Vitubia Mycological Society

Logo of VMS
Pictured above is the Logo of VMS

Affiliations: /pcg/, Backed by VMS Acquisitions, Babel Interlingual Services Organisation, /mans/ Department of Defense, /meat/ Theocracy, /risu/, /morig/
Culture: Indigenous Syndeoneian
Language(s): Primarily; Common, High Lumian
Religion: Religion of Sol Lumia
Type: Academic Institution
Specification: Mycological Society
Current leader: Professor Tully is standing leader for Syndeoneia. Leader to be decided via institutional electorate once membership is expanded to other regions.
HQ location: Krateia (Small town North of Antiocheia).
Industry: Cultivation, cataloguing and study of fungi (magical and non-magical).
Products: Scholarly journals, fungal remedies and potions.
Subsidiaries/Members: VMS /wg/, VMS Procurement
Wealth Level: 2nd level, access to funding for future locations based on sale of rare fungi-based products and services.

Vitubia Mycological Society Library

Comprehensive Collection updated frequently.


Vitubia Mycological Society was founded in the wake of the Tapinosist as a way for indigenous Syndeoneian foragers to be recognized by the C.I.O. and Dynatoi as a legal entity following the implementation of anti-foraging laws to protect agricultural lands.

Using tribal knowledge of foraging, as well as formal education in the younger generations of Syndeoneians; VMS seeks to catalogue, experiment with and cultivate all types of rare and unique fungi around Vitubia. While acting as a non-profit educational and research institute, members are authorised to use their knowledge of fungi to procure funds for their research independently of VMS.

Institutional Structure

Hierarchy of VMS

The structure as pictured above is a very loose concept, hailing from a tribal background it is comprised of an elected leader who is in charge of most decision making related to the well-being of the organisation and its members.

The three fields of research are as follows:

  1. Mycology - The study of fungi for the purpose of cataloguing species and understanding their relation to the ecosystem, this is primarily of non-magical fungi and has very little to do with human consumption.
  2. Magycology - The study of magical or unique fungi for the purpose of refining these into consumable products for benefit to humans, this field is primarily experimental and makes the most use of labs and equipment as such.
  3. Cultivation/Foraging - The study of botany involving fungi, primarily for the purpose of creating methods by which to produce rare and magical fungi in controlled environments or to amplify their size, yield or magic properties.

Disclaimer: This organisation it in its infancy, this means that it will take a long time for it to develop internal systems to efficiently manage its members, and would benefit from others producing content to bolster its library. If you would like to contribute to the library of knowledge or offer a new location for this org to expand to just post a pippa picture and mention /pcg/ mycology anon in any /vtwbg/ thread, otherwise use [email protected].

Pub: 31 Jul 2022 10:58 UTC
Edit: 04 Aug 2022 05:14 UTC
Views: 492