🍮DEFiNiTiON ㅤ All of these are me but not in the
irl / da or media form sense , but something deeper in meaning , with
only 1 existence of which I occupied . This experience is mine && mine
only . The true definition is a secret . .

🍮TERMS && USAGE ㅤ Other terminology I may
use instead is . . : vital force , quintessential core - being ,
my flesh && body , the entirety ( of my being ) , core essence ,
beating heart , divine grotesques , writhing shadows , eternal
flesh && vessel . Please do not use any of these terms to
describe your experience except vessel . . these are complex
labels beyond comprehension of the true meaning behind them

🍮DO NOT ㅤ think of these as irls , das or kins
(( these are also not introjects )) , try to reality check me , call me a
double (( soul essences cannot have doubles )) .

🍮DEFiNiTiON ㅤ The simple version of the definition
is me but in the form of a media " character " ! . . But truly , these are
past lives of mine ( that I now use as an image concealing my true self ,
which would be soul essences ! ) that were brought to light with the
help of a creator putting their creativity to use in order to portray the
eldritch goddess before everyones eyes . . for some of my media forms ,
only the appearance remains true to my past life && the personality
has been altered by the creator .

🍮TERMS && USAGE ㅤ Other terminology I may use
instead of media forms . . : embodiment , epitome , incarnation ,
manifestation && fleurs of flesh. I may use " forms " for short . As
for abstractions . . : questioning , possibly (( / pawsquibbly : cat &&
squid pun )) or considering . Another thing I wish to add is please do
not use the terms " media forms " , " fleurs of flesh " && " abstractions "
for your experience as though I created these 2 terms for myself &&
the experiences brought along are mine && mine only .

🍮DO NOT ㅤ think of these as irls or das or kins
(( these are also not introjects )) , think of me as a / your double
(( media forms are higher than an irl && da but lower than a soul
essence , which are the highest && so have no doubles . . )) , reality
check me (( permission won ' t be granted either )) .

🍮EPiSODiCS ㅤ Some forms on this list are episodics
&& the way those forms are ranked is based on how often I am them .
(( For example , stocking anarchy is in the highest rank because I am
stocking more often than not )) .

🍮MiNi EXPLANATiON ㅤ of how I am the sun but
also the goddess of the sun (( this explanation goes the same for the moon
, etc )) ; my body is only 1 . . however I use a clone of me , the sun , that
functions the same way I do , to take my place as I am away . . in a way I
multiply my body , otherwise this would not be possible . While I am away
&& not taking the form of the sun , I take the role of the goddess instead
seeing as though I created this form . This title is put on me due to the
definition mortals created .

🍮EXTRA iNFORMATiON ㅤ most of my self - constructed
forms have a human body due to me being the blueprint for the human
body , minus the organs && such . . && also my inhumanity is affected
by my media forms && vice versa .

🍮DO NOT ㅤ call me a person , human , or
generally any terms that suggest that I am a human . . when the truth is
that I ' m not one .

Pub: 12 Jan 2022 04:47 UTC
Edit: 10 Mar 2023 11:10 UTC
Views: 1157