Be salaryanon, working for holosweatshop, the number 1 tshirt company (with dental plan included)
life fucking sucks, but hey! you finally showed your stupid whore mom and her new boyfriend calvin who is boss
fuck you calvin you are not my real dad
as you exit the convenience store, smug as fuck after owning calvin in your mind, you almost crash into a girl
long pink hair, black and red school uniform, a lot of piercings in her ears
oh god, its one of those delinquent your chinese cartoons warned you about
''hey man, watch it'' she says, in a deep voice
you utter a half assed apology and exit the store
the cold air of the night passes through your cheap suit, you breath in your hands in an attempt to warn them as you make your way to the parking lot
there, squatting in the ground like some kind of wannabe russians, there are two girls
red and white hair and a darker red one? you are not sure, but their uniforms and piercings just confirm what you suspect
these two are delinquents, like the one inside the store
you start walking up faster, hoping they dont notice you.
let people call you a cuck or a beta male or whatever, you bet your ass one of them has a shank
as you walk trough the streets, you start to feel anxious
like somethings... wrong..
you do a quick look over your shoulder and you have to summon your inner willpower to not squeak
they are following you, those three girls
you panic, and do a sharp turn into an alley
brilliant idea! except somehow this one is a dead end, how strange
as you look around any way to pass over the brick wall, you hear a soft voice
''oi... you anon?'''' you turn around and sure enough, the three girls are there
the horned one, walks to you
''i asked you if you are anon''
''what if i am?'' you squeak out, sadly you dont feel very corageous
the girls share a look among themselves and start approaching you
you back away, frozen in terror, triying to remember one of your old man's teachings before he left with his new taiwanese wife
''ah shit, it seems today that all you see Is violence in movies and sex on TV''
''Dammit dad'' you think, he was always too hungover on those good old-fashioned values on which we used to rely.
The girls are closing in, you close your eyes and raise your hands
''This is yours isnt it?'' says a squeaky voice
You peak one eye, fully expecting them to punch you in the face, but instead you see the smaller girl holding a wallet
your wallet
''you left it in the counter, the guy there asked me to give it back to you'' the pink haired girl says, before stepping closer and grabbing you by the chin
''Jeez you are freezing'' the older girl says, before opening her packpack and putting her scarf around you
the other girl,the horned one, takes your hand
''where do you live mister? we'll walk you there''
''Yeah!'' says the smaller one, taking your other hand ''and well buy you a warm drink in the way there, since you seem to need it!''
you sputter something about vtstreet before they start pulling you, the big one chastizing you for not bringing a sweater
''im donezo'' you think ''im gonna get raped... and all because i didnt pay attention''
as you get dragged you remember the last thing your dad ever said
'' leaving you and your mom, here's twenty, buy yourself a game at gamestop''

Pub: 13 Sep 2022 06:32 UTC
Views: 281