monter huner monter huner birds (art by effie)

hai. i loce birdfs

heres some fun facts! (updated occasionally, whenever i discover new things!)

kiwis are the only birds with nostrils at the end of their beaks! this helps them whenever theyre foraging for food on the ground

national bird day is on january 5th (01/05) !

an old nickname for goldcrest birds was "woodcock pilot", this was based off the folktale that goldcrests had ridden within the feathers of migrating woodcocks!

barn owls are the most common type of owl in the world

the oldest blue tit lived up to 21 years old, far exceeding the average 2 year lifespan!

the first domesticated bird was a goose!

groups of owls are sometimes referred to as a "parliament", and are known to be a symbol of wisdom

baltimore orioles can eat at least 17 hairy caterpillars in one minute!

destroying swallow nests is considered an act of bad luck, as swallows themselves are signs of good luck!

did you know that jays love acorns and storing them for winter? if you see one in your garden or neighbourhood, theres most likely a oak tree nearby!

the first documented poisonous bird was the hooded pitohui of papua, new guinea, with its poison hidden within its feathers

Pub: 24 Jul 2023 07:22 UTC
Edit: 02 Oct 2023 04:56 UTC
Views: 2652