Created with RimPy Mod Manager
(database: 27805262
Mod list was created for game version: 1.4.3613 rev641
Local mods that were not found in the database are marked as yellow labels with packageId in brackets [unknown mods in the list: 4]
Mod list length: 227
2. Core {packageId: ludeon.rimworld}
3. Royalty [Official DLC] {packageId: ludeon.rimworld.royalty}
4. Ideology [Official DLC] {packageId: ludeon.rimworld.ideology}
5. Biotech [Official DLC] {packageId: ludeon.rimworld.biotech}
- Vanilla Backgrounds Expanded
- HugsLib
- Vanilla Expanded Framework
- Adobe Abode
- Allow Altars in Throneroom
- Allow Tool
- Vanilla Achievements Expanded
- Vanilla Psycasts Expanded
- Alpha Animals
- Alpha Biomes
- Alpha Genes
- Vanilla Factions Expanded - Insectoids
- Alpha Genes - Insectoid Mutations
- Vanilla Books Expanded
- Vanilla Cooking Expanded
- Vanilla Fishing Expanded
- Vanilla Ideology Expanded - Memes and Structures
- Alpha Memes
- Alpha Mythology
- Altered Carbon
- Vanilla Weapons Expanded
- Vanilla Weapons Expanded - Laser
- Vanilla Factions Expanded - Pirates
- Vanilla Factions Expanded - Settlers
- Anthrosonae
- Aztec Weapon Style Pack
- Better Gene Prerequisites
- Big and Small Core
- Big and Small Races
- Vanilla Factions Expanded - Medieval
- Vanilla Factions Expanded - Vikings
- Big and Small - Medieval Factions
- BiomesKit
- Biomes! Core
- Biomes! Bunnies
- Biotech Expansion - Core
- Biotech Expansion - Mammalia
- Biotech Expansion - Ear Patch
- Biotech Expansion - Mythic
- Biotech Gene: Laser-Eyes
- Biotech xenotype expanded - Rotfish
- Blood Color Genes
- Britannic Rim - Backstories and Words
- JecsTools
- Call of Cthulhu - Cults
- Enable Oversized Weapons
- Call of Cthulhu - Factions
- Call of Cthulhu - Straitjackets (Continued)
- Common Sense
- Deep Rock Galatic Style Pack
- Designator Shapes
- Dragons Descent
- Alpha Bees
- Call of Cthulhu - Cosmic Horrors
- Humanoid Alien Races
- Vanilla Furniture Expanded - Power
- Vanilla Chemfuel Expanded
- Vanilla Genetics Expanded
- Dragon Genetics
- Dress Patients (1.4)
- Dubs Performance Analyzer
- EdB Prepare Carefully
- Athena Framework
- Eltex Weaponry
- Enhanced Vat Learning
- Erin's Auronya
- Erin's Valheim Creatures
- Forsakens
- Fort's Firefighter gadget
- Cash Register
- Gastronomy
- Go Deathrest on Exhaustion
- Grimworld: Melee
- Gulden Mod
- H.P. Lovecraft Storyteller
- Harvest Everything!
- Harvest Organs Post Mortem
- Hospitality
- Industrial Age - Objects and Furniture (Continued)
- Junior Marine's Armory
- Lamias, Sirens, Snakemen, and other Serpents-like beings
- Literally just a sofa
- Live Munitions
- Obsidia Expansion
- Oops all BUGPARTS
- Rim of Madness - Bones
- Tabula Rasa
- Vanilla Fishing Expanded - Fishing Treasures AddOn
- Outland - Core
- Outland - Eastborn Empire
- Outland - Furniture & Decor
- Outland - Genetics
- Outland - More Floors
- Outland - Motz Coalition
- Progress Renderer
- PsyBlasters
- Quarry
- Replace Stuff
- RimWriter - Books, Scrolls, Tablets, and Libraries (Continued)
- Rimsenal - Augmented Vanilla Pack
- Rimsenal - Federation Faction Pack
- Rimsenal - Feral Faction Pack
- Rimsenal - Core
- Rimsenal - Hair pack
- Rimsenal - Security Pack
- Rimsenal - Storytellers Pack
- Rimsenal Style Pack - French
- Rimsenal Style Pack - Murica
- Rimsenal Style Pack - Sophian
- Rimsenal Style Pack - Techist
- Rimsenal Style Pack - Urbworld
- Rimsenal Xenotype Pack - Askbarn
- Rimwars:Pureblood Xenotype
- Roo's Accessory Hairstyles
- Roo's Birthmarks and Blemishes
- Roo's Dreadlock Hairstyles
- Roo's HD Dreadlock Hairstyles
- Roo's HD Glasses Hairstyles
- Roo's HD Hairstyles
- Roo's HD Royalty Hairstyles
- Roo's Minotaur Xenotype
- Vanilla Traits Expanded
- Roo's Minotaur Xenotype Expanded
- Roo's Painting Expansion
- Roo's Tattoos - Starter Pack
- RunAndGun
- Search and Destroy
- Shadows Gene Soup
- Stonecutting Extended
- Toxic Plants Expanded
- Undergrounders: Complete
- Vampires, Demons, and the Undead
- Van's Paintings
- Vanilla Anima Tox Retexture
- Vanilla Animals Expanded
- Vanilla Animals Expanded — Caves
- Vanilla Animals Expanded — Endangered
- Vanilla Animals Expanded — Royal Animals
- Vanilla Apparel Expanded
- Vanilla Apparel Expanded — Accessories
- Vanilla Armour Expanded
- Vanilla Backstories Expanded
- Vanilla Base Generation Expanded
- Vanilla Brewing Expanded
- Vanilla Brewing Expanded - Coffees and Teas
- Vanilla Cooking Expanded - Stews
- Vanilla Cooking Expanded - Sushi
- Vanilla Events Expanded
- Vanilla Weapons Expanded - Coilguns
- Vanilla Weapons Expanded - Heavy Weapons
- Vanilla Weapons Expanded - Quickdraw
- Vanilla Weapons Expanded - Frontier
- Vanilla Expanded - Ideology Patches
- Vanilla Expanded - Royalty Patches
- Vanilla Factions Expanded - Ancients
- Vanilla Furniture Expanded - Architect
- Vanilla Furniture Expanded - Art
- Vanilla Furniture Expanded - Farming
- Vanilla Furniture Expanded - Medical Module
- Vanilla Furniture Expanded - Production
- Vanilla Furniture Expanded - Props and Decor
- Vanilla Furniture Expanded - Security
- Vanilla Furniture Expanded
- Vanilla Furniture Expanded - Spacer Module
- Vanilla Genetics Expanded - More Lab Stuff
- Vanilla Hair Expanded
- Vanilla Helixien Gas Expanded
- Vanilla Ideology Expanded - Anima Theme
- Vanilla Ideology Expanded - Dryads
- Vanilla Ideology Expanded - Hats and Rags
- Vanilla Ideology Expanded - Icons and Symbols
- Vanilla Ideology Expanded - Relics and Artifacts
- Vanilla Ideology Expanded - Splits and Schisms
- Vanilla Nutrient Paste Expanded
- Vanilla Outposts Expanded
- Vanilla Persona Weapons Expanded
- Vanilla Plants Expanded
- Vanilla Plants Expanded - More Plants
- Vanilla Plants Expanded - Succulents
- Vanilla Races Expanded - Genie
- Vanilla Races Expanded - Hussar
- Vanilla Races Expanded - Phytokin
- Vanilla Races Expanded - Saurid
- Vanilla Skills Expanded
- Vanilla Social Interactions Expanded
- Vanilla Spacer weapons - Beam Gun
- Vanilla Spacer weapons - Bounce Gun
- Vanilla Spacer weapons - Explosive Bolt
- Vanilla Storytellers Expanded - Diego Industrial
- Vanilla Storytellers Expanded - Empress Evil
- Vanilla Storytellers Expanded - Freya Fierce
- Vanilla Storytellers Expanded - Igor Invader
- Vanilla Storytellers Expanded - Maynard Medieval
- Vanilla Storytellers Expanded - Neron Neolithic
- Vanilla Storytellers Expanded - Oskar Obnoxious
- Vanilla Storytellers Expanded - Perry Persistent
- Vanilla Storytellers Expanded - RimWorld Rick
- Vanilla Storytellers Expanded - Winston Waves
- Vanilla Textures Expanded
- Vanilla Textures Expanded - Variations
- Vanilla Trading Expanded
- Vanilla Weapons Expanded - Grenades
- Vanilla Weapons Expanded - Makeshift
- Vanilla Weapons Expanded - Non-Lethal
- Vanilla Weapons Expanded - Tribal
- WarCasket Expanded
- Warcaskets can haul!
- Wheelchairs
- Wisteria Corporation
- Xenotype Spawn Control
- Dual Wield
- Vanilla Factions Expanded - Classical
- Vanilla Factions Expanded - Mechanoids
- Reinforced Mechanoid 2
- Yayo's Animation (Continued)
- [1.4] Astra Militarum Regimentum - Krieg
- [KV] No Max Bills
- [Ku] A Mod About Meat
- [LTS]Systems
- [LTS]Xenotech
- [RWY]Dragon's Descent: Void Dwellers
- pphhyy's Tox Weapons