Togetic's Fortunate Adventure

By Togetic Anon

Early morning light shines in through the window of the Delibird Deliveries post office, with particles of dust lazily floating through the sunbeam. I'm unable to stifle a groggy yawn as I float over the service counter to grab a package.

(I'll never like getting up early... Okay, assuming this is all organized right, this should be the package I need to deliver-)

Before I can take off, Debby the Delibird grabs the package I'm holding right out of my hands. "Hun, that's the wrong package! This here is the one y'all should be taking, hoot!"

"R-Right, s-s-sorry, ma'am!" I stammer out as I grab the correct box. (Dang it, knew I should've organized everything myself earlier!)

* * *

(Ugh, this is too heavy, I can't fly too high with it... But I should be fine if I just follow the road-) "Ow!"

I bounce off a rather rotund Pangoro. "Oi! Watch where you're flying, pipsqueak!" I barely have time to pick myself off the ground with my delivery in hand before the Pokemon towers over me. "If you need to fly a little higher, why don't I help?" He suddenly grabs me and chucks me into the sky! I tumble through the air while clutching my package for dear life, before I smash into the top of a tree.

* * *

"You expect me to pay for this?! My specially imported quilt from the Mist Continent is now skewered by twigs!" Yells a Pignite.

(Yeah, and so am I.) I try and pull some branches out of my wings. "I-I'm v-very sorry s-sir... D-Delibird D-D-Deliveries understands y-your f-frustrations, and w-we will not r-require p-payment for this d-delivery."

"Hmph! You'll be lucky if I ever use your services again!" The Pignite slams the door in my face with such force, that it creates a blast of wind that blows off some of the leaves that were stuck to me.

"Th-Thank you f-for your p-patronage..."

* * *

(And that's all of the seeds that were ordered organized.) I dust off my hands as I look at my perfectly organized handiwork. Carefully lined crates and cabinets all with distinct labels for their contents lay before me, and I flop back onto a big sack of cotton. (I cut it a bit close organizing the guild's storeroom while between shifts, but at least now I have a few minutes to relax...)

"Hey, Toge," I sit up to see Skiddo, who looks as disinterested as ever.

"O-Oh, wh-what are y-you doing b-back here? W-Weren't you d-delivering a crate to Kecleon?"

"You gave me the wrong crate, it was full of orans instead of orbs," Skiddo says bluntly. "I wrote down the request and gave it to you earlier, did you not read it?"

(Crap! That note was barely legible, but I guess that's what happens when Pokemon like Skiddo try to write without hands. I should've double-checked the order.) "S-Sorry, m-my mistake! I-I'll g-get a n-new crate r-ready right a-away!"

* * *

(Can't believe I still have more shifts to go through after how terrible this day has been... I think accepting a job here was a mistake. I wish Debby would just fire me since I know if I try to quit she'll just guilt me into continuing to work. Dammit, these packages are all out of order again! Gonna have to organize it myself...)

As I perform my God-given right to organize the mess that is this post office, I hear someone call out from across the counter. (Who dares interrupt my divine work?) "O-One m-moment... oh, it's y-you!"

I'm greeted by a familiar face that I haven't seen in a while, Chef Slurpuff, wearing his trademark chef's hat and apron. He has two Machoke bodyguards standing behind him, and for some reason he looks a little frazzled. "You're the same Togetic from the Clover Guild, correct?"

(What's he want me for? I thought Lliam paid him off for all of the damages Beast caused a long while back.) "Y-Yes, sir. H-How m-may I help y-you?"

He lightens up a bit upon hearing my confirmation. "Ah, good! I've been looking for you everywhere. You see, the nomadic Togekiss Clan has been spotted setting up camp in an area close to here. Now, as you know, your species are known for producing the wonderful condime-er... substance, known as Joy Dust," Chef Slurpuff closes his eyes and sniffs the air, and a serene smile overtakes his face.

(... Can he smell my Joy Dust from here?!)

One of the Machokes nudges his shoulder, and he snaps out of his stupor. "Oh, sorry! My old wife always complained about me getting like that whenever she started cooking my favorite pancakes... Anyway, I made a request to the Federation asking if we could attempt establishing a relationship with the Togekiss Clan."

(Huh? What's all of this got to do with me?) "I-I'm s-sorry, I-I don't think I f-follow."

Chef Slurpuff raises an eyebrow. "Have you never heard of the Togekiss Clan? Perhaps it was rude of me to assume you knew because of you being a Togetic yourself. You see, the Togekiss Clan is infamous for being extremely isolationist. If Pokemon that are not a Togepi, Togetic, or a Togekiss attempts to get close to where the clan is, the clan picks up everything and flies away."

"... W-Wait, d-does that m-mean the F-Federation w-wants me to be th-their n-negotiator?!" (Surely there's a Togetic WITHOUT a speech impediment somewhere on the Grass Continent!)

"Naturally," Chef Slurpuff nods. "Being a Clover Guild member, you're the only Togetic under the jurisdiction of the Federation. Togepi from Team Glee is currently out on a long mission on another continent, and by the time they get back the Togekiss Clan might already have relocated. So you're our only option... if you're willing, of course!"

(I can't accept this! If I mess this up, it'll make the Federation despise the guild more than they already do! But wait, on the small chance I don't mess this up, it might increase the guild's reputation... Plus, I can't deny that visiting a Togekiss clan sounds interesting. I haven't seen anyone who's been a mon of my line other than me. Maybe if I don't have to do this quest alone, it might go okay.) "W-Would I h-have to do this m-mission on my o-own?"

"From what I've heard from previous encounters with the clan, they're fine with visitors as long as they're escorted by one of their kind. So you could have some bodyguards come with you to keep you safe, much like my own," the two silent Machokes cross their arms and nod in unison. "... Though, I have heard that if they sense too many negative emotions nearby, they'll fly away no matter what. So you might need to pick who goes with you carefully."

(Welp, they'll probably fly away the moment I get near. But I guess if that happens I can just say I couldn't find them, which at least wouldn't look too bad on the guild.) "... A-Alright, I a-accept the mission."

Chef Slurpuff claps his hands together, his face absolutely beaming. "Perfect! Thank you so much! Here," he reaches into the front pocket of his apron and takes out an envelope. "This is the official paperwork for the mission, it includes the reported location of the clan. I wish you the best of luck, my pancake-er, the Federation is depending on you!"

"Th-Thanks..." I mumble as Chef Slurpuff leaves with his entourage. (I wonder how badly it'll go...)

"What're y'all lookin' so down for, hun? Y'all should be happy y'all get to go on an important mission like that, hoot!"

"O-Oh, Debby!" I turn around to see Debby, with a usual bright smile on her face and an even more usual cigarette in her beak.

"Don't worry yourself none hun, I'm sure y'all will do just fine," she pats my shoulder with one of her flippers, making me feel more relaxed, even if her puffs of smoke make my nose itch. "And before y'all ask, you can have the rest of the day off to complete your mission. Y'all should be quick now, don't know how long those Togekiss will stick around, hoot!"

(I wonder if she just wanted an excuse to let me go for the day so I can't ruin any more deliveries.) "Th-Thanks, m-ma'am," I give Debby a salute before heading off to the guild.

* * *

(If they fly off when they sense negativity, it would be best to get some cheerful guildmembers to add to my party. But who?) I float through the main hall of the guild, sheepishly looking around for anyone who looks like they aren't busy. (Maxi's busy cleaning up a mess Totodile made. Oh, maybe Team Misfits? Nah, they're too degenerate, if I'm scared I'd screw up this mission there's no way they'd succeed. Plus, while Totodile's cheerful, Phanpy and Torchic always seem kinda apathetic. And while Cyndaquil isn't a negative person, I'm sure whatever emotions his aura gives off will have those Togekiss fleeing instantly.)

A familiar Oshawott passes by me and gives me a polite wave as he waddles over to the mess hall. However when he gets close, I suddenly feel a slight wave of malaise. My wings droop and I float down to the floor. (Okay, not bringing Gus. I hope he's getting therapy sessions with Bill to help whatever he's dealing with. Maybe next time I clean his room I should make sure there's no rope in there.)

Cooper the Torchic and Testa the Squirtle from Team Buckler walk by, chatting about a recent expedition they went on. (Team Buckler is competent, and neither one seems overly negative. I want to trust them, but they still make me nervous...)


I turn around to see Smith the Skorupi cornered by Furret and Cassie the Sandshrew. The two of them are each carrying a large stack of cutesy clothes and accessories, and Smith is backed up against a wall, with tiny pink bows on each of his head spikes. His eyes dart around the room, trying to find an escape, but he's been trapped by the predator's pincer maneuver. "Come on Smith, just try on a few more of these! I know you'll just look great in these ribbons!" Cassie says, as she closes in on her prey.

"Yeah, I know you'll look great with this tiara, little buddy!" Furret says as she slithers closer.

Smith's eyes find a potential savior, and lock with mine. His expression screams 'Toge, if you save me here now, I'll be so indebted to you I'll be willing to listen to you tell me the greatness of Team Cozy instead of awkwardly shuffling out of the room every time you start going off about them, and maybe I'll even nod along like I understand what you're saying.'

(Well, I better help him before he becomes a bug snug in a rug made out of accessories.) "U-Uh, s-sorry to b-bother you, b-but I-I have a-a request t-to make of T-Team MLG..."

I see Smith let out a sigh of relief as Furret and Cassie turn around to greet me. "Oh, Toge! How can we help you?" Furret asks happily, as if she wasn't just about to mercilessly torture her partner.

I take out the envelope Chef Slurpuff gave me. "W-Well, uhm... I-I've b-been given a-a special r-request f-from the f-federation to v-visit a roaming Togekiss C-Clan... a-and I w-wanted you t-two to be my b-bodyguards. I-If th-that's alright o-of course! I-I'd understand i-if you're too b-busy..."

"We're not busy at all," Smith says confidently as he walks up next to Furret. "But why pick us specifically?"

"Th-The c-clan will fly a-away if Pokemon th-that are t-too... e-erm... n-negative get close. F-Furret's cheerfulness m-might help in m-making sure w-we can r-reach the c-clan," I explain as I start opening the envelope. Inside is an official briefing on the mission, and a small map with a circle where the clan was spotted. Furret slides next to me to look over my shoulder.

"That isn't too far, we could be back before dinner!" Furret exclaims while clasping her paws together. "And we might still have time to dress up my little buddy, right Cassie?"

Cassie nods with a big smile. "Yep! Good luck with your mission! I'll go dress up Kiyo instead in the meantime!" Cassie adds the stack of clothes Furret is carrying to her own, and walks off carefully balancing her tower of accessories as Smith sighs. I may have afforded him more time, but the horrors awaiting him are still inevitable and inescapable.

"M-Meet me a-at the e-entrance when y-you're ready to l-leave."

* * *

A pleasant breeze blows against me as I fly up above the trees to scout ahead. The wind kicks up for a moment, causing the canopies of the trees to rustle and send leaves flying past me. The sky is bright, with only a few darker rain clouds in the distance. (That's in the reported direction of the clan. Maybe they've already left to avoid the bad weather... or maybe, the bad weather will keep them grounded long enough for us to reach them.) I trace a path with my hand on my map, looking between it and the forested landscape before me.

The stress I was feeling earlier in the day begins to fade, as if the breeze is washing it away. (The sound of the wind blowing through the trees is so soothing. It'd be nice to get out more.) A leaf lands on my map, and I brush it away as a cloud covers the sun, making the scenery's colors more muted. (... But with him still out there...)

"Toge! How's it look from up there?!" I hear Furret yell from the ground below.

I carefully navigate through some tree branches and float down to Smith and Furret. "L-Looks l-like it'll b-be a simple t-trip through the f-forest, th-though we might get r-rained on..."

"I hope we can avoid the rain, I don't want to get my bracelet all wet and muddy!" Furret says while tapping a multicolored beaded bracelet that's around one of her arms.

"Not like you don't have other accessories that look just like it..." Smith comments under his breath.

The three of us continue down the wooded path, with the tree's canopy blocking out more of the sky the farther we go, until only small beams of light pierce through the leafy foliage. The road we're taking is well traveled, and soon we come to a small rest spot with benches made out of logs, and a bulletin board with a map and various types of posters. (We could rest for a bit, but we should keep up our pace-)

Suddenly I hear a low growl, and nearly drop my map in surprise. I spin around while floating to try and find the source of the noise, until I hear it again, and realize the sound is coming from Smith. "Sorry, I haven't eaten since breakfast."

"D-Don't worry, I p-packed some lunches," I place my bag on one of the benches and unwrap some sandwiches, while Smith and Furret look at the nearby bulletin board.

"Look, outlaws..." Furret mumbles as her usual cheerful expression morphs into one of concern. I float on over and hand Furret her sandwich, and hand another to Smith, who grabs it with his tail-pincer. As he struggles to angle his pincer in a way that allows him to eat his sandwich, I turn to take a look at the posters on the board.

(Lets see... Oh look, there's Madam Memory. Still a poster here for that one Smeargle, guess no one bothered to take it down. There's a Machamp and Golbat outlaw duo, and one poster for Prairie Red the Zangoose. Hope we don't run into him. Hey, that Alolan Vulpix looks familiar...)

Furret points to a poster. "Hey, that one looks like you, Toge."

I thought I escaped my past...

My heart stops. (SHIT! Why here?!) "U-Um... a-a-ah... Th-That's g-gotta be a d-different T-Togetic..."

Furret glances between me and the poster a few times. "... It looks pretty similar to you, though."

(Oh god what do I do?! Do I just come clean?! Does Furret already know?!)

Smith, having given up on trying to eat the sandwich with his tail, has dropped it and is now just eating it off the ground. "Couldn't it just be a Togetic from the clan we're going to visit?" Smith says between bites.

(My savior...) "Y-Yeah. C-Could just be one that g-got o-outcast, or something."

Furret seems to accept the explanation, but her eyes still feel like they're sizing me up. "Well, either way, I hope we don't run into any outlaws! We should keep moving!" Furret's usual overly cheerful tone returns, something about it feels slightly forced.

I breathe a sigh of relief and continue leading Team MLG through the forest. I keep a careful eye on my map as the path gets more and more rugged, making sure we don't take a wrong turn. The sounds of our footfalls are joined by the increasing sounds of wind bellowing through the trees and bushes, which is then followed by the pitter-patter of rain as rainclouds envelop the forest in a gloomy shadow. While looking at my map, a sudden voice nearly makes me jump out of my skin.

"Halt. Do not take another step."

(That voice... I remember it!)

My feathers stand on end as I look up and see a Bisharp blocking the path in front of us, with two Pawniards on each side of him. One of the Pawniards carries a bag. All three stand with their arms crossed, and the Bisharp has multiple large bandages wrapped around his chest. (Huh? He didn't have those last time I saw him. Guess I'm not the only one who's clumsy. But why is Team Shogun here?!)

Team Shogun stares us down, and the only sound that pierces the silence is the pitter-patter of raindrops hitting their metallic bodies.

"Are you outlaws?" Furret says, her voice slightly shaking. "Wait, those badges! You're a gold rank team!"

The Bisharp nods. "Correct. We are Team Shogun, here to take in a certain outlaw."

(Oh no.)

Smith tilts his head, confused. "Huh? Do you need us to help you or something? We're in a rush to complete our own mission, so I don't think we can help."

"So, the rumors of the Clover Guild being full of dullards is true. Did you two not see this wanted poster for that Togetic?" The Bisharp points at me, while the two Pawniards step in front of their leader to unroll a familiar poster with my face on it. "Or perhaps the Clover Guild consorts with outlaws?"

Both Smith and Furret turn to stare at me, and all I can do is look down at my feet, watching the raindrops hit the grass.

"Look, he does not even deny it. If you two step aside, I won't take you in for collaborating with an outlaw," I hear the Bisharp take a step forward.

Neither Smith or Furret move to protect me.

(... This is it, then. They're just like Team Buckler. Did I make the wrong choice of team? Or is it my fault for not being truthful with them?)

The sounds of the Bisharp's steps sloshing in the wet, muddy grass gets closer.

(Maybe my mistake was earlier than that.)

I can see the Bisharp's jagged feet come into view.

(He would've saved me here...)

I close my eyes to accept my fate, and...


I hear Furret yell. "Smith?! What are you doing?!"

Opening my eyes, I look up to see Smith standing in front of me, using his tail to block a downward slash from the Bisharp. "I'm not giving up any guildmember without reason. Why do you think Toge's an outlaw?"

"I have already shown you evidence," the Bisharp says, his tone getting more strained as he continues pushing his armblade against Smith's tail. "I do not need to justify myself further. Now we will arrest all of you for defending an outlaw," the Bisharp pulls back to go for another slash, while Smith lunges forward with his tail, slamming the Bisharp right in the chest!

"Smith, stop! They're an exploration team! You can't fight them!" Furret pleads as she tries to run up to Smith, but the two Pawniards jump in her path, making her retreat with a scream!

Smith keeps on the offensive, spinning around to smash his tail into the Bisharp's side, sending him into a tree. The Bisharp crashes into it with a loud CRACK, sending splinters flying. He's able to block Smith's next tail slam with his arms, and he goes for a slash aimed right at Smith's face, which forces Smith to jump backward and ease off his aggression.

The Pawniard with a bag charges at me, but I'm able to dodge by swiftly floating to the side. (Smith can keep the Bisharp busy, and I can safely avoid the Pawniards by just flying around them, but what about Furret?)

I look around for Furret, and see her wrapped around a tree she's trying to climb to avoid the other Pawniard. I quickly rummage through my bag while flying out of range of my attacker, trying to grab a Blast Seed, but my constant dodging makes it impossible to get a grip on one of my items.

The other underling increases the speed of their attacks against me, leaping into the air to slash me with their arms. I keep flying higher and higher to avoid their assault, but then he starts running up and jumping from tree trunk to tree trunk to try and slice me out of the air. (How is he keeping up with me?!)

I shoot myself upwards with a flap of my wings to avoid a slash, only to accidentally fly into the branches above me! The tips of the branches pierce my skin, sending small jolts of pain across my body. I try and struggle free, but I panic and move too forcefully, which causes even more branches to dig into me. (Ow...! Ugh, I'm such an idiot!)

I look down to see the Pawniard that's after me snickering at my predicament before jumping up for another attack. (I can't move, but I have to do something!) I desperately wag my hand around. (C'mon, give me something good!)

I feel something cool form around my feet, and I realize it's water! (Wait, I've seen him use this move countless times!) I quickly angle my feet so they're facing the sky. (To get the most speed, he'd usually kick his feet like... this!) I fire off like a bullet directly toward the forest floor, and blast past the Pawniard before he has a chance to react. To stop myself from having a crash landing, I flip around in the air, then use the power of Aqua Jet to skate around both of the Pawniards while throwing a Blast Seed at each of them. The one with a bag gets knocked out slamming into a tree, while the other goes flying into a bush and disappears.

"What... What the hell are you?!"

The water around my feet dissipates as I turn around to see Smith hurling a series of rocks at the Bisharp. The Bisharp manages to barely dodge the first few, but the last one crashes right against his head, stunning him. Smith instantly follows up the attack by charging forward, ripping a chunk of rock out of the ground with his tail, then jumping into the air and flipping to smash it against his foe. The rock shatters from the impact, surrounding the area with dust.

The Bisharp tries to stand, but Smith doesn't let up, and knocks him out with another pound from his tail.

I slowly float towards Smith, as he reels back his tail for another attack. (... Should I stop Smith? If he gets rid of Team Shogun, then that's one less part of my past I have to worry about. I can keep focusing only on my new life at the guild.)

* * *

"Take that! DIE!"

Dewott slices endlessly at an outlaw-hunting Magmortor with his shells. "This what you monsters deserve!"

"St-Stop, please!"

"Kiddo, you can't keep being so soft! We have to make them fear us!"

"Th-That'd only get u-us more h-heat! They'd s-send even st-stronger teams t-to hunt us d-down!"

"... Yer right. Sorry for almost gettin' carried away again."

"I-It's alright, w-we just have t-to be c-careful to never c-cross that line, b-because then there's n-no going b-back."

* * *

"S-Smith, stop!" I shout as I fly over to try and pull Smith back.

Furret rushes to my side to try and help me. "Smith, come on! He's already knocked out!"

Smith freezes mid-windup, his eyes still burning with the passion of a gladiator. After a few tense moments, he relaxes, and steps back from the unconscious Bisharp. The Bisharp's body is completely battered, while Smith's gotten away with only a few scrapes and bruises. "Sorry, I was just getting into it..."

Furret pets the top of Smith's head. "It's alright little buddy, you were just trying to protect us."

"Y-Yeah. I-If you w-weren't here, th-they probably w-would've a-arrested me..."

Furret shifts her gaze to me, with an untrusting look still in her eyes. "So... you really were an outlaw?"

(No point in hiding it anymore.) I nod, struggling to look at Furret's face. "I-I'm sorry a-about k-keeping it a s-secret. I-I should've been h-honest about it f-from the st-start."

Furret continues her wary look while Smith speaks up. "Don't worry about it, I'm sure whatever you've done in the past isn't as bad as what some guildmembers have done after joining the guild anyway."

(Well... he's not wrong.) "Th-Thanks, Smith."

"... My little buddy is right. I'm sorry for doubting you, Toge." Furret suddenly coils around me and gives me a big hug! I'm caught by surprise, but Furret's grip is gentle enough that I'm not uncomfortable. In fact, the warmth of her fur is extremely soothing, even if most of it is waterlogged and muddy. Her embrace feels like I'm stuffed inside a comfy sleeping bag. "I hope you'll be able to forgive me!"

"I-It's... u-uhhh... a-alright..." I stammer out, trying not to let my tone reveal how much I'm enjoying this. Furret nuzzling the back of my head makes me think she's enjoying it too.

Smith clears his throat, and Furret uncoils and goes back to his side, her usual bright smile once again shining on her face. "So, what are we going to do about them?" Smith says as he points his tail at the two Pawniards who are struggling to stand back up.

The two bow their heads before us in shame before stumbling over to their fallen leader. "L-Let them g-go."

"But won't we get in trouble for beating up an exploration team?" Smith asks, slightly worried.

I shake my head with a smirk. "Y-You saw h-how p-prideful he was. There's n-no way he'd a-admit he lost t-to members o-of the C-Clover Guild."

Smith chuckles. "Yeah, that's something that's gotta be embarrassing to admit," the two Pawniards pick up their leader, and drag his body away, leaving a trail in the mud as they disappear into the forest. "We got off pretty lucky then, huh?"

"Yeah, but you still need to be careful with who you pick fights with, little buddy," Furret lightly scolds Smith. "It's scary to think mean Pokemon like that could reach gold rank. Guess being a registered team doesn't stop a Pokemon from doing bad things."

"It doesn't matter if they're outlaws or high-ranking teams, I'll protect you all the same, Furret," Smith declares, slightly blushing after realizing what he just said.

"Awwwww, you're the best, little buddy!" Furret nuzzles the top of Smith's head, making both of them smile and blush.

(Gotta admit, they're cute. When it comes to romantic pairings, I think Booker and Sneasel have some competition. I shouldn't waste much time thinking about this though, only homos care about romance when the bonds of true friendship matter much more in life. For example-)

Suddenly, an unfamiliar voice breaks me out of my thoughts. "You there! Are you okay?!"

A Togekiss swoops down through a hole in the forest canopy and gracefully lands right in front of us. The Togekiss sizes me up before a confused look forms on their face. "Oh, I thought you were a lost youngster from our tribe. My deepest apologies, I'll be on my way-"

The Togekiss flaps his wings, ready to take off, and it takes me a few seconds to process what just happened and speak. "W-Wait! W-We're a t-team f-f-from th-the federation that w-would l-like to... u-u-uh... e-establish... e-erm... r-relations with y-your clan!"

"Is that so?" The Togekiss inquires curiously. "Well, we always allow any of our kind and their friends to visit us. If you so wish, I could guide you to our clan's chief."

"Thank you so much!" Furret responds. The Togekiss turns around, and lowers himself so all three of us can climb into his back. We leave mud and grass stains on his feathery down, but he doesn't seem to mind.

"Hold on," the Togekiss takes off, and we fly into the skies. Only now I notice the rainclouds have cleared, and the pleasant warmth of the shining sun helps dry off my feathers. Furret looks out over the horizon with glee, while Smith looks like he's holding on for dear life. "I couldn't help but notice you all look rather roughed up. I sensed some Pokemon full of hatred close to where you were, did you have an altercation with them?" asks our guide.

I nod. "Y-Yes, b-but we're f-fine. I-I was a-afraid that fight w-would've made y-you flee."

"Had I gotten there earlier and sensed the emotions of the fight, I might've," answers the Togekiss matter-of-factly. "Our chance meeting was lucky indeed."

(Nice to know I only salvaged this mission through dumb luck.)

We fly over the forest for a while, until the Togekiss turns to fly down to a small clearing.

He lands, and we all step off onto a peaceful meadow full of small flowers. Everywhere there are Togepis and Togetics running and flying around, usually with a Togekiss watching or trailing them, making sure they don't stray too far. They're all playing joyfully, flying and skipping around without a care in the world. Some pick flowers and make necklaces or crowns to put on their fellow clan members, while others nap peacefully under the wings of a Togekiss.

(Wow... I think Team Cozy's bedroom has competition on what's the coziest place in the world.)

Our guide floats towards the middle of the meadow, and we follow. The Togepis and Togetics notice us, and some rush to hide behind some Togekiss, while others just watch us from afar. Furret cheerfully picks up some of the flowers and puts them behind her ears as we walk. It isn't long before we reach an especially large Togekiss wearing a white cape that glitters as it billows in the wind.

Our guide bows before the caped Pokemon. "Chief, this Togetic from the federation requested an audience," not wanting to be disrespectful, all three of us follow the lead of our guide and bow before the Togekiss Chief.

"Hah! Did you trick these kids into thinking they were greeting a king?" the Chief says to his subordinate with a hearty and friendly laugh. "Come on now, there's no need to be so formal. This type of lame stuffiness is exactly why we avoid you federation guys," the Togekiss's regal, posh tone of voice is completely at odds with how casual he is.

(Good to know I've already blundered this negotiation before saying a word...) I straighten myself up and take a deep breath to ease my nerves. "... U-Uh, w-we..." (Oh crap, how am I supposed to start this!? Should I apologize for being too formal? Wait, no, if he doesn't like formality then apologizing might be bad and only make him more mad. Should I just get straight to the Federation's request? But he might get offended if I suggest something like that while offering nothing in return, dammit I should've brought some sort of offering or gift! Okay okay I got it, I'll start with a quick apology then move into a compliment about the clan itself, then get to talking about the Federation's request. Wait, but what if...)

I stammer incoherently as my thoughts go into overdrive, not noticing Smith and Furret whispering behind me. "... Do you think he's broken?" Smith whispers.

"I don't know, little buddy. This reminds me of how Porygon2 acts sometimes."

Smith gives me a light nudge with his tail, trying to fix me, but my brain has bluescreened.

"Am I that intimidating?" jokes the Chief with a slightly concerned voice. "How about we start with talking about where you're from? I've never seen badges like yours before."

"O-Oh, w-we're from th-the C-Clover G-Guild. I-I was th-the only T-Togetic i-in the a-area, so the F-Federation r-requested I-I b-be th-the one t-to... u-uh... n-negotiate," I let out a big sigh as my mind finally gets back on track. (Why did I have to be the one to do this?)

"There we go, that's a start," the Chief says reassuringly. "What does the Federation want with us? We keep to ourselves, and don't do much other than trying to keep our kin safe."

(... That's a good question actually, the letter going over the specifics of the mission only said that the Federation wished to establish relations. Chef Slurpuff mentioned he's the one who requested the idea to the Federation, what would he gain from something like this?) "Th-The Federation s-simply wishes t-to e-establish r-relations with your c-clan. I-I'm afraid I-I don't have a-any more d-details th-than that."

The Chief rolls his eyes. "Typical boring bureaucrats, I remember an Alakazam from the Federation trying to track us down once. Guessing he got tired of us constantly giving him the slip. Anyway, I'm already bored talking about those losers, why don't you tell me your friends here?"

Before I can say anything, Furret steps forward and speaks up. "Me and my little buddy here are Team MLG!"

"It stands for Miracle Lucky Golden," Smith says instinctively, slightly cringing as he's unable to keep a straight face.

The Chief's face lights up. "That's a really awesome name! I've never heard of your guild before, are your other teams as cool as that?"

Realizing this is a chance to build up the guild's reputation, I interject. "W-Well, y-you see, we have the best rescue team ever that goes by the name of Team Cozy..."

Pub: 22 Jan 2025 00:42 UTC
Views: 264