
"And here are my two comrades in the revolution! Leon Turnipsky! and Sproseph Jughashvili!"
"Stalin! For the last time Sproutimir it's Sproseph Stalin!"
"You keep pressing me about the name change yet you still haven't gotten the Apartments done! Meanwhile Turnipsky has already begun an assault on Otherworld!"
"We've been trying but it's very difficult to climb the ladder due to a lack of hands"
The three comrades continued bickering until
"General Secretary! Two soldiers of the Sprout Mole's Liberation Army have been killed!"
All three had a face of shock before Sproutimir looked directly at Sunny with intense anger
"You... You learn of our glorious revolution after you kill two of our comrades! I bet you are an agent of that parasitic donut whore!"
Sunny saw a small face of shock upon the soldiers who had entered
He knew a way to get out of this and more
Sunny turned to the moles and reminded them of how much they enjoyed serving sweetheart
The moles looked confused knowing they loved working under her heel
"But she would take all that you made and force you to build ugly statues and paintings in her honor!"
Sunny reminded them that they could always sneak a look up her skirt while following close and couldn't with these three
"He's right" One Sprout mole said stepping forward

"You really think they will all be tempted by your pink succubus! Soldiers arrest this traitor!"
Sunny said he might be able to get Sweetheart to let them lick her feet if they put her back in power
The Sprout Mole's began to drool
"You're right, we still love sweetheart and she may have abused us, thrown us in the dungeon for the slightest slip up, make us all make statues of her, horde our tofu and uhh.."
"But at least she was hot!" Shouted another Sprout Mole
"You're right my fellow Sprout Moles. It's time we overthrow these three and bring back our rightful ruler! The only way we know how!"
The Sprout mole than wiped out his dick
"Oh dear God no" Whispered Sproutimir
The other Sprout Mole's followed suit marching and grabbing the three proletariat heroes
"WAIT STOP PLEASE! I WOULD RATHER YOU JUST EXECUTE US!" Sproutimir yelled as they were being dragged towards the dungeon for the revolutionary gangbang
Sunny smiled knowing everything was soon to be back in order
Though he wasn't sure if he wanted to inform Sweetheart of the feet licking he bargained with

Pub: 12 May 2022 22:30 UTC
Views: 351