spiderman XD Arcjec ; he◞ they 、neos / [ 17 ]
IWC ✶﹐fully verbal , , introject :: Syshost
?!? "Up up and away web" + autistic mouseboyNHSpiderman
TAKEN X| X23 transmasc#bisexual

go back nyan cat about me
First and foremost here's our systems collective dni/byi etc
I LOVE Spiderman and My Little Pony so fucking much. Applejacks actually me
To be honest I love all things with superheros or just comics in general they're amazing
( I'm actually on my way to collecting the entire my little pony fim comic series rn )
Drawings pretty fun and music, and then like the occasional video game. (I love Spiderman (ps4) and Little Big planet)
: Typing Quirk :
I put "XD" In front of messages/paragraphs/etc and that's pretty much it
Sometimes I'll drop it depending on the person, but it's a pretty clear indicator of who's fronting if I don't specify
: BYI :
I'm not the brightest person ever but if you get to know me It's likely I'll get more comfortable around you the more we talk. I'm a really sarcastic person but It's usually just jokes, let me know if you need tone tags please I won't hesitate to use them for you. I'm not the best at socializing but it's something I want to improve at. Social anxiety kicks me in the ass so if I don't respond for any reason theres a 50% chance it's that
Also my headmates who post don't sign off or anything for our own privacy. I'm kind of a dry person and some of my headmates aren't, so I promise if we're energetic one time of interacting then dry the next we aren't mad. Probably just switched

Pub: 21 May 2024 17:14 UTC
Edit: 01 Jul 2024 17:06 UTC
Views: 210