" Grandma said.

"Well can we help out in any way?" Dad asked.

"What did I just say?" Grandma asked with a smile, she was pointing at him with a knife too.

"Were you even listening?" Grandpa asked while he laughed.

"Dad, they said that we have to relax and enjoy our incestuous relationship." I said while I looked up at him.

"She listened, you aren't to do anything, you are to just enjoy being with each other." She said.

"I'm sorry, I'm just use to doing all of this, thank you." Dad said.

"You're welcome, and again, congratulations Ikaika." Grandpa said.

"So what are we having for dinner?" I asked.

"Well, while you guys were having sex, we went to the butcher shop in town and got some really big and thick porterhouse steaks to celebrate you guys being together. So we're having that, roasted garlic mashed potatoes, a salad, some cheesy corn, my special home made macaroni and cheese and a few other things. Now Ikaika, I know you're a big health nut and everything and you're not use to eating like this, but it's only a one time thing." Grandma said while she smiled.

"God I haven't eaten like that since I was a kid, it sounds ridiculously delicious! I can't wait." He said.

"Well, we're both starving anyway." I said.

"Well yeah, having sex three times in one day will do that to you." Grandpa said making me giggle.

"Yeah I guess it would huh daddy?" I asked while I looked up at him.

"Yeah, it would." He said before he kissed me several times.

"My god you two look so incredibly adorable together." Grandma said after we stopped kissing.

"We're going to go out and sit by the pool." I said while my daddy let me go.

"By the way, you left your phone down here and your mom has been blowing it up, you may wanna call her back." Grandpa said.

"Ok." I said while I took my boyfriends hand and dragged him with me when I went to get my phone.

After that, my boyfriend slid his fingers between mine and we went outside to the patio next to the pool. He had this really nice chair thing that would fit both of us, so we sat on it together. We started making out right as we sat down, there was just no way that I could get enough of him! I was getting ready to climb into his lap, but my phone started ringing. We stopped making out and I grabbed my phone.

"It's mom should I answer?" I asked.

"Go ahead." He said, so I went ahead and answered.

I wanted my new amazing boyfriend to hear my mom when I told her that I got what I wanted.

"Hi mom." I said.

"Where the hell have you been?! I've been trying to call and text you all night last night and all day today but you have been ignoring my calls and texts. Now what is going on?" She asked.

"I've been with my new boyfriend all day." I said.

"You have a boyfriend? When did you get a boyfriend? You know you're coming home in two weeks right?" She asked.

"Yes I know mom, I don't need you to remind me." I said.

"So I take it things didn't work out with your dad like we'd hoped. So who's the lucky guy and how did you meet him?" She asked.

"Well, I can give you a smart ass answer, or I can just tell you." I said.

"Just tell me." Mom said.

"Ok, dad is my boyfriend, so yes things worked out better than we hoped, they worked out perfectly." I said.

"What?!" She asked.

"You heard me." I said while I giggled.

"Say it again." She all but squealed.

"Daddy is my boyfriend now, we've been going out since this morning." I said.

He's your boyfriend now?! As in, he's not just your dad, he's your boyfriend like my brother is mine?!" She asked.

"I mean, what else did you expect mom? You know how hot he is and you know how obsessed I have been with him for like, ever." I said.

"And he's just as attracted to you? Is he just as obsessed with you as you are with him?" She asked.

"Well, daddy is my boyfriend now so what do you think?" I asked.

"OH MY GOD THATS SO EXCITING, OH MY GOD! You guys make the hottest couple ever, I'm so so excited and happy for you baby girl!" She all but screamed.

"Mom, calm down." I said while I laughed.

"I can't believe that you got him as your boyfriend! So have you guys had sex yet?" She asked all excited.

"Yes we have." I said.

"Aaand?" She asked.

"And what?" I asked.

"How was it?" She asked.

"Life changing." I said.

"That good?" She asked.

"Way better, you never told me that he was that good mom." I said.

"So how many orgasms has he given you?" She asked.

"I don't even know, I lost count." I said while I laughed.

"That's so so exciting!! Oh my god, I want more pics." She said.

"Take one of this." Daddy whispered in my other ear while he slid his hand into my bikini bottoms and on my moist slit.

"Hold on mom." I said while I turned my camera on and took a picture of that.

"Ok, I'm sending one right now." I said right after I sent that pic to mom.

"You should be getting one really soon." I said.

He started to take his hand out of my bikini bottoms, but I put my hand on his to stop him.

"You don't have to stop daddy." I said.

"Is he there with you right now?!" She asked.

"Yeah he is." I said.

"Oh, I just got it, hold on." She said.

"God you drive me crazy." Daddy said while he played with my slit.

"You drive me crazy, I've never been so horny." I said.

"So that's what he's doing to you." Mom said.

"Yep." I said while I put my hand on his boner.

"Yeah, if its ok with your boyfriend I would like more pictures and I wanna caption them." Mom said.

"Is it ok daddy?" I asked.

"Yeah, that's fine. How graphic does she want them?" He asked.

"Did you hear him mom?" I asked.

"Yes I did, as graphic as you're willing to get." She said.

"I want it like, hard core. You have to see how much he stretches me mom, it's so hot." I said.

"God I'm jealous." She said.

"You're just going to have to deal with it cause he's my man now." I said.

I was getting so wet that you could hear how wet I was even if you weren't close.

"Lucky, we really need to tell y..." Mom said right as I interrupted her.

"Hold on, is it ok if I take another picture daddy?" I asked.

"Ok, hurry." Mom said.

"Take your cock out." I said making my mom gasp a little.

While daddy took his yummy stick out for me, I slid my bikini bottoms down and climbed on his leg. I spread my legs and checked to see if you could see everything on the camera. I had daddy touch my pussy and I grabbed his big hard dick, god I couldn't believe that he was rock hard again. When I did, I started to gush a little cause I had the perfect shot of us molesting each other. But what made it perfect was that you could see that and my hand wrapped around his cock. I took several pictures of that and pulled my bikini bottoms back up just in case grandma and grandpa came to the patio we were on.

"Ok, here comes another one." I said while I sent the best one of that picture to her.

"Ok, what were you saying?" I asked while I sat in my daddy's lap.

I was facing away from him, so I was basically laying on top of him. I only did that because I llllllooooved having him hug me from behind, I loved it! And just as I hoped, he wrapped me in his big strong arms and held me.

"I was saying that we need to tell all of your friends that he's not your dad." She said.

"Why?" I asked.

"Because, I'm pretty sure that he's going to wanna come and see you now, and if he does I'm sure you're going to wanna kiss and make out with him. So, it only makes sense that we tell them that he's not your real dad." She said while daddy reached down and pressed his bare cock against my pussy making me gush and started thrusting so it would grind against me.

"What if they don't believe me, I mean we are going to be lying cause he is, but what if they don't believe me anyway?" I asked while I reached down and pulled my bikini bottoms to the side.

"Don't worry, I'll help you with that, we'll have a big sleep over and we'll do it then. I'll bring it up ok?" She asked while my daddy kissed my neck.

"You're seriously going to let him come and see me?" I asked.

"I kept him away from you when he was just your dad, I'm not going to do that again." She said.

"Just her dad?" Daddy asked.

"Well yeah, you weren't her boyfriend then." Mom said.

"Makes sense." He said.

"So, have y...whoa, oh wow that's really hot!" Mom said.

"You jus..oh my god, you just got it didn't you?" I half moaned.

"Yes I did, oh my god." Mom said.

"We'll try to get more for you later, I'd love to see them on that site." Dad said.

"Ok." She said.

Mom sounded like she was hot and horny now.

"You really liked that one didn't you mom?" I asked.

"God yes, I'll put these on the site." She said.

"I want it to say, finally got my daddy to fuck me." I said.

"Ok, sounds good so how many times have you guys fucked?" Mom asked.

"We started having sex this morning when he got home from the gym, we've had sex three times total." I said.

"And you're not sore?" She asked.

"I am a little, but it's really not all that bad, I'm surprised." I said.

"So that toy helped." She said.

"Yeah it helped a little, daddy is a lot bigger than the toy though." I said.

"So are you wanting to move in with him?" She asked.

"Yes, I'm definitely moving in with him so we need to see what we can do so I can come home to him early, I'm not sure I can wait till next summer." I said.

"Ok, that's fine, we'll get started with that when you get home. In the mean time, you have fun with your boyfriend and just enjoy your time with him." She said.

"Ok, thanks mom." I said.

"You're welcome, and don't keep me waiting for so long to call me back." She said.

"Sorry, I was just having way too much fun." I said.

"Ok, well I'll talk to you later and don't forget to send me those pictures." She said.

"I won't." I said.

"I'm really proud of you, and I'm really really happy for you." She said.

"Thanks mom I'm like, the happiest girl in the world." I said.

"Your boyfriend is a really good man, you got yourself a pretty good one this time." She said.

"I know right?" I asked.

"Just so you know, your parents are going to be throwing us a party, and since you and your brother are part of this family, I kinda expect you guys to be there." Daddy said.

"You know about me and my brother?" She asked.

"I know all about you two, how you guys started fooling around when you were young, and how you two were actually together when you and you I started seeing each other." Daddy said.

"He knows that you two live together and have sex all the time, he knows that you got me into incest and that I've had sex with all of you." I said.

"And don't worry, I don't think it's a bad thing, I understand the idea of it all perfectly now." Daddy said.

"So you're not going to get all mad about it all?" Mom asked.

"It's not like I really have anything to say about it now do I?" Daddy asked.

"No I guess not." Mom said.

"Mom, seriously, daddy is my boyfriend now, don't you think he's beyond any of that now?" I asked.

"I'm sorry, I just wasn't expecting him to be so open minded about it all." She said.

"I wasn't, I never was until Mindy came here this summer." Daddy said.

"And now?" She asked.

"I don't want it to stop." He said.

"We wanna be together like you and uncle are." I said.

"Ok, well, now I'm really excited about all of this! Just let me know when the party is and where it's going to be and I'll be there." She said.

"You promise?" Dad asked.

"Yes I promise." Mom said.

"Don't forget that he's mine now mom, I'm serious." I said.

"I won't forget baby girl, I'm going to go tell my brother what's going on." Mom said.

"Ok, grandma and grandpa are making us dinner to celebrate and I think it's almost ready." I said while I got off of him and laid on him so that I was facing him.

"Ok, just don't make me freak out like that again." Mom said.

"Just know that if I don't answer, it's probably because my boyfriend and I probably playing." I said.

"Pictures, I want pictures." Mom said.

"K, I'll take a bunch." I said.

"Awesome, I'll talk to you later sweetie." Mom said.

"Ok, love you mom." I said.

"Love you too mom." I said.

We hung up and I just laid against him wrapped my little arms around him and laid my head on his chest. He wrapped me in his arms and held me, and by the time I was comfortable, I was laying on top of him.

"You know you don't have to put this away right?" I asked while he started to tuck his cock back in his shorts.

"But what if they come out?" I asked.

"What, you don't want them to see your perfect dick?" I asked while I very lightly caressed his cock head with my fingernails.

"Not really." He said.

"It's ok, I don't want them to see me naked either, but I want to put it away and I'm not ready to do that just yet." I said while I looked up at him.

"You really like my cock don't you baby girl?" He asked.

"I love it. It's the fattest, biggest, hottest, sexiest, most beautiful cock I have ever seen. Then again I love everything about you. Your body, your tattoos, and your piercings. You're just sexy and handsome." I said while I kept lightly scratching his big cock making it Jump.

"If you keep doing that I'm never going to go down." He said making me push my hand down till his head pressed against my palm.

"Why, does this feel good?" I asked while I slid my finger nails up his shaft, making him throb a little.

"It feels really good, but that's not the only reason." He said while he started to move his hips.

"What's the other reason?" I asked.

"You're the one doing it." He said making me moan a little.

"You like your little girl touching your cock?" I asked making him nod his head yes.

"Good." I said.

We sat there and talked about us, and yes I eventually sat on his dick again, and this time I didn't let him fuck me. I mean like, he always focused on me, so it was his turn to relax and let his little girl fuck his brains out. And fuck him I did, I fucked him as hard as I could, and I even had orgasms and they were all just as amazing as the others were, I think I fucked him for at least twenty minutes before he was filling me up again. I fucked him right there by the pool, and when we collapsed in complete incestuous bliss, we were both totally naked. I think that if I had to total all of the time up that we did it, I'd have to say it would have to be a total of almost five hours, counting this time. Imagine what it would have been like if we had sex for five and hours straight. I know that dad was in amazing shape, and because of him I was too so I knew we could do that easily. My man and I went swimming around and goofing off like we did for most of the time that I was there, and while we did, I noticed that it wasn't just about the sex with my dad even though we were both naked. It seemed like it was much deeper than that with him, like he was feeling the exact way about me as I did him. I could tell, I mean, it was pretty obvious. I won't lie, it was making me fall for him even more. I loved feeling and acting like a kid, it had been so so long since I felt that way, but the best part of it was that my boyfriend/daddy was acting like a little kid too. It made our play time in the pool together so so much fun, I was having a blast with him. Especially since we kept stopping and making out from time to time. I can't say it enough, my daddy was a really really great kisser! Every time we kissed, we would end up making out for a few long amazing minutes. We both jumped off the the big cliff together and everything, god I was having a blast. Then it hit me, daddy had a ton of land with the biggest pool that I had ever seen in my life. It had water falls everywhere and it was absolutely gorgeous there. Plus he had a ton of four wheelers and different kinds of toys and he had all kinds of things that would make my idea perfect. He had a big gun range on it that the cops used for training, but it wasn't all that close to the house. So there were places that everyone could hike and if someone wanted to take someone to hide and fuck, that was the perfect place for it.

"It's ready, get decent and come eat!" Grandma yelled.

"K, we're coming!" I yelled while I held on to my boyfriend.

We got out of the pool and my sexy man helped dry off before I put my bikini on and helped him put his swim suit on. While he was wrapping me in a towel and helping me dry off a little more, I pulled his swim suit out and looked in them. He wasn't all the way hard, but he was a little swollen. I was going to touch him again, but he pulled my head up by my chin and kissed me. After kissing for a minute or more, he stepped back while I looked at his bulge, bit my pinkie nail and looked up in his eyes. He just grinned and pulled his shorts down until I could see his dick a little. Fuck he drives me crazy, I thought while he teased me.

"You're going to make me want it." I whispered while my slit started to moisten.

"That's the idea." He said.

"Is it?" I asked while he pulled his swim suit up and reached for my hand.

"I think it's only fair." He said while we started walking to the house.

"How is that fair?" I asked while I slid my fingers between his and curled my arm with his.

"You spent that last six weeks teasing me and making me want you wether I wanted to or not so, I figure I would do the same thing. Besides, I'm trying to let you know that I'm perfectly ok and happy about our relationship, and that I want this." He said.

"Well, you've convinced me a little already." I said.

"A little?" He asked.

"Yeah, I need more convincing but you're on the right track." I said with a big smile.

"Ok, I'll work on it." He said.

"You're seriously the hottest guy in the world." I said while I looked up at him.

"And I'm all yours." He said making me feel really excited.

"I can't believe that you're mine." I said.

"Are you kidding me baby girl? Look, I'm not just saying this because you're my daughter. You're seriously the most beautiful girl I've ever seen in my life, I've thought that about you since we met in Australia." He said giving me the chills.

"Thanks daddy." I said while I melted.

Do you remember when he said that I was the sexiest and hottest girl to me in Australia? Yeah, it was just like that day all over again only it was way better because we were officially together. I just hugged myself closer to him until our entire bodies were pressed together. Once we got on the huge deck daddy had, we all sat down and started eating. The steaks, were ginormous, but oh my god they were so so good! Then we started planning the party and stuff, and daddy decided that we should do it there at his house, that was my idea by the way. There were so many places that people could set up their motor homes, campers, and tents. So we decided that it was going to be this huge family camping trip. And the night that we were going to have the party, grandma wanted to have a little ceremony to welcome my daddy to the tradition. Thank god she was going to tell everyone that his daughter, me, was the one who brought him into it, that and that he was all mine. After dinner, daddy and I went and relaxed by the pool again, I was just laying in his arms and touching him. I didn't really realize how tired I really was until then, I almost fell asleep. Grandma and grandpa came out and hung out with us for a while before we all decided that it was time to go in. Once we were inside, I took a nice and long shower with my boyfriend, and yes, we had sex again, I loved how he had me on his shoulders while he ate me out. Once we got done and dried off, we went to bed and had sex again, only that time we did it for over an hour. It was way different that time because we went slow and took our time. Oh my god he wore me out bad so I was tired as hell. I know he was too cause it wasn't long after we got done having sex that we cuddled and fell asleep together. Five times, we had delicious, kinky and the worlds most amazing incest sex of our lives, five times! For the last two weeks we spent together, he took me on a date every single night, he spoiled me rotten. It was like a combination of him making up for lost time with his daughter, and like he was spoiling his new girlfriend. The sex, oh my god the sex was out of this world. We had sex everyday and it lasted for the longest time and the part that I loved the most was that he focused on me like he did the first time we had sex. We did have sex more than once a day most of the time too. It was so so good that there was no way that I could ever have sex with any other guy because none of them would ever be able to measure up with my dad, in more ways than one. And yes, we took like, a hundred pictures, very very graphic ones. I loved how my little pussy looked when it was all stretched around daddy's cock, and the fact that you could literally see my juices and cum all over it. We sent those to mom and a few days later, we went to that porn site and found them with the name "finally got daddy to fuck me" parts one through eight.

As far as our relationship, it wasn't just a daddy daughter relationship anymore, we were a full fledged couple. The only thing I hated was that we had to hide it from everyone so we wouldn't get in trouble. My wildest fantasy came true, the hottest and sexiest guy in the galaxy turned out to be my daddy, and I got to bring him into the family tradition. It took a lot more work than what is in this story to finally get him to finally give into me, but let me tell you, it was worth it all. Now, I get to fast forward. I went home and went back to school. Don't get me wrong, I loved school and I loved my friends, but I was in love with daddy. I wanted to be with him and that was it, I was in love with him and I loved that he was in love with me. He went to Florida to visit me every other weekend and he got to meet all of my friends, and that year, was the year that I did graduate from high school and he was there. He only got to stay the day before and the day of my graduation because he had to work, but he came anyway. He bought me a brand spanking new Audi Q7 for my graduation present and it was ssssoooo nice! It was all black with thin custom pink stripes on it and the black rims. It had every option you could think of, everything. A week after my graduation, mom made good on her promise. She and uncle hired a moving company and they followed in their motor home, and they helped me move in with my daddy. The party that grandma and grandpa threw for me and daddy was awesome, and yes, a lot of my cousins were like, way jealous of me. By then, I was so in love with daddy that I couldn't share him with anyone, I mean, I did once and that was with one of my friends, remember Lexi? Yeah, she came out and well, you should know what happened, and oh my god it was so fucking HOT! Seeing my daddy fuck another girl my age who was as hot as Lexi was, yeah. But that was before I was as in love with him as I am now.

Now, daddy and I live in the new house, and it is amazing! Those girls that we met that first day he and I committed incest, in that town close to his new property. We hung out a lot, but I spent more time with my daddy than them. He works for that volunteer fire department, well, it's not a fire department anymore, it's a fire protection district. Daddy hired a bunch of lawyers and made that happen since the city counsel decided to cut back on the fire budget so bad that they only had two trucks running. They completely shut their ambulance department down, so that meant that the closest ambulance was over 20 miles away. And since daddy did all that, they have like, a ton of trucks and like, I think five stations and two ambulances. That town government hated daddy because they had no control of the fire department anymore. Now I don't consider myself to be daddies girlfriend anymore, I consider him to be my husband, and he considers me to be his wife. So as you can see, things turned out amazing! I was taken away from my daddy, I was introduced to incest, I met my daddy and seduced him into incest and now we are "married". I can't tell you how proud I am of him because he could have turned out to be like his parents, but he didn't. He turned out to be an amazing dad even before we actually reunited, and more so now since he's my husband. I'm not perfect at all and neither is he so yes we do have drama every now and then. But, he is always respectful, he never calls me out of my name, and he never, ever talks down to me. It doesn't matter how mad I make him, he doesn't do that. People say that relationships like ours don't work out, but when two people love each other as much as we love each other, we stay and we fight through it. We do everything we can to work everything out, and we always do work things out, and the make up sex, oh my god! He's so perfect for me that it's almost scary, he's so good to me and he takes amazing care of me. I love my daddy, I love him so much that I wanna grow old with him and at the rate things are going, I believe it going to happen! Yeah, as you can see, I'm the happiest girl in the whole world! I have everything I could ever want and need, and that is my daddy's love, or in my case, my daddy/husband.

This story was taken from one these sites, check them out to find more sex stories:






Pub: 21 Jul 2024 01:27 UTC
Views: 493