dont try and befriend us if you have opposite views or will try to 'change our mind'

WE'RE ANTI ﹕ mspec gays/lesbians, gaybians, radinclus, radexclus, indulgent paraphiles, de-medicalizing paraphiles, MUD "disorders", sourcecalls +supporters, anti recovery, cringe culture, death penality, government, pro-life, system "cores/original alters" / core theory, "alter race" / "alters of color", fakeclaiming, terf, radfem, forced recovery, police, minors in kink, "trans fem/masc/neu alters" in bodys that cant claim that experience, "intersex" alters in dyadic/altersex bodies, "disable bodied/minded alters" in able bodies, facist, nazi, white supremacist, kkk, proud boys, AI "art", police brutality, Blue Lives, ALM, MAP community + its ideals, using closed/POC names/practices/symbols/characters you cant claim, using gifted names in languages the name is not for, unconsentual preaching, using intersex exclusive pronouns in a dyadic body, Columbus Day, using the R slur [ including neurodivergent / disabled people ], all intersex people can be transfemmasc/afab tfem/amab tmasc, Gravity Knife Gays + Long Sword Lesbians, minors who self dx with ASPD, "xenoids arent anti xenogender", Israeli government, pinkwashing, treating ALL little/child alters as children/babies, dont believe the term femboy is a derrogatory term, dont believe hieroglyphs are closed, source dating, believe in "doubles", harassing people for trivial things, serious death threats/doxxing for trivial things

WE'RE PRO ﹕ educated self diagnosis, system integration + fusion + final fusion, pro-recovery, source seperation [introjects, delusions, etc.], otherkin, fictionkin, pro-choice, immigration [+"illegal immigrants"], paraphile recovery, mogai, tucute, furries, xenogenders, neurogenders, neopronouns, tonetags, kink in pride, paraphilic disorder destigmatization + recovery/treatment, riot, shoplifting from megacorps, piracy, left, union, de-fund the police, de-fund the army, medical marijuana, weed, fucking with police, (anarcho) communism, deadnaming Twitter, disorder flags, eat the rich, ACAB/1312, BLM, SAH, satanism + demonolatry, ceasefire + palestine, all humans deserve to live, second chance, rad-PAP/radical people are people,

WE BELIEVE/ARE ﹕ Kff critical/kin critical, anarcho communists, punk, emo, political, assisted suicide isnt immoral, offensive jokes can be funny, all experiences are valid but not all labels are valid (ex. Endos + mspec gay/lesbians)

Edit Report
Pub: 22 Sep 2023 22:13 UTC
Edit: 10 May 2024 20:41 UTC
Views: 3916