Deranged Hololive Kemono fantasies

Reindeer Fauna
2 Meter tall, more meat everywhere. Still a softie
Can top you if you want, but she's visibly scared of hurting you
Does not appreciate Reindeer Milk jokes, despite her breasts being bigger
Eyes change color with season like real reindeers
Small cute fluffy tail she doesnt appreciate you grabbing
"pull my finger!" Antlers fall off

Bluejay Suisei
Lovely Voice, Short stature. Actually a feisty little critter when angry
Cute feather tail in her back. Hates leaving feathers around so YOU have to clean them
Her hats usually obscures her crest, which "springs up" when scared or excited
Terrible bed hair, constantly asks you to take care of it
A cheeky trickster by nature. She loves toying around with you in really innocent ways
Childish. Asks you to feed her. If you mention how this is "Bird Like" you are sleeping in the couch
"Stereotypical? Hah? Me? Oh the great evil starlord of hololive, Hoshimachi Suisei? how dare you....pft..."

Cat Miko (Turkish Angora)
Extremely fluffy and cuddly, only beaten by her utter brattyness. Long fluffy tail YOU are in charge of taking care of
Miko demands affection but also gets moody and wants you to not touch her, just praise her. Its easy to overpower her and just force her to cuddle
Not mean or evil,just bratty. Also really clumsy despite being a cat. Will fall down the stairs and be just fine, although a bit rattled.
Stubborn, but easily bought with food, cuddles or buying her things. This extends to the bedroom
Sometimes will start purring out of nowhere. She never admits to it
Despite all of this, kind of a pervert and is always down for some action
"Nyeeh, move from that spot...That's Miko's napping Spot! Eh...give it up? Dont wanna!....Huh? ICECREAM? YES YOU CAN HAVE IT! IM HAVING ICECREAM WOOO"

Skunk Shiori
Most Active at night, huge fluffy tail.
Unlike her primitive ancestors, she does not "spray", but she can indeed fire off her emergency weapon at will. She has never done this
She constantly brings this up as a joke, a talking point or even unprompted just for fun
If nervous, Anxious or scared, her first instinct is to try and do a small little dance, to try and calm herself but also to "intimidate". Will constantly yell that "she can fire off, yknow!!"
Likes cuddling a lot
There was an accidental discharge once. You had to assure her you still loved her after that and she spent a week moping
"Because like, just because im a skunk i wont spray you...well i can spray you with water if you want that...altough there IS a fetish for you know..the discharge...i know its good money since one time i looked unto it, but it kinda ends up eating away at you...after all you have to produce all of that...Oh yeah you were eating...sorry!"

Fox Marine
HUGE FLUFFY TAIL forbidden to touch in public because it makes sparks fly
Marine's ears are very expressive and is easy to read what's happening. They are pointy and cute
Has big outbursts of energy followed by moments where she lies down and just chills. It is mandatory that you entertain her
Despite her appetite, the one thing she loves more than the act itself is the chase. Sometimes this is literal, as you have to catch her. She also enjoys company a lot
Surprisingly homely despite her "wild" reputation. Great housewife
Doesnt fight back at all when caught. Encourages you to take what's yours
Loves cuddling. Sometimes it gets stuffy as she also uses her tail
"Myaaah~ Are you going to- Oh i see. Ill brew you a cup of tea then...Are you hungry? i can wipe something really quick"

Tiger Kaela
Bigger than YOU
Long tail. and some marks in her hair betray her as a tiger. Aside from that, its her imposing aspect
Despite looking Stoic and intimidating with her sharp teeth, is actually just a big cat. Cute little ears
Loves cuddling and silly stuff. Extremely curious
Might pounce on you if your back is turned(mostly for fun,sometimes for business) and moves around the house in total silence
Despite that, makes a lot of silly sounds when concentrating. Has a very deep purr
Absolutely horrendous sleeping posture when she manages to sleep for longer periods of time
She gets her big dose of (YOU) once a week, then gives you a week to recover.
"Im Guarding you while you sleeb? Huuh...get some help really...Im not doing that"

Snake Kronii
Correct species is a Kobra. She can puff up her chest to make it bigger, but she runs out of breath very soon
Constantly sleeping while is Cold, Chipper and energetic when its warm
She speaks slowly to try and hide her lisp. Its cute when she gets conscious of it
Scales on some parts of her body. Slit pupils
Cute fangs (Can actually fucking kill you due to poison. She has to drain them monthly)
Drains them by biting into an apple or anything that she can hold in her mouth and injecting it all at once. This always looks goofy
"No i cannot unhinge my jaw! why would i?? PLEASSE DONT BRING UP THE BURGER KING AD!"

Jackal Mori
Long Pointy hears, short tail
Tsundere/Irony shtick completely and utterly defeated by her tail. She goes red when people point out its always wagging when you are near
Gets along with other Canine holos (Ame, FWMC, Koyori,etc) but gets extremely clingy and jealous if you smell like them
Smell fetish
A lot of play fighting turns into mating
Can make her "yip" if you scare her

Itachi (Japanese Weasel) Azki
Cute tail that she makes sure remains well groomed
VERY curious and inquisitive. Loves tight spaces like inbetween your arms. Will crawl and force you to cuddle
Feisty in bed, very flexible and prone to chasing you. Lots of biting.
Cant help herself but she's extremely jealous and territorial with you. Will latch onto you or rub herself so you constantly have her scent
She ends up apologising with an embarassed expression.
Fantastic navegation skills
" Do you like this place? Im so Glad! Saw it once in a picture and l just had to drive us here.... To our little spot... Aww cmon dont tease me!"

Gigant Rabbit (Flemish rabbit) Moona
Long floppy Ears. She doesnt mind you playing with them while you cuddle
While she usually keeps her pokerface, if shes mad she will thump her feet (cute)
Cute bunny tail. She minds you playing with it because thats reserved for bed
She doesnt have buckteeth but she does Chew a lot with her mouth.
When anxious, might start chewing
On permanent birth control, otherwise the house would be full
"You really like the ears can touch lower...lower...lower... turn off the lights"

Grizzly Nene
Freakish strenght combined with her clumsiness sometimes makes her a walking tornado. She fears hurting you.
Can and will climb any tree you see. She loves wandering in spring
Doesnt hibernate but she gets mopey. Will constantly pin you with hugs and demand attention
Cute small ears on top of her head. Cute fuzzy tail
She has to put the bear paw gloves to prevent accidents in bed. Forbidden from giving handjobs
You need to stretch before every session and to apply ice after. Mating Is Beary serious business

Red panda Anya
Really sleepy. Likes to nap near you and with you
Cute fuzzy tail that she takes care of, you are forbidden from touching it (TOUCH IT)
Crosses her arms when mad. This is to prevent herself from doing "the red panda" pose, which just makes her really cute
Absolutely no chance of fighting against your whims, so she just lets herself get manhandled
Kinda likes getting manhandled. Will never initiate fun time, but also never says no
doesn't like pats and cheeks fondling, but cant do anything to stop you
she might try, but she has no strength and just looks cute pouting
Surprisingly nimble. Likes climbing on top of your shoulders and being there
Thanks to this, surprisingly capable despite her small stature. huge wife powerlevel (will climb shelves and retrieve stuff to cook if you are sick)
Not a biter, but she digs her nails in your back
"zzzz....huh? hey...put me down....tch...fine, just dont move me too much..."

Emo Emu Mumei
Feather tail only visible when naked. Its pretty small.
Moves around a lot (Because she doesn't like staying put). when asked why just clicks her tongue and rolls her eyes
Long and pretty eyelashes. Runs away if complimented too much (no one can see her red face)
Even if she doesn't like physical activity, she likes walking around. Will take you to cool spots to hang out
Likes to sit down and vibe. Slowly starts getting sleepy
Some days she just bluntly tells you she wants to get some action. Other days its an esoteric puzzle to know if she's down or not
Very well defined legs. Pale skin. Looks great on black lingerie
"Yeah but like...its not the SAME! Fauna can act out all she wants but that shit isnt emo. No im not explaining, you SHOULD know the difference! Dont you love me huh? I guess you dont love me....okay yeah....i get it...i-i..OKAY STOP THAT'S TOO MUCH...YES I WAS FISHING FOR COMPLIMENTS! STOP! THIS IS SO EMBARRASSING!"

Ferret Raden
Just a little guy. Ahem. Just a little Rakugoka. Smug resting face
Doesnt care a lot about her tail and ears, so its up to you to make them look great (and also clean the paint). Raden will just lay there and enjoy your care
Where her head fits, so does her body. She likes jumping out of tight spaces,exploring and photographing them or just messing with you when she has the energy
Really sleepy when she doesnt. Absolutely horrid sleeping posture, but she's very flexible. Flexibility is constantly used in night time activities
Sometimes, when she has insomnia, she moves in silence around the house
While she will not die if she doesnt have sex during mating season, she will lie about "reaching the other side". Extremely feisty and horny
gives off the vibe that she stinks or doesnt wash, but its actually really clean and smells like a delicate soap
:0 when surprised or amazed. Can barely contain her enthusiasm in photography galleries
steals snacks, then acts like she didnt, then when you dont have any more she shares them with you
"The color...the composition...fwaaaaaah this is so goood! This painting technique uses oil paints you know the ones you complain about? Its so good! Come on follow me! We can buy some and paint something for that wall in your office!"

Labrador (Mixed Breed) Ririka
REALLY cute tail and ears. Always happy to see you. While her ears barely move, her tail is super expressive
Loves headpats. Will accidentally knock stuff with her tail if she's too happy
shoves anything you (or her) cooks in her stomach. Both for better or for worse
Very playful and loving. Good stamina, but it doesnt match her libido. Ends up begging for a round even if she can no longer move
Kinda stinky, but concious. Cleans herself well but sweating a bit brings out her natural scent
might or not be really into your scent
If the day is too hot and humid, you might catch her with her tongue hanging. She doesnt like being watched doing it.
no sense of personal space. Just plops in your lap, constantly hugs and kisses you in public. Japanese subtlety annoys her
"You are home! How was work? wanna hear what happened? nee nee let me tell you over dinner, i got some sausages in the fridge! Ahwww cmon let me hug you! i dont mind your smell!"

Indochinese Tiger Bijou
still growing she swears, but she's still small. Her nails do hurt a whole fucking lot. Not as many stripes as Kaela.
Play fights a lot with her and you. Loves being thrown and chasing. Not that good at stalking but she's getting there. You can catch her napping in high places with her tail hanging altough she hasnt mastered how to get down
Surprisingly good at mating
Very cat like. Unlike Kaela, she doesnt purr but she will "pyaaah" if she's just waking up.
seemingly unlimited energy
Still no fangs. Swears she will get them SOON
Likes to roll. Is it her cub playfulness or too much fromsoft games? who knows
cute as a button even if she could technically kill you

Red Ovenbird Flare
Warm colored feathers,she sometimes puts them in your hair as a goof
Likes having everything in order. The second you two started living together she started organizing everything
Hums when happy. Hums a lot when you two are doing things in silence
Whistles a very secret little tune when she's on the mood. She Whistles a lot
Adorable when angry since her feathers ruffle a lot
When it starts raining/she feels anxious she builds a small pillow fort for you two to cuddle and relax
She's VERY territorial, but doesn't like being jealous. This translates into you coming home and a small pillow fort being built on the living room where she sulks
Constantly phones your kids to tell them that if things are tough they can totally come back and live with you two
"Hey im thinking we should re-paint the kid's room...I have some ideas for the patterns too...Hmm? Why? Oh...You might wanna sit down for this"

Akita Inu Iroha
Your approval is like a drug. Likes headpats and rubs so much they might even compete with kisses
Doggy style! Her energy keeps you fit
Clingy and gets visibly bummed out when you tell her you have to do stuff
Jealous to a dangerous extent. Will actually throw hands with what she perceives as a "hussy"
Very accommodating with your male relatives. Might die in the stupidest hills with your female relatives
Doesnt trust people easily, unless you do
Can find you through your scent...which is handy because she gets lost a lot. If you are not there then its a struggle
"Your mother called while you were at work...No i did...well..we might have fought a little-degozaru! She started it! She doesnt see how hard you work!"

Gekko Monarchus Iofi
Cute tail and some colorful scales. She gets really itchy when shedding, and appreciates help
If startled or scared her tail will drop and she'll become a bit weak while it regenerates
If she's distracted,she'll start walking on the walls or upside down. Cute when you are around, but bad for your health when she sleepwalks
Pagi! She loves making some noises and getting your attention that way
If you come back home and the lights are turned off,its your duty to follow the mating calls...before it finds you.
Sometimes she'll let out a "yoshi-like sound" and if you point that out the couch awaits
Can munch on critters but tries not to if you are around. Minty breath since she brushes her teeth after doing so
"Pagi! How was work darling?...Yeah, im here on the back!....Higher, you silly! Heheheh....ill only come down if you promise me a kiss!"

Red Deer Elizabeth
Stags give her a slight boost to her height, but she saws them often since she's mindful
when overworked, she forgets and you can hear a faint "whoops" as they collide with something
Loves a cheeky biscuit. Cute fluffy tail (do not touch outside the bedroom)
While not as big as her overseas relatives, she's really lean and well defined. Still a fat rump
contrary to her usual lovable self, during heats she's extremely jealous and protective
munches on grass. Its funny but teasing her its useless since she will just offer you some
Will lord over your kids with a booming voice. Does not realize she's being really loud

Spotted Hyena Gigi (DA JOKER)
BIG SHARP TEETH. Hair below her hoodie bears resemblance to a mane
Strength of her bite can break bones without issue, but she's very good at controlling it. Otherwise you wouldnt have shoulders
Lot of laughter and screams, specially when she's nervous or scared.
Tail does not wag but its still cute.
Just because she can eat anything, doesn't mean she should. She will eat ANYTHING if its funny or if challenged, but then you have to stay with her for the tummy ache
Surprisingly dominant on the bedroom, and will wrestle you for control and pace. Good luck
"Hey did you know that ancient hyenas had diiiicks? You thin-yeah i know its not a dick! but like, imagine if i.. okay asterisk i stand beside you, hitting a kabedon and i go hello milady im da alp-pf... im da alp-HAHAHAHAHA"

Pub: 15 Mar 2024 19:46 UTC
Edit: 14 Dec 2024 22:00 UTC
Views: 1170