Chatper 6: If I just

Iroha: I really loved DOrothy.

Iroha: The Dorothy that always worked hard to return to her howmetown.

Iroha: Even though she doesn't know where home is, even when she's captured by the Wicked Witch of the East, even when the Wizard of Oz is gone, she never gives up.

Iroha: And after going through all the hardships with her friends, she clicked her heels 3 times, magically transported her home and hugged her aunt.

Iroha: I want to be able to have that sort of a magical happyu end someday.

IRoha: Ah, welcome home, grandmother.

Senju's Grandmother: Thanks. What are you doing, practicing?

IRoha: Yes. Koyomi-san has taught me a lot.

Senju's Grandmother: I see. Well when she was in middle school, she was already part of the adult division of Gingaza. Make sure you don't disturb her.

Senju's Grandmother: Even though you are a just a stone that does not bear the ability to shine like the zenith, you mustn't neglect studying.

Senju's Grandmother: Unless you can become a star actor.

Iroha: Understood.

Iroha: Um, I want to get a Sense like--

Koyomi: Iroha-san? Who are you talking to...

Koyomi: Grandmother...! Welcome back

Senju's Grandmother: Koyomi-san, have you been practicing with her?

Koyomi: Y-...yes.

Senju's Grandmother: Giuoding her is fine, but please don't forget about yourself. YOu are the one that leads Gingaza after all.

Koyomi: ...Of course, Mother had said the same thing. The Senju name is part of Gingaza's reputations. I will become the shining star.

Senju's Grandmother: I'm counting on you. ...NOw if you'll excuse me.

Koyomi: Thank you very much.

Koyomi: Iroha-san, lets get back to practice.

IRoha: ...

Koyomi: Irohasan?

Iroha: Onee-chan... I want to hurry and get a Sense.

Iroha: If I just had a Sense, I could become just like you. And then Grandmother and Mother's expectations can be met.

Koyomi: Thats...

Koyomi: ....Right. Lets work hard together. I'm rooting for you as well.

Koyomi: Why don't we go back to basics with training today? So that way it can benefit regardless of what Sense you will get.

Iroha: ...OK. I want to be just like you as soon as possible.

Koyomi: Fufu, Thanks.

Iroha: "If I just had a Sense, I could become just like you." I wonder how many times I've said those words?

Iroha: But no Sense of magic ever came. And I graduated from elementary school.

Director: The next performance will be "The Wizard of Oz". The one that the children division did 3 years ago.

Director: Back then , there were many actors taht appeared, but this time we'll change things around to keep things fresh.

Iroha: Understood!

Director: I will now reveal the roles. Firstly, The role of Dorothy will be playe dby--

Iroha: And so my name was not selected for the role.

Iroha: I would be playing The good With of the South, Glinda. As well as ironically playing "The most Powerful Witch".

Iroha: Gingaza was a well renowned theater troupe, well known in Asakusa. Even the children's division attract many talents.

Iroha: I was given a well known character, despite the lack of lines and actions. I guess that was to maintain the prestige of the Senju family onstage.

Iroha: I wasn't the main lead. After all, there were many other talents actors.

Senju's Grandmother: Iroha-san.

Iroha: Ah...Umm... Grandmother, I'm very sorry.

Senju's Grandmother: No need to apologise. Gingaza had given it some thought. And given the situation, this was expected.

Senju's Grandmother: You almost in middle school. Koyomi at this point was already in the adult division, at this pace, it won't be enough.

Senju's Grandmother: If you fail the entry exam, you'll have to remain in the children's division. Have a good long think about what you need to do.

Iroha: Understood.

Senju's Mother: As long as you've shown your growth from your time as DOrothy, thats enough. Not having a Sense isn't the end of the world.


Senju's Mother: Of course, as a Senju, I want you to be a wonder actor.

Senju's Mother: I do have some expectations, but I want you to be able to give it your all for the adult division.

Iroha: Thank you very much... I'll do my best.

Senju's Mother: And you get to practice with Kyoomi right? It's going to be alright.

Iroha: Thank yopu very much. Granmother, Mother, please excuse me.

Iroah: ...

Iroha: I could become just like you...

Senju's Mother: It would be great if she had a Sense. I've really pushed her to achieve a lot.,

Senju's Grandmother: She quite like her father. I think the cast decision was a good choice. It would be quite detrimental to the Senju name if she were to join Gingaza as is.

Senju's Mother: They've said that her Sense is late. But that was in Elementary school. If her Sense doesn't manifest...

Senju's Grandmother: Have you really considered all the outcomes? It's quite unprecentedented.

Senju's Mother: I haven't thrown away all hope, but by the looks of it, it's quite hard to get into the adult division.

Senju's Grandmother: Well of course. Becoming a Daistar means that girl has to be the leading star. Have you not realised this>

Senju's Mother: But that child is my daughter. It's quite saddening to see that I can't believe in her...

Senju's Mother: ...

Senju's Grandmother: As a mother, I also understand your feelings. But we have a heavier duty to carry.

Senju's Grandmother: Don't you forget that. And we need to makes sure we support Koyomi as well.

Senju's Mother: OF course. IF she herself says she wants to do it, then so be it...

Senju's Mother: It's about time we reach a decision.

Iroha: I have finally come to a decision.

Iroha: I won't fail like that ever again. I don't have any presence in the Senju family.

Iroha: And so time past, and I started middle school. And I...

Pub: 18 Nov 2024 02:34 UTC
Views: 18