In the vast nothingness of space, a black hole had suddenly closed in on itself, with all of the particles inside coming together to form a new life.

This lifeform decided to observe not only its universe, but many universes from afar for years and years, resting on the cliffsides of Shiverburn Galaxy alongside others just like itself. It eventually grew bored of watching, and slowly but surely began to make its way down to the earth, eventually crashing right in the middle of the Mushroom Kingdom.

In its purest form, it was a shadow creature, only having purple eyes as a facial feature. However, when it crawled out of the crater that it had left, it near-instantly caught sight of a certain heroic plumber, or so he looked.

The shadow creature, however, did not care about whomever this may be. It instead chose to roam the kingdom on it's own.

The so-called hero did not take kindly to whatever this was ignoring it, and immediately went on the attack. Surprising him, the creature was stronger than he thought it would be. During the fight, it took the form of the demonic man. This made Mario.exe - or "M", see potential in it.

After convincing it to stop fighting, M offered to take it under his wing to help him terrorize the Mushroom Kingdom. Naming him "Impasta", as he was practically M's body double, the two worked together to reach his goals.

Though soon enough, Impasta had started to grow sick of M. He always felt like M thought of him as "lesser" when they should be equal. His growing bitterness also represented itself in Impasta's appearance, as over time, he had changed it to be more distinct from M's form. Most noteably changing his colors and moving his own eyes to a different spot. He didn't want to be just an inferior copy of M.

Things were also becoming strained on M's end as well, as Impasta had frequently disobeyed his demands, sometimes forcing him to commit to things Impasta wouldn't do. This all culminated in an argument between the two, which then spiraled into another fight.

Impasta had grown since their first fight, but unfortunately for him, M was always the more powerful of the two, being able to lay the ground with him as he fully knew what Impasta was capable of.

After Impasta had been defeated, M thought that death would be too merciful. Instead, he had decided to banish Impasta to his own galaxy in another universe, where he would be forced to live out the rest of eternity on his own.

When Impasta came to, he was unable to recognise his surroundings. He explored where he had been sent to, but Mario.exe was still on his mind. He flew up above the planet to try and see if he could find the Mushroom Kingdom again, but he was shocked to see several different planets that previously weren't there. The biggest eight were extremely different than the solar system he had initially observed, each being of a different theming - Grass, Desert, Water, Jungle, Snow, Mountains, Clouds, and Lava.

This made him realize that he had been sent to an entirely different galaxy, and he tried to make his escape to find Mario.exe again. However, M locked him to the galaxy using his powers, and so Impasta could not leave.

He had attempted again and again to break through the barrier, though all of his attempts ended in failure. After his thirty-fifth attempt, Impasta returned to the desert planet and laid dormant for several months, not moving an inch as he let the harsh winds and endless sand consume him.

However, his hope was rekindled when a brigade of toads had landed on the desert planet. When the brigade exited the starshroom, he had appeared from under the sand, donning his Mario disguise. At that very moment, he had decided to rechristen himself as nn, abandoning the Impasta moniker, as he found it to be patronizing.

He introduced himself to the brigade as nn, and told them that they were trespassing unto his galaxy. Suddenly, nn transformed before their eyes, causing the squad to desperately retreat back into the starshroom. They tried to escape, but nn was able to damage the starshroom mid-flight, causing them to crash land onto the grass planet.

nn too landed on the grass planet, and using a trick that he had learned, dug his hands into the ground. Slowly but surely, the entire planet's grass began to wilter, turning it from a vibrant green to a decayed brown. After setting the mood, he hunted down the toads one by one.

Taking the souls of the deceased crew members, he once again made his way to the gate that blocked his escape, and suddenly, the souls he was holding were absorbed. This weakened the barrier a little, and showed what it was truly preventing from leaving.

nn could reach parts of him out, but it was always his stomach that got prevented from leaving. Mario.exe had specifically made the barrier to restrict the most powerful part of him: His stomach. It contained the very black hole that had closed in on itself, sparking his own creation.

This caused nn to theorize of ways to escape from his galaxy. He knew he needed souls, but simply waiting for them to come to him was not an option. He needed something else.

Thinking about how he could reach parts of himself out, nn created three less powerful extensions of his own being, which he called "the soultakers".

First he created The Screecher, which was modelled after the members of the brigade he had killed. He was loud and aggressive, he was made to kill people on the spot by rushing them down, and he could indeed pass through the barrier without being stopped. Being nn's first creation, however, The Screecher wasn't perfect. The most noteable imperfection being his blindness, which made him struggle at his purpose. Thus, nn created another lifeform to assist him.

The Allurer, nn's next creation, was modelled after the flora on the grass planet. She was a more passive creature, which instead of killing people right then and there, guided them to their death. Often, she would bring them to nn's galaxy, or to The Screecher, though she was capable of killing individuals herself. nn still wasn't satisfied, however, so he created a third one.

Lastly, he created The Stalker, whom he had modelled after the stars in the sky. Unlike the pure, unfiltered aggression of The Screecher or the more passive role of The Allurer, The Stalker was refined in his methods. If he had a target, he would be deadset on them unless he was somehow forced to stop. His mere gaze could invoke headaches, paranoia, vomiting, and eye watering, among other symptoms. Once his victims are in a state where they cannot reasonably fight back, he attacks, leaving them as nothing but a mangled corpse.

With the three beings set out to collect souls in order to free nn from his galaxy, it is only a matter of time before he can escape and finally take his revenge on his former mentor.

-Most of nn's thoughts revolve around Mario.exe and getting his revenge on him. He is utterly obssessed with him, he just can't let his hatred go.
-Being a variation of Mario at heart, he often presents souls he collects as if they were something like stars, shine sprites, or moons.
-Most of the time, the soultakers act on their own in spite of being extensions of nn's being, although nn can assume direct control of them.
-He hates the Impasta nickname, as to him, it implies he's nothing more than a worse version of his tutor.
-nn's sight is incredible. When completely focused, he can see things from lightyears away.
-Out of the three soultakers, The Allurer is his favorite, as it often brings victims to him, where he can toy around with them himself.
-"nn" is always to be spelled in lowercase.
-Only a few people know of Impasta's existence, and those who do utterly despise him, wishing for him to be kept at bay.

Pub: 05 Aug 2022 15:09 UTC
Edit: 13 Sep 2022 16:06 UTC
Views: 517