
main area

^ this is what most of the first layer of the innerworld looks like.

it's a cyberpunk/detroit: become human-esque city, almost always raining.
there's places where it's always snowing, too; on the rooftops of some buildings.
everything is really crowded and a bit small, and there's always noise (trains, cars, etc.) coming from somewhere.
it's usually night time as well. we really enjoy night time. not that we can control the innerworld, i guess.

you want to go further in..?

the second 'layer'? i think.

second layer neighborhood

things get WAYY more blurry here.

as im sure you know it's difficult to try to imagine a single thing for long enough and in detail. and.. the first layer is already difficult to describe in detail, but here, things are fucked up bruh.
it's very blurry, and this is usually where dissociation takes us. and persecutors hang out here. i think. i sound fucking insane saying people live in my head and it's because i AM insane.
a lot of the inside of the houses are just our old apartment layout exactly. have no idea why.

you want to go further in..?



i'm not giving details about this one, but these are the closest images i could find.

thanks for checking this out, you can ask me about this shit i guess.

Pub: 27 Oct 2022 23:54 UTC
Edit: 09 Nov 2022 16:32 UTC
Views: 309