Chapter 2: The Genius Scholar and the Devil

: In the end, it was decided that Senju and I would take part in the audition.

: Senju's acting ability needs no introduction. Despite being born in a family of actors, and having no Sense, you can tell she's got the skills for acting.

: Senju showed her passionate performance in "Arabian Nights", she'll surely put on a wonder act for "Faust".

: But, I want to take this lead role. I did make a pledge to the God of Acting to become a Daistar after all.

Tsubomi: Hmm? A call from mum...?

Tsubomi: Hello?

Tsubomi's Mother: Hello, Tsubomi? Sorry for calling suddenly, have you been well?

Tsubomi: Yeah, I've been doing well.

Tsubomi: What's this all of a sudden? ...Did something happen?

Tsubomi's Mother: It's nothing that serious, but your father's gotten a bit a of a cold from the weather, and is back from the hospital.

Tsubomi: ...I see. Well, its good to hear he's back home safe.

Tsubomi: And how about you? Are you doing alright?

Tsubomi's Mother: I'm fine! If you're fine, then I'm fine too. Sorry for this all of a sudden. I just thought that it would worry you if we hid these things from you.

Tsubomi's Mother: Tsubomi, you're also a hard worker, so hopefully you're not hiding anything from us either? We may not always be able to be relied on, but if there's anything, be sure to rely on us.

Tsubomi: It's all right, I'm doing well here. We've just finished our latest play.

Tsubomi's Mother: "ALice in Wonderland" right!? Everyone's watched the livestream. It was really good. One day, we have to go to Tokyo and watch it live.

Tsubomi's Mother: Oh right, while we were watching, your father was like "It would be great if the stream was always focussed on Tsubomi." What the hell is he saying. A doting father until the end!

Tsubomi: Ahaha, that's dad alright. IT makes me glad to hear that.

Tsubomi's Mother:So whats going to happen for the next performance? We'll be delighted if you'll be on screen a lot, and we'll have to tell grandma about it too.

Tsubomi: The next performance...

Tsubomi: The play is a secret for now, but I will take the lead role. So I will definitely be on screen a lot.

Tsubomi's Mother: Eh! Really!? Did you hear that, Tsubomi's going top be the lead role!

Tsubomi: (I went and said it)

Tsubomi's Mother: Fufu, your dad's glad. Alright, rest up. And you watch out for the cold weather too.

Tsubomi: Will do. Thanks.

Tsubomi: Alright, it's getting late. See ya.

Tsubomi: I went and said it... I just wanted to cheer everyone up...

Tsubomi: Nevermind that, I just have to win the audition. I will become a Daistar, so this is nothing.

Tsubomi: And then the GOd of ACting, and my parents will be happy. The prophecy is the same. It's just a matter of making it come true.

Tsubomi: I can do this.

Kamira: Good mornin...

Kamira: ...Wait, senpai?

Tsubomi: Ah, Akiru. Don't you have the day off today?

Kamira: I just came to pick up some stuff I left behind yesterday.

Kamira: What about you? self practice?

Tsubomi: Yeah. We've received the script for the audition, so I thought I would give it a look over.

Kamira: I see... You seem really into this.

Kamira: I don't really know classic plays that well, is "Faust" really that amazing?

Tsubomi: It's said that Goethe spent his entire life writing the play. In the theater world, it's been performed regularly for hundreds of years.

Tsubomi: It's a story where Faust forms a contract with Mephistopheles and is about obtaining all the knowledge and power in the world through the Devil.

Kamira: Wow.

Kamira: Well I guess with what Towa said about it being a famous play, it really isn't a play for us.

Tsubomi: Yeah. But with the script I was given, it's been arranged to be more Denki-like-

Mito: A-a modern school parody!?

Iroha: That's right! Faust, who forms a contract with the devil Mephistopheles is turned into a high school girl!

Mito: Wow... That's quite a drastic change....!

Iroha: I've only received part of the script for the audition, but even with this, I can tell this will be an entertaining play!

Iroha: Of course, I want to play the lead role of Faust but, even if I don't get it, I'll be happy to play any role!

Mito: Yeah. That's true, if its like this, then-

Kamira: If its like this, then this will attract those who like classic theatre as well the Denki fans who like the more unhinged stories...

Tsubomi: And with just that, there's a lot riding on this performance.

Kamira: Crap, this already has me nervous...

Kamira: You're going to take the role of the genius high school girl scholar, Faust, right?

Tsubomi: That's right.

Kamira: Amazing~...

Kamira: I don't mean to come off ass rude, but isn't this type of role quite unusual for you?

Kamira: Like, y'know, you give off the vibe of more of a support role?

Kamira: Like Abdullah, or Alice's sister. Like the "I'll make you look good!" types.

Kamira: But this time, you were like "I wanna play Faust!" and even took the audition, whats with all that?

Tsubomi: Well...

Tsubomi: If I stand out within Denki, the Dark Organisation will shift their attention to me, right? So I'll rise up as the general and surely they will start their attack--

Kamira: Ahaha, so it's about the Organistion huh~!?

Kamira: In any case, I think that I would like to see your Faust.

Kamira: Whether its the Devil, a witch, or even a genius scholar high school girl, it all kinda seems very like you!

Kamira: Well, while I'm here anyways, I'll help you with practice.

Kamira: That is if theres anything I can help with! Oh Faust, what is it you desire~!

Tsubomi: Haha, are you supposed to be Mephistopheles or something?

Kamira: Well, putting that aside, if theres anything you need, make sure you tell me yeah? You just seems like sorta different today.

Kamira: If you've got a plan of action or a ritual thats like "I wanna do this~!", I'll even get up at 5am to do it! Just reach out!

Tsubomi: Yeah, sure. If the opportunity arises.

Tsubomi: Sorta different today, huh?

Tsubomi: Nah, I've always been the same. In class, in plays. The same has always been to put my all into doing my best.

Tsubomi: But... I wonder if theres something a little off.

Tsubomi: If something looks off, and I'm not able to explain that I'm my usual self...

Tsubomi: No no, stop stop! Don't think such negative thoughts, I'm my usual self.

Tsubomi: Hopefully, dad's condition hasn't gotten worse...

Tsubomi: ...

Tsubomi: Still nothing from them, huh.

Pub: 20 May 2024 06:59 UTC
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