Lina's Capture

10:15] The child was found simply tending to the hedges and sweeping the floor near the castle proper, when the admission of the merchant provokes a breath of disbelief.

Already, pressured eyes flick back towards Lina.

"Those who make covenants with demons… tear at the whole tapestry of mankind," Virtu retorts, reciting verse.
(Virtu Equisol)

[10:17] Once again, bringing his gaze between both Angelo and Lina.

"Well since there's suspicions and what not. It's been decided to take them into custody for question, it's then to be determined if they're a witch or not.."

A pace forward, calling upon his blade in hand as it spews from the heavens. Nicely held within callused palms. As those who knew of the blade already, they knew of its strength. And for those who's yet to bear witness shall heed soon enough.

"Allow yourself to be within shackles or may you make a feeble attempt to fight your way out. It will prove pointless, I do say."

The blade is aimed directly at them. Obviously the man held little remorse, nor did he hold the patience he use to.
(Elvyn Olbrante)

[10:18] Phoenix Altan says, "If I may... Add my input."
[10:24] a few brief blinks of lina's dull eyes have signaled how baffled and caught by surprise she was by the proposition of arrest. after a few moments of silence she'd adjust her robes.

"I came here looking for some crystals but im definitely not buying any of THAT..." she'd say accompanied by a snap of her fingers.

"honestly im baffled how long my youngen mistakes linger around... oh hey phoenix, long time no see, as you see, I've no time to catch up right now as... I will be taking my leave, write me sometime, aaanyways…" with no further words spoken she'd try and calmly walk away
(Lina Weaver)

[10:38] Elaria Aubreen approaches the gathering of magi out of curiosity.
(Elaria Aubreen)

[10:39] His eyes remained on the Weaver, never once blinking. Their words fell to deaf ears as they're to ramble about nonsense. Although an answer chosen for them as they'd attempt to depart.

The sword thrums in a soft melody as mana pulsates through the weapon. Temperature gradually decreasing by the second as the sharp edges of the blade frosts.

Swift movement of the blade caused the earth to rumble as ice burgeon in front of Lina; creating a decently sized wall that's to surround their person.

"I don't think you understand, this isn't anything you're to walk away from. As suspicions are held, then we're to find an answer."

And as the wall fully forms, he attempts to place them in a binding.
(Elvyn Olbrante)

[10:40] Despite her own stated lack of personal interest, the Queen-in-mourning still moves to support the Elzara Commander, should this become a larger ordeal.
(Aemiliya Alinteau)

[10:41] Elaria steps up to Gallade's side instead of standing behind him. A statement without words. But if there was trouble, here in the market, especially right next to her shop, involving her friends and family, Elaria wasn't going to shy away!

No, the tiny red head steps up to her friend's side and prepared herself to fight, if she had to.
(Elaria Aubreen)

[10:41] Alhena Avincus watched from a distance with folded hands.
(Alhena Avincus)

[10:45] The way how Lina would casually use the priestess's name would draw a glare out from the woman. "It's as Mr Elvyn says... You really do not understand the situation you are in."

Her haze then would shift to Adrian and Angelo before coming to rest onto Lina once more. "You have been accused of associating with my brother, Ramie Altan who is wanted by the city of Aphros. You have assaulted myself as well as other's in past year's and have been seen in the vicinity of Demon's."

The glare only intensified now as she resisted the urge to reach up to her back for the hilt of her blade. Though she knew deep down that was not the way to handle such things, there were question's that first needed to be answered and crimes to atone for.

"You shall be held and tried for the crimes stated, should you resist it will only lead to more complications for you... Angelo.. Adrian.. Collar her."

The girl hating the very sound of the words being used. With Elvyn already attempting to cut off her escape she was confident that the woman would be dealt with rather quickly.
(Phoenix Altan)

[10:49] A glance paid in the direction of Phoenix as their input was noted. Just means the decision made has proven righteous after all.
(Elvyn Olbrante)

[10:50] Desiring to return to her duties, and unpunished for her naïveté, Virtu soon silences her tongue and returns to the castle.
(Virtu Equisol)

[10:54] halted by a freezing cold and razor sharp wall of ice the ashen haired lass stopped in her step, giving elvyn an annoyed look.

"this is rather... unpleasant, I really don't want to do this but I can feel you're about to force me to..." her attention was then caught by phoenix's words.

"oh he is? yes I remember rammie, rather talented boy, although he is a bit too eager and undecisive at the same time, an odd combination I never encountered before him." she'd explain, turning her back towards the wall cutting her path of flight.

"the past years? you mean when we were kids? I've been doing my outmost to do good on my deeds from the past in the past recent years. you could've came when I offered you and we could have made a splendid little family. you must miss your brother, you know... I could probably get him for you, however that goes out the window the moment im to spend more time in thisinhospitable city..." she'd explain, gesturing around with her hands before tucking them away into her pocket.

no signs of aggression were shown but the young magi was ready to defend herself if she needed to
(Lina Weaver)

[10:54] Forest-green eyes stares upon Lina. "Looks like my assumptions was correct about you, Lina. You was most likely going to try to poison me with that drink." Adrian said, resting his palm upon the hilt of his katana.

"Alas, orders are orders, there is nothing much I can do there. You dug yourself into this mess by walking into a territory that wants you dead."

A cerulean robust aura bursts forth, rippling around Sun-Broxley's frame, empowering him to break his mortal limits. Adrian's grip tightens around the hilt of his weapon, drawing the whistling blade with haste, ready for battle in order to apprehend Lina where she stands.

"I hope you're ready for round two of our meeting."

The swordsman wastes little time, dashing forward towards Weaver, ready to initiate battle with the woman.
(Adrian Sun-Broxley)

[10:56] Laurence Hemwick asks, "So, do you like it in Aphros, Mom?"
[10:57] Laurence Hemwick exclaims, "It's a nice town!"
[10:57] Phoenix Altan says, "You misunderstand Lina."
[10:57] Phoenix Altan says, "If Ramie's crimes are indeed true."
[10:57] Phoenix Altan says, "He will be punished for them in Athelios's name."
[10:57] Phoenix Altan says, "Just as you shall be."
[10:58] Phoenix Altan says, "My brother is dead to me."
[10:59] Scytha Hemwick hops up in her mothers lap
(Scytha Hemwick)

[10:59] Laurence Hemwick exclaims, "Hi sister!"
[11:01] Laurence Hemwick asks, "What's new?"
[11:02] Laurence Hemwick nods
(Laurence Hemwick)

[11:05] There wasn't anything for him to say in the mean time. Those who's encountered her plenty spoken up. And it's then the blade drawn back and the wall of ice stood proud until the burst of magics coming from Adrian spewed forward.

The blade of hope brought itself to prompt in front of him with both hands resting on the pommel.

He watched, observed for now. Have Adrian failed the task of captive then he himself would bring himself onto the field. Nevertheless he held faith in the son of Andriel.

(Elvyn Olbrante)

[11:08] Ryobu says, "..."
[11:09] Ryobu grabs the walking bush and runs off with it.

[11:16] Wichilo gulped.

[11:17] Elaria Aubreen says, "Mm.."
[11:23] Angelo Corbin nods towards Adrian, he wanders off.
(Angelo Corbin)

[11:31] Energy waves collides like a raging tsunami against the waves of blood prowess throughout the bloody battlefield!

Forest-green eyes ignite with determination, glaring at Lina, knowing she was a challenge. Adrian was quick on agile on his feet; his body warming up the engine to combat against the challenging woman. "Seems like you're quite a challenge as usual." Adrian grinds his teeth, dropping on a knee from the pressure, causing him to lose his balance early on in the fight.

"I will not beg for their help this time, it'll be my own strength that apprehends you, woman." Adrian said, recalling his plead to his mother and father's strength, during his initial bout with Lina.

The swordsman finds himself back on his two feet, gripping the hilt of his katana, choking the life out of it, preparing to put his life on the line.

From here on out, the felinae's pure natural instinct to survive would emerge the surface!

Adrian begins to sprint around the field, evading Lina's stunning projectiles to the best of his abilities, swinging his arm as he courses the whistling blade against her sturdy frame, creating fresh wounds as he punished her mistakes on the field.

Blow for blow.

Wound for wound.

Blood splatters all over the field, staining it, drowning it in the stench of metal. A ultimately attack catches Weaver off guard, lashing her with a metal whip as a robust, massive energy beam crashes into the woman, launching her back into the forest as he crashes through tree from tree.

"The job is done, Phoenix." Adrian said, looking over towards his cousin.

The swordsman begins to march towards the defeated woman, picking her up and tossing her up over his shoulder, bringing her back to be collared and tossed into jail for the time being.

(Adrian Sun-Broxley)

[11:40] Phoenix Altan asks, "El, can you make a collar?"
[11:42] as unwillingly as she was the hemomancer has swiftly reached for her almanac resting idly on her belt by a chain, she'd make it levitate in front of herself whilst chanting in a low, muffled tone.

she has knew just what the broxley is capable of but her heart wasn't truly in the battle, she wished this all were to be avoided but as the tension rose she has soon found out that is impossible in the given situation.

gaining a good wind at the start of their bout she managed to knock Adrian off balance, seemingly holding back as to not cause too severe harm, however that just given Adrian more and more reason to fight fiercely against her.

"why'd you make me do this?" she'd ask when she's gotten the opportunity to when Adrian's blade seemingly got stuck between two enlarged and warped ribs, however she could not keep the spell up for long and she was caught off guard when the broxley let go of the blade and whipped her with rigid cold metal, just to send a burst of highly concentrated energy at her, nailing her right in her stomach and sending her flying by the bystander's feet.

she could only conjure enough strength to slowly stand up, her hand never leaving her stomach wich was riddled by an intense burning sensation.

"why do I always strike out with the lads this bad...?" she sort of just mumbled under her breath, almost as if she was thinking out loud
(Lina Weaver)

[11:50] Wichilo wondered why someone would use a shovel to fight.. it made no sense to him.. shovels aren't a proper weapon.. not when faced with a sword..

[11:52] With the defeat of the biomancer a soft nod was given to her self appointed knight. "Good work cousin, remove her gear for now while I fetch a restraint."

The woman quickly floating off and then to return soon with the coin to buy one from the local stall. Upon her return she would address Lina more personally.

"Your crimes shall be brought forth to the Pointface as well as the Oracle and you shall be held on trial."

The hands of the priestess coming to move around the girl's neck as she clicked the collar into place. "As a show of mercy you shall be permitted to walk the market district unless stated otherwise of those in higher ranking of Aphros, any attempt at escape or causing of trouble for the city's people will only add to your crimes."

A nod given to Adrian signaling for them to remove any weapon's and armor from them in order to not allow the aide in her escape should she try.
(Phoenix Altan)

[11:53] Adrian sets the woman down, searching her and removing her weapons and means of escaping for the time meaning.
(Adrian Sun-Broxley)

[11:54] A nod is offered toward her big sister. "Ye-Yeah." The fight was intense. Not the most intense she had seen so far. But it was up there. "I'll be right back!" The tiny red head turns and darts away.
(Elaria Aubreen)

[11:55] Elaria Aubreen returns as promised with the collar and remote.
(Elaria Aubreen)

[11:55] {Item} You picked up Restraint Remote (ID: 275). Dropped by Elaria Aubreen..
[11:55] {Item} You picked up Anti-Magic Restraint (ID: 275). Dropped by Elaria Aubreen..
[11:57] Phoenix Altan says, "Adrian, her gear."
[11:58] Phoenix Altan says, "I will hold it and give it to Angelo or someone else who shall decide what to do with i-"
[11:58] Phoenix Altan says, "Ah"
[11:58] Phoenix Altan says, "Sabriel."
[11:58] Phoenix Altan says, "Good timing"
[11:59] Sabriel Equisol gets responsibility shoved in her hands. ARGH!
(Sabriel Equisol)

[11:59] Phoenix Altan asks, "What do you wand done with this ones gear?"
[11:59] Phoenix Altan asks, "Shall I hold onto it untill a trial can be arranged?"
[11:59] Alhena Avincus dipped her head towards the Bull.
(Alhena Avincus)

[12:00] Wichilo just stood there in hopes of.. free items of course. What peasant fish wouldn't want that?

[12:00] Adrian Sun-Broxley says, "I'll store it at home for the time being."
[12:00] Lina Weaver says, "Dont scratch it, those are some of my best works"
[12:00] Elaria Aubreen says, "Hmm.."
[12:00] Adrian Sun-Broxley says, "I'd like to have a word with you as well, Phoenix."
[12:00] Elaria Aubreen decides to step back and away from them now.
(Elaria Aubreen)

[12:00] Adrian Sun-Broxley says, "For the time being if she wishes."
[12:00] Phoenix Altan says, "Mhm very well Adrian."
[12:00] Adrian Sun-Broxley says, "You can rest at my abode."
[12:01] Phoenix Altan says, "She will sleep in a cell."
[12:01] Lina Weaver says, "Normally i'd be delighted but... the circumstances"
[12:01] Phoenix Altan says, "But when not resting she is permitted to walk in the market."
[12:01] Sabriel Equisol asks, "What does this woman stand accused of, exactly?"
[12:02] Phoenix Altan says, "Aiding my brother, aligning with demons, the assualt and attempted capture of myself as well as other's for... Experiements... As she stated."
[12:02] Sabriel Equisol nods.
(Sabriel Equisol)

[12:02] Sabriel Equisol says, "An aggressive individual. Okay."
[12:02] Lina Weaver says, "Oh that reminds me... if theres anything you'd like to tell lazuli i could tell him"
[12:03] Phoenix Altan says, "-"
[12:03] Wichilo says, "How you going to tell him when you're prisoner."
[12:03] Phoenix Altan says, "You would do well to hold your tongue."
[12:04] Lina Weaver says, "Well... too bad you wish to let him be forgotten, he's a good friend of mine but his time is ticking"
[12:04] Phoenix Altan says, "Lazuli will never be forgotten."
[12:04] Lina Weaver says, "Also... as i stated i distanced myself from all those attacks in my youth"
[12:04] Lina Weaver asks, "But you'll let him die?"
[12:05] Wichilo asks, "She's not a smart person is she?"
[12:06] Lina Weaver glanced at wichilo letting out a tired sigh
(Lina Weaver)

[12:06] Phoenix Altan says, "When the time is right you can say what you wish to try and save yourself."
[12:06] Lina Weaver says, "Myself? thats just funny, anyways. dont wait too long, i'd hate to see him go like this"
[12:06] Phoenix Altan says, "Untill that time... Your words hold little weight as you are already digging your own grave."
[12:07] Elaria Aubreen says, "Hm.."
[12:07] Elvyn Olbrante says, "Now with that out of the way... I'll be sitting on the bench.. Well done, Adrian."
[12:07] Adrian Sun-Broxley says, "Don't mention it, Elvyn."
[12:07] Sabriel Equisol says, "If there is a holy magi present and able to scour her for the black mark, then do so."
[12:07] Elaria Aubreen decided to move out of the crowd as well. It was getting to be a little bit awkward.
(Elaria Aubreen)

[12:07] Phoenix Altan says, "I can not sadlly."
[12:08] Adrian Sun-Broxley says, "Have a seat somewhere, Lina."
[12:08] Adrian Sun-Broxley says, "Take your rest."
[12:08] Sabriel Equisol pans her gaze across the crowd.
(Sabriel Equisol)

[12:09] Alhena Avincus says, "..."
[12:09] Elaria Aubreen says, "Hm."
[12:09] Lina Weaver would walk past the guards and take a seat under a nearby tree, pulling the brim of her hat into her eyes and crossing her arms
(Lina Weaver)

[12:09] Oberon just stares at Sabriel.

[12:10] Alhena Avincus stared at Sabriel.
(Alhena Avincus)

[12:12] Gallade Silvanas asks, "Hm?"
[12:12] Elaria Aubreen says, "Glad that's over with."
[12:12] Elaria Aubreen says, "I hope it all gets settled."
[12:12] Gallade Silvanas says, "Same.."
[12:13] Phoenix Altan says, "Ah..."
[12:13] Phoenix Altan says, "Miss Alhena.."
[12:13] Phoenix Altan says, "I did not see you here."
[12:13] Phoenix Altan asks, "Are you able to detect the black mark if a person carries it?"
[12:14] Adrian Sun-Broxley asks, "Shall we have that word, Phi?"
[12:14] Alhena Avincus says, "... Perhaps."
[12:14] Alhena Avincus says, "I have not done so before."
[12:14] Sabriel Equisol says, "I'd be indebted if you would only try."
[12:14] Phoenix Altan says, "I have not either, I am still waiting for the Pointface to show me how to do so."
[12:14] Sabriel Equisol asks, "Pontifice?"
[12:15] Phoenix Altan says, "... Elise."
[12:15] Sabriel Equisol nods.
(Sabriel Equisol)

[12:15] Sabriel Equisol says, "Best not to do it in a public setting."
[12:15] Phoenix Altan says, "Mhm."
[12:15] Sabriel Equisol takes Lina by the wrist.
(Sabriel Equisol)

[12:15] Alphonse asks, "What did she do?"
[12:15] Alhena Avincus says, "Bull, with me."
[12:15] Elaria Aubreen says, "It was good."
[12:16] Gallade Silvanas asks, "Hm?"
[12:16] Oberon says, "Heh....Pointface."
[12:16] Elaria Aubreen says, "I mined up nearly a hundred of each. Copper and Iron I mean."
[12:16] Gallade Silvanas says, "I see you around often..."
[12:16] Kylian Woodes says, "Suspected of being a witch and having consorted with demons."
[12:16] Phoenix Altan says, "Let us be off then Adrian."
[12:16] Oberon asks, "See who?"
[12:16] Gallade Silvanas says, "Whats the "
[12:16] Phoenix Altan says, "Don't forget assulting us Kylian."
[12:16] Daralis asks, "Hm?"
[12:16] Daralis asks, "Me?"
[12:16] Gallade Silvanas exclaims, "Mhm!"
[12:16] Kylian Woodes says, "Of course- that too."
[12:16] Daralis says, "Hello."
[12:17] Adrian Sun-Broxley says, "Alright, let's go then."
[12:17] Gallade Silvanas says, "I was just curious about something, ah- sorry, I'm Gallade Silvanas."
[12:17] Daralis says, "Daralis."
[12:17] Adrian Sun-Broxley asks, "???"
[12:17] Adrian Sun-Broxley whispers to Phoenix Altan: This woman needs a proper judgement, Phoenix.
[12:19] Phoenix Altan whispers to Adrian Sun-Broxley: It will be seen to cousin.
[12:19] Adrian Sun-Broxley whispers to Phoenix Altan: Yet, why is she chained to a table like this...
[12:20] With the prisoner in tow, Sabriel lifts her onto the table with ease unbefitting of her age. Shackles snap over her arms and legs, though the commander ensures they are merely loose- a suggestion to any experienced magi.

"If you're innocent of soul-" she begins, shifting aside to allow Alhena closer.

"- then you'll likely only receive penal duty in the Bastion 'til your sins are absolved and your path is adjusted away from the demonic horde who'd probably like you dead in the end." She chides, crossing her arms at Lina as though she were a child.

"But, otherwise.. I mean, I don't think I have to say.

Alhena, if you would."

She hums, falling silent to await the judgement of the Pylaean Emissary.
(Sabriel Equisol)

[12:27] Adrian leans back against the wall, crossing his arm and lowering his head.

"Lina, I could feel you holding back in our fight..."

"You seem to have a good mind, it's a slight chance..." Adrian said, unsure if there was a radiance without her twisted nature.

Forest-green hues looks upon Sabriel and Alhena. "The woman needs judgement, yes? We're not jumping to conclusions are we?" Adrian asked, curious as to what the duo had planning for Lina.

"She should be judged my the Oracle and the Elise, yes?"
(Adrian Sun-Broxley)

[12:29] Phoenix Altan says, "We are simply seeing if she bear's the mark Adrian."
[12:38] Virtu Equisol scribbles down the proceedings.
(Virtu Equisol)

[12:53] "Very well."

Little left the Emissary throughout interactions. Quieted mutterings escaped lips while discussing future plans with Menes. He was right-- responsibilities piled onto her metaphorical plate despite this being what she signed up for. Exhaustion hung onto statements notwithstanding their gentle, melodic tones; their captured Hopeful and Sasha's predicament plagued her mind as they tended to do.

Someone destined to communicate with celestial skies overhead had much to preoccupy them. However, duties would not halt for otherworldly dispositions.

Hearing Sabriel prompted Alhena to follow suit, bobbing her head towards the Bull previously by herself. All the while, marked hands remained clasped up until Lina laid upon a table. Footfalls approached closer as permitted by the Equisol.

Eyelids peeled open at half-mast whilst exposing bloodshot, kaleidoscopic sights. Brief flickers of gold rifted across irises. This merely appeared to be precursory to doing like instructed since she'd shut away her gaze once again. Inhaling quietly, clawed digits unraveled past tight clutching to expose where black tattoos collected into.

Eyes drawn against palms in stylistic fashions soon appeared into view. Unnerving, whatever sensation befell Aphros' prison. Dozens of invisible, intangible eyes peered downward onto those present, it felt. Some might have written it off to be mere paranoia. In other instances? Divinity drenched the surrounding atmospheres.

It crawled and crept.

But regardless of disconcerting apprehensions, the Weaver experienced these inklings more than anyone else. Paled illumination started to billow from outstretched hands and flooded into Lina where she stood. Or lay, currently. The Avincus' eyeballs roved about within each socket. Where was this supposed 'black mark'? Could she 'see' it on their person? Tail flicking, concentration kept the Felinae silent, waiting for anything to stick out as abnormal.

Strange, out-of-place, perchance.

(Alhena Avincus)

[12:54] Adrian Sun-Broxley says, "Seems she'll be alright."
[12:55] Adrian Sun-Broxley whispers to Phoenix Altan: I'll be outside.
[13:04] being strapped onto the bench that will likely become her deathbed her head was filled with the yelling, and shunning of the voice that has accompanied her thorough all her life.

"aaaaggh!" she'd yell in pain as she'd try and instinctively bring her hands to her hand, however she was left helpless by her shackles.

those all seeing eyes conjured by alhena has scanned and swept her very being and even beyond that her soul.

after some time passed her physical body halted twitching and struggling and an ominous sign of misfortune flared up above her chest.

"no! mother, please make it stop! please! don't! leave me, not now!" she'd yell out, at noone in particular.

then silence...

tears rolled down on the waever's face as the voice in her head ceased.

"what did you do to mother...?" she'd ask with a faint and meek tone in her voice
(Lina Weaver)

[13:15] Pain, the first sign of something amiss.

Such a reaction was not present in the others- the peering eyes imparting only a raising of the hairs on the commander herself. Divine judgement worms down, across the accused's body-

and there it is.

"That's.. unfortunate."

Disappointment in her voice, a frown on her face. Her chin is scratched, and it takes her a moment to deliberate quietly. Glancing aside to Alhena, then to Phoenix- though strangely the boy who had inquired about the swift judgement had departed.

"Then there will be a bloodletting, as is customary for the execution of a witch. I'm sorry for you, truly- but at this point you're, perhaps, already lost."

She winces with the words spoken. Shaking her head gently.

"We will schedule it.. for now- Phoenix, was it? Please restrain her in the cell. Give her comfort and good food- these are her last days."

Turning away, the commander strides out of the room- intent on filing... paperwork...
(Sabriel Equisol)

[13:17] Virtu Equisol quietly seals the paper and binds it to her book.
(Virtu Equisol)

[13:19] Phoenix Altan says, "Mhm... I can do that Sabriel."
[13:20] Moved to quickly move her to the cell when all was ready for her to be moved.

"So much for trying to repent for your past actions."

(Phoenix Altan)

[13:22] Inked claws languidly rolled inward to shield earthly existences from gazes.

It certainly was unfortunate.

Pylae's Radiant wondered how humane witch executions were. One ear flicked over to Sabriel who answered such musings. Bloodletting sounded agonizing in its own right, though heads would not roll as presumed. Hands folded together before her waist. She eventually pivoted around to vacate the area as the Commander did.

"May Pylae and Athelios have mercy on your soul, wielder of the damned arts."
(Alhena Avincus)

[13:22] Alhena Avincus says, "Come, Bull."
[13:27] Adrian Sun-Broxley asks, "Is everything alright, Phi?"
[13:31] Adrian Sun-Broxley says, "Must be out of it..."
[13:35] Locked the door.
(Phoenix Altan)

Pub: 18 Jun 2023 09:08 UTC
Views: 141