First of all, lets get this out of the way:

  1. The guides themselves deal with chemical explosives. know at least some chemistry before doin anything so you know what the fuck youre doing.
  2. I AM NOT LIABLE FOR ANYTHING YOU DO!! ITS ALL ON YOU!!! dont go cry to mommy that WAHHH, THIS GUY ON THE INTERWEBS TAUGHT ME HOW TO MAKE EXPLOSIIIVES, NOW I LOST MY ARRRRRMMMMM!!!!!!! if you follow ANYTHING here its on you. dont be a dumb fuck. This is educational. ED-U-CA-TION-AL!!! Dont do this at home, kids. And if you DO this at home, its on you .


An explosive is a substance is able to produce an explosion (rapid expansion accompanied with heat, energy, gas and all that shit release, usually. youre not retarded enough not to know that , right?) via fast ass energy release. Got that? Good. Im really dumbing this down so if you want a more indepth look search around in your bookstores. Do notify them that you dont plan to actually do anything if they ask though . If you get detained dont answer shit, plead either the fifth or whatever equivalent of the silence right you have in your country. Always get a lawyer with you if you decide to talk, and in general get one.


CHEMICAL!! - the usual stuff that you probably think of when the word "explosive" is said. Think TATP, TNT, HMX.. All that shit. Exploded HOW? Right . With a reaction! Good JOB! There are two main processes: deflagration and detonation, well call em deflag and deto for short. Well talk about them more later, but deflag is subsonic, and deto is supersonic. TLDR deflag UNDER speed of sound, deto OVER speed of sound. Case closed. Under and over here as in slower and faster. There also are deflag to detos. You can guess what that does .

NUCLEAR!! - You know it. Hydrogen bombs, for example . These come from NUCLEAR reaction . It's not a chemical one like in a chemical explosion (the difference is how and where it happens, in nuclear reactions there are changes to the nucleus itself, blah blah.. LEARN THIS SHIT OUTSIDE!! THIS IS ABOUT EXPLOSIVES!! YOU SHOULD KNOW THIS BEFORE YOU COME HERE!!). There are two used: fission and fusion. Currently , a pure fusion bomb is hypothetical, and in practice , there are fission-based ones and fission - to - fusion ones.

MECHANICAL!! - rare, not often used, not worth talking about . Usually involve gasses at high pressure.

That was by type of function, but there are other categories, such as:
Primary/Secondary/Tetriary. That is by how SENSITIVE they are. Primary explosives are sensitive as FUUUUCK, so theyre nasty to handle and all that shit. Theyre used in stuff like detonators. Secondary explosives are quite less sensitive, often requiring a smaller amount of a primary explosive to start. See TNT. Tetriary explosives are SO fucking insensitive that they usually need a primary AND secondary explosive to even blow (they need a booster because the primary explosive cant do the thing by itself) .

High/Low. So remember when i said ill explain deflag&deto later? The future is now, BABY! High explosives are the ones that detonate. Basically what happens is that supersonic shockwaves pass through the material , and the whole thing happens very rapidly. Typically theyre the ones categorised by sensitivity (see above) . Used in most things that you think when you hear "explosive". Low explosives explode via deflagration instead , when it combusts at speeds lower than speed of sound, with a premixed (whats that mean? not telling you. Read yourself. YOU DONT NEEDTHAT SHIT ANYWAY!!) flame going through it. Theyre usually propellants (so they get a thurst kinda motion to happen.) . I wont be explaining the physics behind this shit more than that and ideally i shoudlnt have to explain this either. The guide kinda assumes you already know this . But if some 5 grader decides to check this stuff, this is for them.

There are some other categories but i figured they dont matter as much . If you wanna know stuff like how to differentiate by form be my guest , but i assume youre here to make stuff, not to go elbow-deep into nerd shit . If you come to me specifically I might explain all this stuff in greater detail. But this is general , and WERE DEVIATING TOO MUCH !!!!

Now that we know this, lets get the markdown for the guides before i start & some credits too.
Name for high explosives, name for low ones. Name for primary, Name for secondary, Name for tetriary. Thats about it . All safety precautions will be written within the guide for a gives substance . Please give particular care to storing this stuff if you decide to do it, you dont want your room to be blown apart along with you one day.
SPECIAL THANKS TO THE DUDES WHO WROTE STUFF FOR PALADIN PRESS!! Most of material is taken from there and reworded to be more easily understood. AND THANKS TO THE OTHER DUDES WHO WROTE SEPARATELY !! YOU TOO!!! AND THANKS FOR THE GIFT OF FUCKING AROUND AND FINDING OUT!!!!!! All sources for info on a substance will be under the guide for it. Finally ,
THANK YOU!!!!! FOR . reading? Honestly i should be thanking myself here. But thanks to you too anyway, you wont get this time back.

Pub: 23 Aug 2023 12:31 UTC
Edit: 03 Sep 2023 11:10 UTC
Views: 80