
/meat/ cultists are masters of infusing chuubanite with body parts, especially that of humans. While this is commonly used to produce tools and armours of superior quality, it is also used by healers to mend wounds that would otherwise take months, if not years to heal. The process is not instantaneous, and combined with its use of valuable chuubanite and ritually suitable flesh, this ritual is usually reserved for veteran warriors, esteemed priests, or those blessed by Mai.

Mai's blessing

A small amount of /meat/ population is born with something commonly called Mai's blessing. Named after one of the /meat/ goddesses, those blessed with this peculiar gift are capable of surviving grievous injuries that would have been instantly fatal to normal human beings. When properly cared for, these gifted individuals can eventually recover from being little more than gory carcass back to full health. However, these blessed beings are not truly immortal, and complete destruction of their bodies will still kill them.
Mai's blessing is a very valuable asset for the /meat/ cult, especially when combined with fleshgrafting that can significantly reduce the amount it takes for the blessed ones to recover from crippling injuries. Those born with Mai's blessing are often soon scouted by the cult and inducted into its training program, where their body and mind will be pushed to their absolute limit. Those who are deemed unfit will serve as long-term providers of human flesh. Those who passed the test will be recruited into /meat/'s professional army. Further trained as some of the finest soldiers and warriors of the land, they form the backbone of /meat/'s small elite troops. Combined with rigorous training and the use of drugs, their combat prowess is enhanced by tenacity, and their blessing grants them a significant survival rate as long as their body can be recovered and healed in a timely manner.

Pub: 01 Mar 2022 16:34 UTC
Views: 206