The Lights of the Galaxy
Lilja: ......I tried on Lady Macbeth's dress. How does it look?
Hikari: You look great! Beautiful!
Hikari: Wow, all of this is embroidery! Here too, and here too!
Xue: We haven't even had a fitting for our costumes yet. They're blatantly showing favouritism......
Ramona: Lady Macbeth’s dress is a challenge for the costume department. They must have wanted to get the basic shape right first.
Koyomi: Even so, it's still far from being finished. It looks like they're still going over it again and again.
Ramona: While upholding tradition, they’re also trying to make it even better....... It seems everyone is struggling with the same thing.
Koyomi: Even if we hesitate, we choose the path we should follow and act with faith. That's what an actor is.
Lilja: ......
Lilja: (The stage is a place where actors battle it out for aesthetic supremacy. Everyone is unsure, but trying to choose a path.)
Lilja: (I've realised that being fair isn't everything. But......can I act like Hatsumi?)
Lilja: (Hatsumi told me to look around me. Because the world is full of beautiful works of art.)
Lilja: (Around me......)
Koyomi: ......
Chief Director: The costume department has suggested that we check the actors' movements. Starting with the scene where Macbeth and Lady Macbeth witness the ghost at the banquet.
Chief Director: We're ready here. Start.
Koyomi: Yes.
Lilja: Yes.
Koyomi: 'Get out of my sight! Don't show yourself to me! Your body has no heat! Go back to the cold depths of the earth and sleep there!’
Lilja: (She really seems to have seen a ghost. Her hair is dishevelled and her expression is very stiff.)
Lilja: (This is the aesthetic sense of fear that Koyomi has cultivated. With this performance, everyone will be staring at Koyomi.)
Lilja: (......Why didn't I notice? Koyomi has cultivated a different kind of beauty to me. Everyone else too.)
Lilja: (But I truly desire to be more beautiful than anyone else. Then - I will pursue it without losing.)
Lilja: (I'll grab the hearts of everyone who sees me.)
Lilja: 'What are you saying? Please don't make such a frightening face.'
Chief Director: ......!
Lilja: (......I understand. Until now, I just wanted to be seen.)
Lilja: (But sometimes it's better to charm people with wild gestures. It's better to let your emotions burst out and let your voice take on a dirty tone......)
Lilja: ‘Your companion is but a sad delusion. When someone dies, they simply disappear. ......There is nothing to fear.’
Gingaza Members: Amazing.
Hikari: Wow......!
Xue: You took your time. Seriously......
Lilja: ‘Calm yourself and rest. What's done is done.’
Lilja: (......Grab their hearts and make them look at me, and don't let go. That's acting.)
Chief Director: That's enough! That was brilliant, Kurtbay. We'll do a full run through of the first half in 15 minutes. Get ready.
Gingaza Members: Yes!
Koyomi: (Lilja-san's performance just now...... It's completely different from the rehearsals so far......)
Ramona: ......You've found it, Lilja.
Lilja: ......No, not yet.
Lilja: It's not enough yet.
Koyomi: Lilja-san?