haruka. i dont wanna try on this :( SO! IM NOT!


basic dni, proship/comship/darkship wtv ur name is, doesn't respect basic boundaries, against rarepairs or m/f ships, anti-neopronoun/xenogender/fictionkin, srsly hate any of my comfort chars, dream fans/supporters, zionist, allistic (not autistic) and use autism specific terms (semi/nonverbal, special interest, ect), nb (non-black not non-binary) and use aave incorrectly, galladay/renheng shippers (unless u don't post abt it/current moots), Think you like Pest or Rody Soul more then me (please block me ESPECIALLY with rody soul/srs.)


I follow my hcs most the time so i will refer to chars w/ the prns i hc them to use, I sometimes need tone tags, I am horrible w/ sarcasm, Im uncomfortable w/ srs slander of my comfort chars, I HATE RENHENG AND GALLADAY, I like selfcest ships but I don't post about them often on main, Rody Soul and Pest mean the world 2 me and I am their #1 fan not you, I am a huge multi/rarepair shipper, I experience little to no empathy for anyone.

thats it :P
Go back?

Pub: 23 Mar 2024 01:38 UTC
Edit: 29 May 2024 01:38 UTC
Views: 267