here r my close friends because if i list all of them i think i would actually go insane and get sent to a psychiatric hospital.. LMSJONTOP ! not in order i usually don't like putting my friends on pedestals like "close" or "just a friend" cuz its unfair but ygwim

,,,Vlad, Blu, Eli, discorduser6teenihavenoideaifhewouldwanttobeaddedherebutwhateverhewontseethisanyway, Esic, Jam, Wist, Hagel, Micah, Nix, Kemi Simo, AKTK88gc, Kupé(as in. angelscupidsys), Toby(hi DDD), Viira, Alfé, Arroyz, Xylo, Nova, Kayra, etc.

im just way too tired to list everyone but yeaaaa bold+italic=very close friend bold= closefriend im writing this at 2am Makin a rentry at 2am we really out here bois

also if i randomly req u it might be for rentry trading.. myhoard(s) ×

Pub: 02 Jun 2023 23:13 UTC
Edit: 12 Jul 2023 21:17 UTC
Views: 103