͜ ◟ jelly pro plainazis!! i am israeli. 〻₎∖ i do not care why you support them, i do not support my goverment but i support every single action we have done, i love my country and im not going to fight with you about it. if you support loli ノ proships of any kind. actually problemtic people (no blade, ran doesnt count, shes not actually problemtic you just like making yourself the victim) 𓈀 Anti-recovery 〵 'brag' about your mental illnes ! im on the path of bettering myself. its not 'cool' to have mental illneses, it is not something to be ashmed of but it is something you need to work on, so please, dni if you support / are anti-recovery.. ︶◝ (    ͜ ◟ misogynists   𓈒  racists(unless to arabs💋 no i dont care that itself is racist) . neo nazis ︶  ͜ rcta endogenic ノ non traumagenic person or supporters!! pro-sexwork"over sensetive" people im looking at you blade... ^^ i am only racist towards arabs which i have every right to be, my friend was raped<- at oct 7 and i saw tons of dead body, i suffer from ptsd and i saw the terrorists, any hatered i have towards them comes frim geniune trauma so you have no right telling me what i can and cannot say about them.<- when i get super hyperfixated about something i can talk about t for hours. please tell me if you want me to stop talking about it, i will. do it be passive aggresive about it. ˘ 𓈒

͜ ◟ i am autistic ◞ which means sometimes i do not understand social cues and / or sarcasm, you dont have to use tone tags but if you dont, dont expact me to understand sarcasm or jokes. 𓎟𓎟 i am hypersexual ◞ im currently working on how i act and talk,but if i make any sexual jokes you have my sincere apolgy, i try to lessen my sexual behavior as much as possible!! i am not a 'kins dni' type of person, but there are some kins im sensetive/iffy about. please respect me if i tell you not to talk as much about those spesific kins or not talk to you when you use a tupper or talk about being a kin of them  ﹒◞ thank you for reading !!  if you have any problem with my dni or byi talk to me about it, i am mostly an nderstanding person unkess its about those closest to me!! ͜︶ go back.

Pub: 09 Feb 2023 18:36 UTC
Edit: 19 Jul 2024 18:17 UTC
Views: 188