nocturnal's TOS !!
by downloading any of my works you hereby agree to the following terms.
1 . . . selling my work without explicit written consent is strictly prohibited.
・in other words, don't steal my characters, writing, or art and claim it as your own.
・this comes with the exception of characters or artwork I have sold to you, as I no longer consider those 'mine'.
2 . . . my right to refuse service
・i withhold the right to deny or refuse service to anyone for any reason, except for those discriminatory in nature.
3 . . . artistic and educational use
・any of my works can be used for artistic or educational purposes with credit to me with the exception of works that are sold or gifted.
・you may change, edit, draw or trace over my artwork as much as you like, as long as proper credit is given. 'proper credit' may come in the form of a link to my profile or profiles in the description of the edited piece or a watermark on the piece itself.
・additionally, fanfictions or other alternative versions of my writings are allowed, with the same restrictions.
・this comes with the exception of nft's and ai usage. just edit it yourself
4 . . . my right to my works
・i have the right to use any of the works ive made despite being commissioned for them as examples, except for ones which the commissioner specifically asked that I do not use.
・if a commission is cancelled mid-way through (after i finish the sketch or first draft) and payment is refunded, I withhold the right to reuse it.
・commissions that are cancelled mid-way through are not the property of the commissioner if they are unable to provide payment.
5 . . . edited works
・works that are edited by anyone other than me should not reflect on my reputation, especially those with hateful or derogatory imagery.
6 . . . payments
・payments should be made up-front after the initial sketch or draft is completed.
・if payment cannot or will not be made, the work is my property.
☆ negotiation ・i am open to negotiation on price at all times. ・prices may be adjusted if the recieving party is willing to trade any of my services in return OR if the recieving party requests it at my discretion.