Sorry for ranting about dvc in an ii url

its canon ok now stream captivated

i also have /ii im #1 ii fan guys
main + more information

me irl stupid intersex faggot i h8 them

hey hi i go by isabel isaiah or reagan but generally you can call me anything listed here cause fuck having less than 2 names i use profanity online but never irl cause i'm not str8 𝐔𝐏 saying it lol i suffer from several disorders that interfiere wit h my behaviour such as schizophrenia hypersexuality and avpd i go by they/them, he/him, xe/xer or literally any pronouns excluding fem ones um idk it dosnt feel right
more at /spraypaint hi idk ig this is a more detailed intro for me?? not rlly./ umm hi hi

on every1s SOUL the dvc4 intro is fire

captivated is such a good song im glad lynda was intersexphobic to isabel and homophobic to richard otherwise this wouldn't have been cre8ted leik dont get me wrong on my way is alright i just prefer captivateed more

[Logan]: Light arises, shakes the night
Creations moving
Can you feel it all around you now?
Whole world of wonder, oh-oh, oh-oh

[Isabel]: A fascination set into motion
A swell of grace immersed in love
The only place where that surrounds you loses control

[Logan & Richard]: I'm captivated by another dimension
I've never felt this way before

[Isabel & Logan]: I'm captivated by a love never ending
This is worth fighting for

[Isabel]: My soul's awakened
E-e-energy, I can't contain it Life has been invigorated in...

[Isabel & Richard]: Total surrender, oh, oh, o-oh!

oh.... my yturi.......

i gen thought they were gonna kiss at this part

like there's so much tension

oh yeah also me irl as well she's so unbothered i really like emily i started eating carrots more because of emily (DA BOYZZZ 🥶🥶 gc can confirm...) infact im srsly eating a carrot rn am sooo her

YESS w elove a pansexual queenie

. MY BABBEI :sob: :sob: :sob:

you knoww back when the dvc4 cast was revealed i HEAVILY shipped amelie x isabel, but their first- and only- (somewhat onesided) interaction was amelie encouraging hannah to beat isabel to a pulp in a challenge. i'm not over the fact that if it wasnt 4 sp*ncer we could've ACTUALLY gotten an amelisabel interaction. but no sspencer just HADDDDD to nominate jade. FUCK U S PENCER

you know what i really dont like, is when people (specifically ANTIS) ship hamelie. Don't get me worng, " hey ur profic u would liek that wiuldnt u! " i mean. yeah but i still have the right to think it's lowkey weird as fuck, judging by the major age gap and the fact hannah's not even reached her 20s yet still freshly an adult all the while amelie has a full on business in her mid thirites, is a bit weird yo u know?? especially with the fact that hannah's admitted herself she viewed amelie as a mother figure/amelie reminded her of her mom wh

imo anarissa was forced, don't attack me i really am myself an anastasia x marissa enthusiast, but it was really obvious they were bound 2 become canon,,,, Not even like 7 episodesin and theyre already making out sloppy style

i love how im ranting about disventure camp in an ii url

she was so fruity in this greeting im sorru.

hi guys dont piss off a music writer cos then ill write corny ass shit about u like "maybe im cursed, maybe im blind, maybe i just love the taste of your bite. tear me apart, drink me dry, ill still crawl back for one last TIME💜"

hi i guess u guys get sneak peeks of my songs

breath. Right outside the door, Hortensia stopped. "I just want to talk to Matilda for a bit." She explained and Ms Honey nodded and went in. Hortensia crouched in front of Matilda. "You know my father's in there, right?" She asked. Matilda nodded. "I need you to promise me something." Hortensia told her. Matilda tilted her head in confusion. "Don't listen to anything he says. He's going to try to make you feel worthless. And you aren't. Promise?" Hortensia held out her hand and Matilda shook it, smiling. "Pleasure doing business with you." Matilda laughed. Then her smile fell. Hortensia noticed. "What? What's wrong?" Her voice had a layer of concern in it. "Tensia? I don't want you to listen to him either."



“Uh💜-huh💜,” Miss💜 Rodgers💜 said💜, “Just💜 like💜 you💜 have💜 no💜 idea💜 how💜 those💜 scratches💜 ended💜 up💜 all💜 over💜 your💜 arms💜 and💜 tufts💜 of💜 black💜 fur💜 were💜 found💜 in💜 your💜 backpack💜? Let’s💜 not💜 forget💜 about💜 the💜 cat💜 treats💜 in💜 your💜 POCKET💜”

Hortensia💜 waved💜 her💜 hand💜 dismissively💜. “All💜 a💜 big💜 coincidence💜! Trunchbull’s💜 got💜 it💜 out💜 for💜 me💜! Every💜 time💜 something💜 happens💜, she💜 just💜 assumes💜 it’s💜 ME💜”

^ that fic was ... so interesting .! i h8ted it i was only reading it for the hortênsia

BRO i'm giggling at this
dude i love how there's so many CANON scenes where isabel accidentally uses profanity and corrects herself PLZ #fakenun.../ij

Pub: 28 Feb 2022 22:19 UTC
Edit: 05 Mar 2025 14:23 UTC
Views: 1213
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