Ten Things You've Learned In Kindergarden That'll Help You With Electric Fireplace Wall Mounted

Electric Fireplace Wall Mounted

Wall-mounted electric fireplaces give a cozy feel to your home or office and they're very safe. electric fireplaces wall mount plug into electrical outlets and a majority of models provide additional heating.

These fireplaces are also less expensive than recessed fireplaces. You can install them yourself or let an expert do it.


Wall mounted electric fireplaces are the best option for those looking to create a cozy and modern feel in their condo, home or office without taking up too much space. They are available in a range of sizes and designs to fit any space, large or small. They can also be customized with different finishes and colors. Many also offer a mesmerizing bed of glowing flames and glowing embers that can create a visually comfortable atmosphere in any space.

These units can add the look and warmth of any room. However they must be installed correctly to ensure safety and maximum performance. To minimize the risk of fire, all materials that can ignite should be kept at a distance of three feet or more away from the unit. The vents where the hot air is blown out must also be open and not blocked. This allows hot air to circulate more efficiently throughout the room, resulting in an efficient heating.

Most wall mounted electric fireplaces include instructions on how to properly install them in a home or workplace. The instructions typically include step-by-step pictures or video clips of the installation process so that individuals can follow them easily. Some require the assistance of a professional to install them in a commercial or residential building, but many are easy to set up.

The most important factor to consider is to select a model that has CSA certification and an automatic shutoff feature in case of a short circuit or overheating. Many models also come with thermostats that control the temperature, so you can choose the temperature you want to set for your business or home.

Another important consideration is to ensure that you shut off the fireplace prior to leaving the home or going to bed. Not only will you save on energy consumption, but you will also prevent electrical problems and fire hazards. Verify that the cord isn't exposed or does not touch anything that could cause fire if it overheats.


Electric fireplace wall mounted are a great option for those looking to add an elegant, functional addition to their living space but don't have the space for an traditional wood or gas fireplace. They're easy to install and typically include the brackets you require to hang them as television or a picture. Ventless, they don't create smoke or create a chimney. You can also control the flames with the remote.

Most of these fireplaces will come with a mantel and different design options, so you can match them to your decor. For instance, you can choose a wood finish to go with the rustic or country style, while black metal fireplaces are great with modern and contemporary designs. Some models are able to be recessed into the wall to create a unique appearance, while others are freestanding and can be positioned anywhere in your home.

You should also think about the amount of the heat that your fireplace can generate. There are models that emit a soothing glow or models that boast up to 1500W heating power. The former is more efficient, which means you will save on electricity bills, while the latter is ideal for zone heating or supplemental heating.

In addition to the flames and ember bed, a lot of models also come with a backlight that can be switched from white to red, or dim. This creates a dramatic and romantic ambience, which is particularly helpful in smaller spaces.

Certain models may even come with built-in thermostats that let you set your desired temperature. The fireplace will automatically adjust its temperature according to the setting. You can also use the heating function without the flames if you want to enjoy the warm atmosphere.

Although it is possible to install a recessed or wall-mounted electric fireplace yourself however, it's generally best to hire an expert to ensure the job is done properly and safely. It could be necessary, depending on the size of your selected model, to build the framework or box to support it. Also make sure that it's secured against the wall. It is also important to measure the area where the fireplace will be installed before purchasing it. This will ensure that you don't purchase a fireplace too big or small.


When you are buying an electric fireplace wall mounted, it is crucial to think about the appearance of the unit. A lot of people choose models that will blend with their decor and design elements and won't make a statement. These models are generally designed to be modern and sleek. They typically have an all-glass or frameless design. Some models also have an refracting media to add visual appeal. When shopping for an electric wall mounted fireplace, be sure to consider the heat output and the effects of flames.

The majority of the time, the flame effects on an electric wall-mounted fire will be very real and worth paying attention to how life-like the flames appear. Certain brands even offer 3D Holograms to enhance the effect. In general better quality flames are more effective. Also, you should be aware of the power output of the fireplace. Certain fireplaces will to provide enough heat for an entire room, whereas others may not.

The best place to buy an electric fireplace wall mount can be found online. Here, you can find all of the necessary information needed to find the one that is perfect for your home. The website will list the various styles and provide detailed descriptions for each. This way, you can ensure that you're getting the best value for your money.

Some homeowners prefer a wall-mounted recessed electric fireplace because it looks more polished and blends with the wall. It is more expensive than the standard model however, it's worth it for those who want to bring a modern touch to their home.

A recessed wall mount electric fireplace can bring warmth and create a focal point in any room. They can heat up to 400 square foot which makes them a fantastic choice for small spaces. They are also easy to set up and are suitable for pets and children. They are also easier to maintain than traditional fireplaces, since they don't produce smoke and don't require any cleaning or sweeping.


Some electric fireplaces, based on the model you select are semi-permanent. They will need to be attached to the wall using an installation bracket or wall screws. Check the instructions that come with your fireplace for the right direction. If you're not confident in drilling into the wall, you might want to employ an electrician to do it.

First, you'll need decide where to install the wall mount fireplace. This is essential as it will ensure that you put the electrical fire in a safe location and that it will fit in your desired room. You will also need an outlet for power close by. It is important to have enough space for you to connect the fireplace without the need for an extension cable. However it shouldn't be close to any flammable items like curtains or furniture.

Once you've decided on a location for the electric fireplace, you will need to prepare the wall. If you're putting it in an drywall wall you'll need cut two 2x6s 1 inch shorter than the wall's height. Then, mark the center point and stud locations on each plate with pencil. Make holes for the mounting bracket. Make sure that they are spaced correctly, according to the instructions for your fireplace.

Some models of wall-mounted electric fires come with templates that show where the holes need to be dug. Mark the wall with the help of a pencil and a spirit-level. Next, you can use the rawl plugs which were included with your fire to insert them into the holes on the wall.

Once the wall-mount fireplace is securely in place then you can hang the front glass. Plug it in, and enjoy! For additional convenience, you can include the remote. Wall-mounted electric fireplaces are a great option to add warmth and style to any room.

Pub: 22 Feb 2024 14:12 UTC
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