... you're so close, but yet so far i wonder how you look when you're in the dark zipsunz on twt AUBREY lizzie, sally minor, 1/25 ⋆⍣ sptfy pintrst rblx ... ask for disc. my beloved!! c, s , v, s, j, v, x... usually slow to respondgtkm hoarders.. .. extended 1 2 3

lovemail sou ... ever since i met you, ive always looked up to you as someone who was better than me and extremely talented... especially with how smart you are with writing and drawing, i will always admire you for being so supportive of me for so long, i know that ill always love you and stay by your side <3 i may be difficult at times but youre always patient and always have been, and that makes you the most wonderful person ive ever met... i love you so much and i hope you know that youll always be my favorite and only my favorite<3 i believe that when i talk to you im talking to an angel because of how perfect you can be...ill always think of you that way, and i mean always! and ill always feel like im loved when i know you're there :))

swampy... when i first talked to you, i felt more confidence to express myself and eventually you inspired me to play ponytown a lot more-- along with the others!! id never feel left out when it came to you, and you always made me feel like i had a special place in our friend group(jay, cat, swampy, & me) as well!! i felt as if i could communicate more easily and out of my shell when i was around you, and we always got along so well.. while not having many similar interests except for fnaf. your style is amazing and ive always thought it was ever since i first saw you, and youve always been the nicest to me :), you make me feel like im actually talking to someone who interests in what i say...... im grateful you listen, and i gladly will too :)

vy... also one of the funniest people ive met, even when we had times when we were awkward with each other.. you'd never fail to make me laugh whenever it comes to your horrid ponytown jokes skins and theyre always easy enough to brighten up someones day!! i always wonder where you are sometimes whenever you randomly go absent.. thank you for being such a good friend, you motivate me sometimes, too :) even with how strange you can be... ,,,?

xavier ... aka proud sigma male hazbinnie...(joke.) you're the most funniest person ive ever met through these years, even when i used to dislike you, we still managed to get close to each other and eventually become best friends! we've been through our ups and downs most of the time, but its good to know that we always work it out whenever and eventually understand each other :) i appreciate you so much if you didn't know, and i try my best to tolerate you as much as you tolerate my actions...we always happen to get along in the end, and eventually have good times <3333

eli ... despite all the things youve gone through, im still willing to support you throughtout everything!!! i love handing you advice whenever you ask for it and you're super easy to conversate with!! im so happy that you'd ever come up to speak to me in the first place... ill still have you as one of my special friends along the lines as someone i appreciate a lot for checking in all the time and always being so kind with their compliments! thanks for always letting me talk about my problems, too :D

sasha... you've been my friend for the longest out of anyone, and i'm surprised we'd still manage to get in contact, but i appreciate being you lots despite that! we might not have all the same interests, but we still happen to get along well and talk every once in a while :D i'm so glad that we're still friends at all, and we should talk more when we come across each other

gerard... geerard, gee-way, you're one of my bestest friends!! you're very hilarious to talk to and i love to hang out with you when we get the chance!! i feel comfortable when i speak to you and i feel like i can speak my mind, you're like a confidence boost when it comes to being your friend!! i'm glad we met in the first place : ) i'd be glad to help you out anytime whenever you need assistance!!! p.s.. your skins are awesummm!!

i love u guys equally but ill do this later #SAMLETSBUTSMALLERBUTBIGGER

kel ...

ronnie ...

sram ...

sinclair ...

Pub: 28 Sep 2023 20:34 UTC
Edit: 15 Apr 2024 22:25 UTC
Views: 227