

These relate to system roles/experiences and, by definition, cannot be used by singlets.

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Addictoldic: a gender related to being an addiction holder in a system. this could but does not have to include:
-feeling your role as an addiction holder in a gendered way
-relating to gendered archetypes or depictions of addiction as part of your system role
-having a xenogender related to the subject of the addiction
-feeling as though a certain gender is tied up with your experience as an addict(ion holder)

Addictoldicagender: an agender gender related to being an addiction holder in a system. this could but does not have to include:
-feeling your role as an addiction holder in a genderless way
-relating to archetypes or depictions of addiction that are not heavily gendered as part of your system role
-having an agender xenogender related to the subject of the addiction
-feeling as though agender-ness is tied up with your experience as an addict(ion holder)
-feeling as though your gender is addict(ion holder), or that that is what you have instead of a gender

Addictoldicandro(gynous): an androgynous gender related to being an addiction holder in a system. this could but does not have to include:
-feeling your role as an addiction holder in an androgynous way
-relating to both feminine and masculine archetypes or depictions of addiction as part of your system role
-having an androgynous xenogender related to the subject of the addiction
-feeling as though androgyny is tied up with your experience as an addict(ion holder)

Addictoldiclux(ine): a luxine gender related to being an addiction holder in a system. this could but does not have to include:
-feeling your role as an addiction holder in a luxine way
-relating to archetypes or depictions of addiction that you consider luxine
-having a luxine xenogender related to the subject of the addiction
-feeling as though luxinity is tied up with your experience as an addict(ion holder)
-having feelings of awe, divinity, vastness, or fear associated with your addiction

Addictoldicmasc(uline): a masculine gender related to being an addiction holder in a system. this could but does not have to include:
-feeling your role as an addiction holder in a masculine way
-relating to masculine archetypes or depictions of addiction as part of your system role
-having a masculine xenogender related to the subject of the addiction
-feeling as though a masculinity is tied up with your experience as an addict(ion holder)
this is both a systerm and a gender. by definition, it cannot be used by singlets.

Addictoldicneu(tral): a neutral gender related to being an addiction holder in a system. this could but does not have to include:
-feeling your role as an addiction holder in a gender neutral way
-relating to archetypes or depictions of addiction that are not heavily gendered as part of your system role
-having a neutral xenogender related to the subject of the addiction
-feeling as though gender neutrality is tied up with your experience as an addict(ion holder)
-feeling as though your gender is addict(ion holder)

Addictoldicsopor(ine): a soporine gender related to being an addiction holder in a system. this could but does not have to include:
-feeling your role as an addiction holder in a soporine way
-relating to archetypes or depictions of addiction that you consider soporine or that relate to sleep
-having a soporine xenogender related to the subject of the addiction
-feeling as though soporinity is tied up with your experience as an addict(ion holder)
-associating your addiction with sleep (possibly to a substance that makes one sleepy)
-having an additional system role that involves sleep

Addictoldicxeno(gender): a xenic gender related to being an addiction holder in a system. this could but does not have to include:
-feeling your role as an addiction holder in a xenic way
-relating to archetypes or depictions of addiction that you consider gendered according to your xenogender
-having a xenogender related to the subject of the addiction
-feeling as though xeninity is tied up with your experience as an addict(ion holder)

Addictoldikinkic: a pluralgender related to kink and being an addiction holder in a system. this can involve:
-coping with the addiction with kink
-having a kink related to something involved with the addiction
-being both an addiction holder and a kink headmate
-the addiction and the kink having the same cause

Angeroldic: A pluralgender related to being an anger holder in a system.
This could but does not have to include:
-feeling your role as an anger holder in a gendered way
-relating to gendered archetypes or depictions of anger as part of your system role
-having a xenogender related to anger
-feeling as though a certain gender is tied up with your experience with anger or as an anger holder

Angeroldicagender: An agender pluralgender related to being an anger holder in a system.
This could but does not have to include:
-feeling your role as an anger holder in a genderless way
-feeling as though genderlessness is tied up with your experience with anger or as an anger holder
-feeling that, instead of gender, you have anger
This is both a systerm and a gender. By definition, it cannot be used by singlets.

Angeroldicandrogynous: An androgynous pluralgender related to being an anger holder in a system.
This could but does not have to include:
-feeling your role as an anger holder in an androynous way
-relating to both masculine and feminine archetypes or depictions of anger as part of your system role
-feeling as though androgyny is tied up with your experience with anger or as an anger holder
This is both a systerm and a gender. By definition, it cannot be used by singlets.

Angeroldicfeminine: A feminine pluralgender related to being an anger holder in a system.
This could but does not have to include:
-feeling your role as an anger holder in a feminine way
-relating to feminine archetypes or depictions of anger as part of your system role
-feeling as though femininity is tied up with your experience with anger or as an anger holder
This is both a systerm and a gender. By definition, it cannot be used by singlets.

Angeroldicgenderqueer: A genderqueer pluralgender related to being an anger holder in a system.
This could but does not have to include:
-feeling your role as an anger holder in a genderqueer way
-feeling as though genderqueerness is tied up with your experience with anger or as an anger holder
-feeling that, instead of gender, you have anger
This is both a systerm and a gender. By definition, it cannot be used by singlets.

Angeroldickenochoric: A kenochoric pluralgender related to being an anger holder in a system.
This could but does not have to include:
-feeling your role as an anger holder in a kenochoric way
-feeling as though kenochoric themes are tied up with your experience with anger or as an anger holder
-feeling that your anger is vast, dark, eldritch, or other kenochoric themes
This is both a systerm and a gender. By definition, it cannot be used by singlets.

Angeroldicluxine: A luxine pluralgender related to being an anger holder in a system.
This could but does not have to include:
-feeling your role as an anger holder in a luxine way
-feeling as though luxine themes are tied up with your experience with anger or as an anger holder
-feeling that your anger is vast, divine, awe-inspiring, or other luxine themes
This is both a systerm and a gender. By definition, it cannot be used by singlets.

Angeroldicmasculine: A masculine pluralgender related to being an anger holder in a system.
This could but does not have to include:
-feeling your role as an anger holder in a masculine way
-relating to masculine archetypes or depictions of anger as part of your system role
-feeling as though masculinity is tied up with your experience with anger or as an anger holder

Angeroldicneutral: A neutral pluralgender related to being an anger holder in a system.
This could but does not have to include:
-feeling your role as an anger holder in a gender neutral way
-relating to both archetypes or depictions of anger that are not strongly gendered as part of your system role
-feeling as though gender neutrality is tied up with your experience with anger or as an anger holder

Angeroldicsoporine: A soporine pluralgender related to being an anger holder in a system.
This could but does not have to include:
-feeling your role as an anger holder in a soporine way
-feeling as though sleep is tied up with your experience with anger or as an anger holder
-coping with anger by sleeping
This is both a systerm and a gender. By definition, it cannot be used by singlets.

Angeroldicxenic: A xenic pluralgender related to being an anger holder in a system.
This could but does not have to include:
-feeling your role as an anger holder in a xenogender way
-feeling as though being xenogender is tied up with your experience with anger or as an anger holder
-having an anger-related xenogender

Caretakeic: a pluralgender related to being a caretaker in a system. this can involve:
-your gender and your role as a caretaker feeling connected or the same
-relating to gendered archetypes of caretakers, or feeling you perform that role in a gendered way
-acting as a caretaker gives you gender euphoria
-having a xenogender related to things you involve in your role

Caretakeicagender: an agender pluralgender related to being a caretaker in a system. this can involve:
-your agender gender and your role as a caretaker feeling connected or the same
-relating to archetypes of caretakers that are not strongly gendered, or feeling you perform that role in an agender way
-acting as a caretaker gives you agender gender euphoria
-having an agender xenogender related to things you involve in your role this is both a systerm and a gender.

Caretakeicandro(gynous): an androgynous pluralgender related to being a caretaker in a system. this can involve:
-your androgynous gender and your role as a caretaker feeling connected or the same
-relating to both masculine and feminine archetypes of caretakers, or feeling you perform that role in an androgynous way
-acting as a caretaker gives you androgynous gender euphoria
-having an androgynous xenogender related to things you involve in your role

Caretakeicfem(inine): a feminine pluralgender related to being a caretaker in a system. this can involve:
-your feminine gender and your role as a caretaker feeling connected or the same
-relating to feminine archetypes of caretakers, or feeling you perform that role in a feminine way
-acting as a caretaker gives you feminine gender euphoria
-having a feminine xenogender related to things you involve in your role

Caretakeicgenderqueer: a genderqueer pluralgender related to being a caretaker in a system. this can involve:
-your genderqueer gender and your role as a caretaker feeling connected or the same
-relating to archetypes of caretakers that are not strongly gendered, or feeling you perform that role in a genderqueer way
-acting as a caretaker gives you genderqueer gender euphoria
-having a genderqueer xenogender related to things you involve in your role

Caretakeickeno(choric): a kenic pluralgender related to being a caretaker in a system. this can involve:
-your kenochoric gender and your role as a caretaker feeling connected or the same
-relating to archetypes of caretakers that you consider kenous, or feeling you perform that role in a kenous way
-acting as a caretaker gives you kenochoric gender euphoria
-having a kenochoric xenogender related to things you involve in your role
-being a caretaker who is otherworldly, eldritch, eerie, or other kenochoric themes

Caretakeiclux(ine): a luxine pluralgender related to being a caretaker in a system. this can involve:
-your luxine gender and your role as a caretaker feeling connected or the same
-relating to archetypes of caretakers that you consider luxine, or feeling you perform that role in a luxine way
-acting as a caretaker gives you luxine gender euphoria
-having a luxine xenogender related to things you involve in your role
-being an angelic/holy/divine/etc. caretaker
-feeling a sense of joy/innocence/wonder/etc. associated with the caretaker role

Caretakeicmasc: a pluralgender related to being a caretaker in a system. this can involve:
-your masculine gender and your role as a caretaker feeling connected or the same
-relating to masculine archetypes of caretakers, or feeling you perform that role in a masculine way
-acting as a caretaker gives you masculine gender euphoria
-having a masculine xenogender related to things you involve in your role

Caretakeicneu(tral): a neutral pluralgender related to being a caretaker in a system. this can involve:
-your neutral gender and your role as a caretaker feeling connected or the same
-relating to archetypes of caretakers that are not strongly gendered, or feeling you perform that role in a gender neutral way
-acting as a caretaker gives you neutral gender euphoria
-having a neutral xenogender related to things you involve in your role

Caretakeicsopor(ine): a soporine pluralgender related to being a caretaker in a system. this can involve:
-your soporine gender and your role as a caretaker feeling connected or the same
-relating to archetypes of caretakers that you consider soporine, or feeling you perform that role in a soporine way
-acting as a caretaker gives you soporine gender euphoria
-having a soporine xenogender related to things you involve in your role
-having a role that involves sleep

Caretakeicxeno(gender): a xenic pluralgender related to being a caretaker in a system. this can involve:
-your xenogender and your role as a caretaker feeling connected or the same
-relating to archetypes of caretakers that you associate with your xenogender, or feeling you perform that role in a xenine way
-acting as a caretaker gives you xenic gender euphoria
-having a xenogender related to things you involve in your role

Frontergender: A pluralgender in which one is a headmate whose gender is influenced or determined by who else is fronting at the time. Some examples of this could include: -feeling more feminine with female headmates -feeling more gender neutral with asexual headmates -feeling more catgender with cat extranths. This can be considered a form of genderfluid, but identifying as genderfluid is not necessary to being frontergender.

Musicativic: A gender related to being a musicative (i.e. an introject of music) in a system.
This could involve:
-having a gender related to the music from which you are introjected
-being a musicative who feels that their gender is affected both by music and by being in a system
-identifying with the gender of the creator or subject of the music from which you are introjected
However, it could involve anything.

Protectic: a pluralgender for protectors in systems. this can involve:
-feeling a gendered connection to your role as a protector
-performing your role in what you feel is a gendered way
-relating to gendered archetypes of protectors/protection
-having a xenogender related to what you do as a protector

Protecticagender: an agender pluralgender for protectors in systems. this can involve:
-feeling an agender connection to your role as a protector
-performing your role in what you feel is an agender way
-relating to archetypes of protectors/protection that are not strongly gendered
-having an agender xenogender related to what you do as a protector

Protecticandro(gynous): an androgynous pluralgender for protectors in systems. this can involve:
-feeling an androgynous connection to your role as a protector
-performing your role in what you feel is an androgynous way
-relating to both masculine and feminine archetypes of protectors/protection
-having an androgynous xenogender related to what you do as a protector

Protecticfem(inine): a feminine pluralgender for protectors in systems. this can involve:
-feeling a feminine connection to your role as a protector
-performing your role in what you feel is a feminine way
-relating to feminine archetypes of protectors/protection
-having a feminine xenogender related to what you do as a protector

Protecticgenderqueer: a genderqueer pluralgender for protectors in systems. this can involve:
-feeling a genderqueer connection to your role as a protector
-performing your role in what you feel is a genderqueer way
-relating to archetypes of protectors/protection that are not strongly gendered
-having a genderqueer xenogender related to what you do as a protector

Protectickeno(choric): a kenic pluralgender for protectors in systems. this can involve:
-feeling a kenic connection to your role as a protector
-performing your role in what you feel is a kenous way
-relating to archetypes of protectors/protection that you see as kenous
-having a kenochoric xenogender related to what you do as a protector
-being an eldritch/non-human/liminal/etc. protector

Protecticlux(ine): a luxine pluralgender for protectors in systems. this can involve:
-feeling a luxine connection to your role as a protector
-performing your role in what you feel is a luxine way
-relating to archetypes of protectors/protection that you see as luxine
-having a luxine xenogender related to what you do as a protector
-being a holy/divine/angelic/etc. protector

Protecticmasc(uline): a masculine pluralgender for protectors in systems. this can involve:
-feeling a masculine connection to your role as a protector
-performing your role in what you feel is a masculine way
-relating to masculine archetypes of protectors/protection
-having a masculine xenogender related to what you do as a protector

Protecticneu(tral): a neutral pluralgender for protectors in systems. this can involve:
-feeling a neutral connection to your role as a protector
-performing your role in what you feel is a gender neutral way
-relating to archetypes of protectors/protection that are not strongly gendered
-having a neutral xenogender related to what you do as a protector

Protecticsopor(ine): a soporine pluralgender for protectors in systems. this can involve:
-feeling a soporine connection to your role as a protector
-performing your role in what you feel is a soporine way
-relating to archetypes of protectors/protection that you see as soporine
-having a soporine xenogender related to what you do as a protector
-having a role that also involves sleep

Protecticxeno(gender): a xenic pluralgender for protectors in systems. this can involve: -feeling a xenic connection to your role as a protector -performing your role in what you feel is an xenine way -relating to archetypes of protectors/protection that have to do with your xenogender -having a xenogender related to what you do as a protector this is both a systerm and a gender. by definition, it cannot be used by singlets.

Symptoldic: a pluralgender related to being a symptom holder in a system. this can involve:
-how gender is felt in relation to the symptom -how gender affects or is involved with the symptom -feeling that the symptom and your gender are connected or the same -experiencing or expressing the symptom in what you feel is a gendered way this is both a systerm and a gender. its definition excludes it from being used by singlets.

Symptoldicagender: an agender pluralgender related to being a symptom holder in a system. this can involve:
-feeling agender in relation to the symptom
-genderlessness affecting or being involved with the symptom
-feeling that the symptom and genderlessness are connected
-feeling that the symptom is agender-aligned and that it is your gender
-instead of having a gender, you have the symptom
-experiencing or expressing the symptom in what you feel is an agender way
-holding a symptom that has to do with feelings of nothingness etc. or anything else that can be related to a lack of something, and thus a lack of gender

Symptoldicandro(gynous): an androgynous pluralgender related to being a symptom holder in a system. this can involve:
-feeling androgynous in relation to the symptom
-androgyny affecting or being involved with the symptom
-feeling that the symptom and androgyny are connected
-feeling that the symptom is androgynous and that it is your gender
-experiencing or expressing the symptom in what you feel is an androgynous way

Symptoldicfem(inine): a feminine pluralgender related to being a symptom holder in a system. this can involve:
-feeling feminine in relation to the symptom
-femininity affecting or being involved with the symptom
-feeling that the symptom and femininity are connected
-feeling that the symptom is feminine and that it is your gender
-experiencing or expressing the symptom in what you feel is a feminine way

Symptoldicgenderqueer: a genderqueer pluralgender related to being a symptom holder in a system. this can involve:
-feeling genderqueer in relation to the symptom
-genderqueerness affecting or being involved with the symptom
-feeling that the symptom and being genderqueer are connected
-feeling that the symptom is genderqueer-aligned and that it is your gender
-experiencing or expressing the symptom in what you feel is a genderqueer way

Symptoldiclux(ine): a luxine pluralgender related to being a symptom holder in a system. this can involve:
-feeling luxine in relation to the symptom
-luxinity affecting or being involved with the symptom
-feeling that the symptom and luxinity are connected
-feeling that the symptom is luxine and that it is your gender
-experiencing or expressing the symptom in what you feel is a luxine way
-having a symptom that involves or concerns divinity, knowledge, awe, or any other luxine themes

Symptoldickeno(choric): a kenochoric pluralgender related to being a symptom holder in a system. this can involve:
-feeling kenochoric in relation to the symptom
-kenosity affecting or being involved with the symptom
-feeling that the symptom and kenosity are connected
-feeling that the symptom is kenic and that it is your gender
-experiencing or expressing the symptom in what you feel is a kenochoric way
-having a symptom that involves fear, feelings of emptiness, liminality, or other kenochoric themes

Symptoldicmasc(uline): a masculine pluralgender related to being a symptom holder in a system. this can involve:
-feeling masculine in relation to the symptom
-masculinity affecting or being involved with the symptom
-feeling that the symptom and masculinity are connected
-feeling that the symptom is masculine and that it is your gender
-experiencing or expressing the symptom in what you feel is a masculine way

Symptoldicneu(tral): a neutral pluralgender related to being a symptom holder in a system. this can involve:
-feeling gender neutral in relation to the symptom
-gender neutrality affecting or being involved with the symptom
-feeling that the symptom and gender neutrality are connected
-feeling that the symptom is neutral-aligned and that it is your gender
-experiencing or expressing the symptom in what you feel is a neutral-aligned way

Symptoldicosmic: a pluralgender related to outer space and being a symptom holder in a system. this can involve:
-being a symptom holder from outer space
-coping with the symptom with an interest in outer space
-feeling as though the symptom or their experience with it is comparable to outer space (e.g. vast, empty, etc.)
-having a space-related xenogender involving something involved with the symptom

Symptoldicsopor(ine): a soporine pluralgender related to being a symptom holder in a system. this can involve:
-feeling soporine in relation to the symptom
-soporinity affecting or being involved with the symptom
-feeling that the symptom and soporinity are connected
-feeling that the symptom is soporine and that it is your gender
-experiencing or expressing the symptom in what you feel is a soporine way
-having a symptom that concerns sleep

Symptoldicxeno(gender): a xenic pluralgender related to being a symptom holder in a system. this can involve:
-feeling xenic in relation to the symptom
-xenogender-ness affecting or being involved with the symptom
-feeling that the symptom and xenogender-ness are connected
-feeling that the symptom is xenine and that it is your gender
-you relate to something concerning the symptom in a xenic way
-experiencing or expressing the symptom in what you feel is a xenine way

Symptoldikinkic: a pluralgender related to kink and being a symptom holder in a system. this can involve:
-coping with the symptom with kink
-having a kink related to something involved with the symptom
-being both a symptom holder and a kink headmate
-the symptom and the kink having the same cause

Syskiddic: a pluralgender related to being a syskid in a system this can involve:
-childlike displays of gender, or gender as commonly performed by children
-feeling like, instead of being a boy or a girl, your gender is syskid
-having a gendered connection to childhood and feeling that with regards to your role as a syskid
-feeling as though your gender is connected to your role as a syskid
-a xenogender relating to childhood aesthetics/kidcore/etc.

Syskiddicagender: an agender pluralgender related to being a syskid in a system this can involve:
-childlike behavior/aesthetics/etc. that are not strongly coded towards either binary gender
-connection to clothes, toys, media, etc. that are not geared towards any gender in specific
-feeling your gender is child/kid
-having a distinctly genderless connection to childhood and feeling that with regards to your role as a syskid
-feeling as though genderlessness/being an agender child is connected to your role as a syskid
-an agender xenogender relating to childhood aesthetics/kidcore/etc.

Syskiddicfem(inine): a feminine pluralgender related to being a syskid in a system this can involve:
-childlike displays of femininity, or femininity as commonly performed by children
-connection to clothes, toys, media, etc. that is geared towards little girls
-feeling your gender is girl (as opposed to woman)
-having a feminine gendered connection to childhood and feeling that with regards to your role as a syskid
-feeling as though femininity/being a girl is connected to your role as a syskid
-a feminine xenogender relating to childhood aesthetics/kidcore/etc.

Syskiddicgenderqueer: a genderqueer pluralgender related to being a syskid in a system this can involve:
-childlike behavior/aesthetics/etc. that are not strongly coded towards either binary gender
-connection to clothes, toys, media, etc. that are not geared towards any gender in specific
-feeling your gender is child/kid
-having a distinctly genderqueer connection to childhood and feeling that with regards to your role as a syskid
-feeling as though genderqueerness/being a genderqueer child is connected to your role as a syskid
-a genderqueer xenogender relating to childhood aesthetics/kidcore/etc.

Syskiddickeno(choric): a kenochoric pluralgender related to being a syskid in a system this can involve:
-childlike behavior/aesthetics/etc. that one sees as kenous
-connection to children's clothes, toys, media, etc. with kenochoric themes
-feeling your gender is a distinctly kenochoric child
-having a kenochoric connection to childhood and feeling that with regards to your role as a syskid
-feeling as though kenosity/being a kenochoric child is connected to your role as a syskid
-a kenochoric xenogender relating to childhood aesthetics/kidcore/etc.
-nostalgic, eerie, and/or liminal themes associated with childhood being part of your gender as a syskid

Syskiddiclux(ine): a luxine pluralgender related to being a syskid in a system this can involve:
-childlike behavior/aesthetics/etc. that one sees as luxine
-connection to children's clothes, toys, media, etc. with luxine themes
-feeling your gender is a distinctly luxine child
-having a luxine connection to childhood and feeling that with regards to your role as a syskid
-feeling as though luxinity/being a luxine child is connected to your role as a syskid
-a luxine xenogender relating to childhood aesthetics/kidcore/etc.
-being a divine, holy, or angelic child -innocence and joy as both luxine and childhood themes

Syskiddicmasc(uline): a masculine pluralgender related to being a syskid in a system this can involve:
-childlike displays of masculinity, or masculinity as commonly performed by children
-connection to clothes, toys, media, etc. that is geared towards little boys
-feeling your gender is boy (as opposed to man)
-having a masculine gendered connection to childhood and feeling that with regards to your role as a syskid
-feeling as though masculinity/being a boy is connected to your role as a syskid
-a masculine xenogender relating to childhood aesthetics/kidcore/etc.

Syskiddicneu(tral): a neutral pluralgender related to being a syskid in a system this can involve:
-childlike behavior/aesthetics/etc. that are not strongly coded towards either binary gender
-connection to clothes, toys, media, etc. that are not geared towards any gender in specific
-feeling your gender is child/kid -having a neutral gendered connection to childhood and feeling that with regards to your role as a syskid
-feeling as though gender neutrality/being a gender neutral child is connected to your role as a syskid
-a neutral xenogender relating to childhood aesthetics/kidcore/etc.

Syskiddicsopor(ine): a soporine pluralgender related to being a syskid in a system this can involve:
-childlike behavior/aesthetics/etc. that one sees as soporine
-connection to children's clothes, toys, media, etc. with soporine/sleep-related themes
-feeling your gender is a distinctly soporine child
-having a soporine connection to childhood and feeling that with regards to your role as a syskid
-feeling as though soporinity/being a soporine child is connected to your role as a syskid
-a soporine xenogender relating to childhood aesthetics/kidcore/etc.
-having a system role that also involves sleep

Syskiddicxeno(gender): a xenic pluralgender related to being a syskid in a system this can involve:
-childlike behavior/aesthetics/etc. associated with things involved in one's xenogender
-connection to clothes, toys, media, etc. that are themed around one's xenogender
-feeling your gender is child/kid in a xenic way
-having a distinctly xenic connection to childhood and feeling that with regards to your role as a syskid
-feeling as though xeninity/being a xenogender child is connected to your role as a syskid
-a xenogender relating to childhood aesthetics/kidcore/etc.

Syspettic: a pluralgender related to being a syspet in a system. this can be used for both sentipets and more animal-like syspets, but the former are more likely to use this as a self-identifier. this can involve:
-being a certain gender of animal and feeling these things are connected to their role as a syspet
-how gender affects or is involved with being a syspet
-feeling that being a syspet and their gender are connected or the same
-having a xenogender related to the kind of animal they are

Syspetticagender: an agender pluralgender related to being a syspet in a system. this can be used for both sentipets and more animal-like syspets, but the former are more likely to use this as a self-identifier. this can involve:
-being a genderless animal, or not having a human gender, and feeling this is connected to their role as a syspet
-how genderlessness affects or is involved with being a syspet
-associating that kind of animal with genderlessness, or not associating it with a human gender
-feeling that being a syspet and genderlessness are connected
-having an agender xenogender related to the kind of animal they are

Syspetticandro(gynous): an androgynous pluralgender related to being a syspet in a system. this can be used for both sentipets and more animal-like syspets, but the former are more likely to use this as a self-identifier. this can involve:
-being an androgynous animal, or feeling androgynous due to being an animal, and feeling this is connected to their role as a syspet
-how androgyny affects or is involved with being a syspet
-associating that kind of animal with androgyny, or not associating it with a human gender
-feeling that being a syspet and androgyny are connected
-having an androgynous xenogender related to the kind of animal they are

Syspetticfem(inine): a pluralgender related to being a syspet in a system. this can be used for both sentipets and more animal-like syspets, but the former are more likely to use this as a self-identifier. this can involve:
-being a female animal and feeling this is connected to their role as a syspet
-how femininity affects or is involved with being a syspet
-associating that kind of animal with femininity
-feeling that being a syspet and femininity are connected
-having a feminine xenogender related to the kind of animal they are

Syspetticgenderqueer: a genderqueer pluralgender related to being a syspet in a system. this can be used for both sentipets and more animal-like syspets, but the former are more likely to use this as a self-identifier. this can involve:
-being a genderqueer animal, or not having a human gender, and feeling this is connected to their role as a syspet
-how genderqueerness affects or is involved with being a syspet
-associating that kind of animal with genderqueerness, or not associating it with a human gender
-feeling that being a syspet and genderqueerness are connected
-having a xenogender related to the kind of animal they are this is both a systerm and a gender

Syspettickeno(choric): a kenic pluralgender related to being a syspet in a system. this can be used for both sentipets and more animal-like syspets, but the former are more likely to use this as a self-identifier. this can involve:
-being a kenochoric animal and feeling this is connected to their role as a syspet
-how kenosity affects or is involved with being a syspet
-associating that kind of animal with being kenochoric
-feeling that being a syspet and being kenochoric are connected
-having a kenic xenogender related to the kind of animal they are
-being an animal that is otherworldly, eerie, liminal, or otherwise connected to kenochoric themes

Syspetticmasc(uline): a pluralgender related to being a syspet in a system. this can be used for both sentipets and more animal-like syspets, but the former are more likely to use this as a self-identifier. this can involve:
-being a male animal and feeling this is connected to their role as a syspet
-how masculinity affects or is involved with being a syspet
-associating that kind of animal with masculinity
-feeling that being a syspet and masculinity are connected
-having a masculine xenogender related to the kind of animal they are

Syspetticneu(tral): a neutral pluralgender related to being a syspet in a system. this can be used for both sentipets and more animal-like syspets, but the former are more likely to use this as a self-identifier. this can involve:
-being a gender neutral animal, or feeling gender neutral due to being an animal, and feeling this is connected to their role as a syspet
-how gender neutrality affects or is involved with being a syspet
-associating that kind of animal with gender neutrality, or not associating it with a human gender
-feeling that being a syspet and gender neutrality are connected
-having a neutral xenogender related to the kind of animal they are

Syspetticsopor(ine): a soporine pluralgender related to being a syspet in a system. this can be used for both sentipets and more animal-like syspets, but the former are more likely to use this as a self-identifier. this can involve:
-being a soporine animal and feeling this is connected to their role as a syspet
-how soporinity affects or is involved with being a syspet
-associating that kind of animal with being soporine
-feeling that being a syspet and being soporine are connected
-having a soporine xenogender related to the kind of animal they are
-being a syspet who is often sleepy or who has a role relating to sleep

Syspetticxeno(gender): a xenic pluralgender related to being a syspet in a system. this can be used for both sentipets and more animal-like syspets, but the former are more likely to use this as a self-identifier. this can involve:
-being a xenogender animal, or having a non-human gender due to being an animal, and feeling this is connected to their role as a syspet
-how xenogender-ness affects or is involved with being a syspet
-associating that kind of animal with being xenogender, or not associating it with a human gender
-feeling that being a syspet and being xenic are connected
-having a xenogender related to the kind of animal they are

Traumoldic: a pluralgender related to being a trauma holder in a system. this can involve:
-a gendered connection to the role of trauma holder
-feeling as though one's gender affects the way one holds the trauma
-a gender identity that was involved in the trauma
-a xenogender relating to things that were involved in the trauma or how the trauma holder deals with it this is both a systerm and a gender

Traumoldicagender: an agender pluralgender related to being a trauma holder in a system. this can involve:
-a genderless connection to the role of trauma holder
-feeling as though one's genderlessness affects the way one holds the trauma
-an agender identity that was involved in the trauma
-an agender xenogender relating to things that were involved in the trauma or how the trauma holder deals with it
-a disconnect from gender due to the trauma

Traumoldicandro(gynous): an androgynous pluralgender related to being a trauma holder in a system. this can involve:
-an androgynous connection to the role of trauma holder
-feeling as though one's androgyny affects the way one holds the trauma
-an androgynous identity that was involved in the trauma
-an androgynous xenogender relating to things that were involved in the trauma or how the trauma holder deals with it
-a disconnect from fully binary gender due to the trauma

Traumoldicfem(inine): a feminine pluralgender related to being a trauma holder in a system. this can involve:
-a feminine gendered connection to the role of trauma holder
-feeling as though one's femininity affects the way one holds the trauma
-a feminine/female identity that was involved in the trauma
-a feminine xenogender relating to things that were involved in the trauma or how the trauma holder deals with it

Traumoldicgenderqueer: a genderqueer pluralgender related to being a trauma holder in a system. this can involve:
-a genderqueer connection to the role of trauma holder
-feeling as though one's genderqueerness affects the way one holds the trauma
-a genderqueeer identity that was involved in the trauma
-a genderqueer xenogender relating to things that were involved in the trauma or how the trauma holder deals with it
-a disconnect from binary gender due to the trauma

Traumoldickeno(choric): a kenic pluralgender related to being a trauma holder in a system. this can involve:
-a kenic connection to the role of trauma holder
-feeling as though one's kenosity affects the way one holds the trauma
-a kenic identity that was involved in the trauma
-a kenochoric xenogender relating to things that were involved in the trauma or how the trauma holder deals with it
-a disconnect from binary gender due to the trauma
-fearful, eerie, or liminal feelings associated with the trauma

Traumoldiclux(ine): a luxine pluralgender related to being a trauma holder in a system. this can involve:
-a luxine connection to the role of trauma holder
-feeling as though one's luxinity affects the way one holds the trauma
-a luxine identity that was involved in the trauma
-a luxine xenogender relating to things that were involved in the trauma or how the trauma holder deals with it
-a disconnect from binary gender due to the trauma
-religious trauma whose connection to holiness or divinity feels luxine
-having luxine feelings of fear and incomprehensibility associated with the trauma

Traumoldicmasc(uline): a masculine pluralgender related to being a trauma holder in a system. this can involve:
-a masculine gendered connection to the role of trauma holder
-feeling as though one's masculinity affects the way one holds the trauma
-a masculine/male identity that was involved in the trauma
-a masculine xenogender relating to things that were involved in the trauma or how the trauma holder deals with it

Traumoldicneu(tral): a neutral pluralgender related to being a trauma holder in a system. this can involve:
-a neutral gendered connection to the role of trauma holder
-feeling as though one's gender neutrality affects the way one holds the trauma
-a neutral gender identity that was involved in the trauma
-a neutral xenogender relating to things that were involved in the trauma or how the trauma holder deals with it

Traumoldicsopor(ine): a soporine pluralgender related to being a trauma holder in a system. this can involve:
-a soporine connection to the role of trauma holder
-feeling as though one's soporinity affects the way one holds the trauma
-a soporine identity that was involved in the trauma
-a soporine xenogender relating to things that were involved in the trauma or how the trauma holder deals with it
-a disconnect from binary gender due to the trauma
-having the role of trauma holder in addition to a role involving sleep

Traumoldicxeno(gender): a xenic pluralgender related to being a trauma holder in a system. this can involve:
-a xenic connection to the role of trauma holder
-feeling as though one's xeninity affects the way one holds the trauma
-a xenic identity that was involved in the trauma
-a xenogender relating to things that were involved in the trauma or how the trauma holder deals with it
-a disconnect from binary gender due to the trauma

Traumoldikinkic: a pluralgender related to kink and being a trauma holder in a system. this can involve:
-coping with the trauma with kink
-having a kink related to something involved with the trauma
-being both a trauma holder and a kink headmate
-the trauma and the kink having the same cause

Pub: 09 Feb 2024 17:08 UTC
Edit: 28 Mar 2024 14:51 UTC
Views: 120