HAISJJ my name is solar or halo (halo if ur a stranger ) or any other name i hoard bcz im an indecisive dick and i am amineral ;-; SO DONT BE WEIRD OR I WILL DROWTHEN BURN OU anyway so im gonna ramble shit about me while listening to hit song shes homeless remix by creep p sped up because that gets my BOOTAY shaking. I guess i use uhm he/him provers 🤪🤪🤪😜 (i fuckif hate this emoji with my soul) im a tranny and and.. a faggot??!!! I grew a dixk and suck dick?? Anyways if u saw the "esfp 2w3 sang(uine) temp(erament) true neu)tral)" its basiclaly my fucking personality (which i am shocked of it being """optimistic""" but okay dude) so thats what it means y can do ur own research when y can :3 but other than that I FUCKINF LOVE MY BOYFRIEND MEL SO MUCH i wanna kiss him so badly im so glad i confessed to him exactly oftober 1st 2022 5:12PM i would write more but im gonna later in this rentry anyway IF YOU NEED TO VENT IM ALWAYS HERE POOKIE ILL TRY MY HARDEST TO GIVE U SDVICE AND/OR COMFORT YOU ILY ALL /P (r if ur mel ðŸ¤) i love my friends so kuch i love all of uou but i wanna specifically shout out halt even though hes a fuckiny WHORE for not accepting my edating confessions :// like kill yoursel btw my bday is in 16 days huys (06/25)
anyaways just wanna say adhd autistic schizophrenia and hypersexuality (yea im mentally ill) so be patient and my hypersexuality could get out of hand sometimes so just tell me to stop i promise i dont mean to i promise i promis and btw ots appreciated if you dont send horror shit to me in night even if its as early as 8PM kk thz and uhm i have anger issues and could snap on you over dumbass things so dw poaokies ill apologize when im calm and i promise (most) the things i say arent meaningful and i was just being a dick I also usually have like a dumbass mind that makes me think i replt to you AND FUCK THE SONG IS ALMOST OVER anyways but i probabl. Y never sent the message so excuse my retardness oh btw unrelated im asian and arab so im probably ginna be raxist to my own race because FUCK YOU CHINKS (And before someone puts me over their knee and spanks me with cancellation im chinese too so yea i can say chink CHINK CHI) also btw pls dont sexualize me even tho i keep on makin sexual jokes in this rentry and i. Im a microchip like i said so id be appreciated if you dont, and dont sexualize my girlfriend or friends either pls (unless they allow it even if its not my business but im still iffy cuz why u rizzing my princess and snookies bro)
btw i love writing long thinggs. I wrote all this in the span of 2 minutes because i get excitee d and I LOVE WRITING I LOVE DRAWING I LOVE MY HYPERFIXATIONS ERM more on me at this retarded rentry hoard pls click the most recent ones FUN FACT while i was writing this stupid fuck inf (do you know my fav word) mind dump FUCK THE SONGS OVER anyway i accidentally clicked the go button and i screamed and paniced until i copied and pasted it again so if u see a random rentry like that floating erm yoohoo btw im gonna writeore of this later because im a piece of fuc