hi ^—^ still have my urls but i dont show most of them publicly anymore in fear of an unfair reclaim! message @fourxfohv on discord if you want to trade :-) ~
url themes :
four (xfohv), count: ~85 / 87 (im rlly iffy trading four urls)
homestuck, count: 27
phighting, count: 5
8:11, count: 1
zero day, count: 1
lyrics, count : 2 (?)
total url count: 312 0_0
DONT try to claim any of my four urls!!!! tehy r all very important 2 me. u will never like four more than me (fan since 2018 lalalala)
ft urls! (all are wips)
/converge /tragedymasks /writhing /agitate /wrys /tavs /oven-break
wishlist fatale, four , polar , 49