The DIFFERENCE between IRLS, Fictives/Introjects, and "fictionkins", described by a diagnosed system and former psychotic.



For the sake of this topic I will be calling alters who are characters/irl people fictives.

"What is a fictive?" - Fictives are alters in Systems who have formed during extreme times of TRAUMA. You do NOT have to be hyperfixated on a CHARACTER or SOURCE to develop a fictive of a character. This is a common misconception among "systems" that you can hyperfixate on a character/source and immediately develop an alter based off of your favs. Lmfao.

"Is there medical PROOF for fictives?" - Yes, in fact there have been fictives in systems for many years and there are actual reports on it. Please see the source links in this link for proof. There is also a lot of information on different types of alters here.

Are fictives delusions?" - No, fictives are not delusional, alters themselves are not delusions. However, fictives do believe they are from their source because when they were formed they were formed as all alters, with a story and background. The story can differ for all alters, which is why some alters might be different ages, races, etc etc. But fictives background/past are sources from the fictional source they are from.

How do I know if someone is lying about being a fictive? - There is no way to entirely fakeclaim someone if they have a fictive. But "systems" who have fictives who never want to let go of their past or constantly talk about their past are BAD for their system. Every alter has a purpose to help the body and function, and if a fictive is extremely obsessed with their source and won't let go then you can probably determine they are either an IRL or misguided. Most systems do not ONLY have fictives and fictives do NOT form just because the system is hyperfixated on a source. If someone has a new hyperfixation every week and they have 5 alters from this hyperfixation you can probably say they are delusional/an irl, or they are NOT a system.

What is the difference between an IRL and a fictive? - In medical terms, IRLS are from delusions caused by psychosis. DID is a very complex mental illness because alters are NOT delusions and cannot be erased with medication. However delusions from psychosis can be put on hold with correct medication. Alters will NOT go away, delusions can go away.

How do you know if someone is faking DID? - I can't say for sure, but there will always be signs such as too many alters (normally anything above 100), someone who makes DID their personality, someone who cannot stay consistent when an alter is fronting, etc etc. I don't condone fakeclaiming and this is not meant for FAKECLAIMING, this is for EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES. Unless you are a LISCENSED PROFESSIONAL you cannot determine if someone is faking ANY mental disorder. there never was a lover


"What is an IRL?" - IRLS come from someone who is diagnosed with psychosis. Psychosis can come from MANY disorders such as bipolar (type 1 OR 2), schizophrenia, Borderline Personality Disorder, and many more. Psychosis CAN BE DIAGNOSED ALONE, but you have to have a parent mental illness to allow psychosis to take place. Irls are a DELUSION that comes from the root that someone is a CHARACTER or fictional character. Sometimes even a REAL person, normally an actor or actress. Sometimes a lead singer of a band, etc etc.

"Should I condone the delusions of someone who believes they are an IRL?" - In MY opinion, I don't believe you should encourage some ones delusions. IRLS are just like believing aliens are coming to get us and we should wear tin foil hats. That might be offensive but it is true. HOWEVER, if the person is on antipsychotics and are being treated for this delusion, if they are SAFE, it is okay to encourage them! IRLS who are NOT being treated can form into much worse delusions and that is not good, so encouraging them could hurt the person experiencing these delusions. IRLS are NOT alters. If someone is having an episode, and they believe they are the character, it is best to only refer to them as their preferred name and not answer questions such as "am I in insert source here?" or "who am I?".

"I am an IRL should I seek help?" - Yes! Please do. Professionals can help you navigate your disorder really well and trust me when I say this NOT every professional is the same! There are a lot of professionals out there who will validate your existence and support you! You are not alone! there never was a lover


What is a fictionkin?" - fictionkins come from kinnies who believe they are a character in a past life or resonate extremely with a character to the point they believe they ARE the character. They are NOT delusional or FICTIVES/INTROJECTS.

"Why are fictionkins harmful to IRLS or Fictives?" - I think fictionkins aren't that bad alone, but they often use terms such as "irl" or say things like "I am the ONLY insert name here". This can be harmful for people suffering with real disorders causing them to believe they are characters, and using the term "irl" is not right. That term belongs to psychotics.

"I know/am a fictionkin, what do I do?" - If you are able to use the proper terms and you are able to make sure the people with disorders around you are safe and represented more you are fine! Please do not use terms like "DOUBLES DNI" or "IRL" because these are terms mentally ill people use to avoid being triggered! Which can cause serious damage to the body. If you are in a safe environment and you make sure everyone is comfortable with your fictionkin feel free to do whatever you want!

"What terms can fictionkins use? - Honestly! I wouldn't know. BUT, If there are any direct terms with the word KIN in it you can use those! Any terms that you CANNOT use would be: "doubles" "irl" "source" "sourcemate" and this list will be updated! there never was a lover

***THERE WILL BE MORE INFORMATION ADDED. But for now this is all I have thought of writing. Thank you for reading!

Pub: 11 Jun 2022 01:38 UTC
Edit: 10 Oct 2023 07:56 UTC
Views: 5238