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Xenoidentity/Xenoids - When your identity except gender is described thorough other things like objects, characters, songs, etc. Originally created to be Anti-Xeno because other people thought it was only connected to identity without gender. Some xeno users now reclaim them to describe the identity outside of their gender without saying that xenogenders are invalid.
Vesility/Vesil Identities - - An umbrella term for something that affects many or all aspects of a persons identity. Ex. Voidvesil(where void(s) effect most if not all of your identity)
Hearthic - A way to describe someone’s hearthome. A hearthome is described as “a location, real or otherwise, that a person has a strong emotional connection to, considering it home, despite not having been raised or spending much time there.”
Omninoun - A term for when someone has a connection to a word and uses it in their identification fully or partially.
Interiden - A concept in which inner identity is affected by, influenced by, or can be expressed by external factors. It isn’t related to xenos or xenoids.
Enviren - An identity related to having envy towards something. Ex. An enviren identity relating to having envy towards a character, object, animal, etc.
Xenonatures - Also similar to xenoids but not anti xenos as well. Something you have such a strong connection to it is like part of your nature/identity.
Xeniden - It is similar to xenoids but they are not inherently anti xenos. They are a good alternative to reclaiming xenoids so people know you aren’t anti xeno.
Xenotool - a way of finding your identity, or a temporary identity while you figure your identity out. Ex. Lucididreamer is a xenotool where you lucid dream to figure out your identity
Xenopersona - A way to describe your persona in different than usual ways.
Pub: 23 Sep 2023 23:47 UTC
Edit: 24 Sep 2023 03:23 UTC
Views: 156