impulsive, (kind of) sensitive, VERY bad memory, i overreact smoetimes, rants abt interests a lot, uses :3, :(, :/, xd ironically, kinda nsfw jokes, i am hypersexual lmk if ur uncomfu w nsfw stuff, says "k" "Ok" as a joke, i dont use tonetags often, but if i say anything mean i am joking, unless i say otherwise, i hyperfixate very very often, kinda impatient, if u dont reply to me within a couple days ill send u followup messages always, fictionkins which i bring up a lot, slightly bad at social situations but a rly big extrovert.... idk hwo to reply to some things so. ok thx!!!!


Pub: 30 Mar 2023 07:05 UTC
Edit: 28 May 2023 20:44 UTC
Views: 330