IxC999’s plurid coining


Plurid (link to coining post) is a term we have made to describe a form of identity that is shared throughout a system.

A plurid can be anything that constitutes an identity (e.g. a gender or kintype), or it can be something that is not an identity in and of itself (e.g. an animal or aesthetic) that can affect parts of one's identity and affects either all system members' identities or that affects enough system members' identities that they collectively identify with that thing.

Plurids can be coined simply by putting "plurid" at the end of a word - e.g. gayplurid, dogkinplurid, etc. - but these are specific ones we have made flags for.

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1980splurid: A plurid in which the system have a collective identity relating to the 1980s, or identify with the 1980s in a way that affects the system collectively.
This could involve the 1980s affecting introjects, kintypes, genders, interests, aesthetics, or how the system present to others.
It can involve being born in the 1980s, having significant life experiences in the 1980s, discovering the system in the 1980s, having a lot of introjects from 1980s media, social circles based around interests from the 1980s, or collectively making media in 1980s styles, but can be anything.

1990splurid: A plurid in which the system have a collective identity relating to the 1990s, or identify with the 1990s in a way that affects the system collectively.
This could involve the 1990s affecting introjects, kintypes, genders, interests, aesthetics, or how the system present to others.
It can involve being born in the 1990s, having significant life experiences in the 1990s, discovering the system in the 1990s, having a lot of introjects from 1990s media, social circles based around interests from the 1990s, or collectively making media in 1990s styles, but can be anything.

2000splurid: A plurid in which the system have a collective identity relating to the 2000s, or identify with the 2000s in a way that affects the system collectively.
This could involve the 2000s affecting introjects, kintypes, genders, interests, aesthetics, or how the system present to others.
It can involve being born in the 2000s, having significant life experiences in the 2000s, discovering the system in the 2000s, having a lot of introjects from 2000s media, social circles based around interests from the 2000s, or collectively making media in 2000s styles, but can be anything.

2010splurid: A plurid in which the system have a collective identity relating to the 2010s, or identify with the 2010s in a way that affects the system collectively.
This could involve the 2010s affecting introjects, kintypes, genders, interests, aesthetics, or how the system present to others.
It can involve being born in the 2010s, having significant life experiences in the 2010s, discovering the system in the 2010s, having a lot of introjects from 2010s media, social circles based around interests from the 2010s, or collectively making media in 2010s styles, but can be anything.

2020splurid: A plurid in which the system have a collective identity relating to the 2020s, or identify with the 2020s in a way that affects the system collectively.
This could involve the 2020s affecting introjects, kintypes, genders, interests, aesthetics, or how the system present to others.
It can involve being born in the 2020s (in the future relative to the coining of this term), having significant life experiences in the 2020s, discovering the system in the 2020s, having a lot of introjects from 2020s media, or social circles based around interests that arose in the 2020s, but can be anything.

Aceplurid: in which the system collectively identifies as asexual, even if not all the individual members do.
this could be because there are so many ace-spec identities within the system that they find it convenient to just label themselves as asexual, or because the system do not have sex (for any reason) and therefore present as an asexual person, but it can be for any reason.

Achilleanplurid: A plurid in which the system collectively identifies as achillean, even if not all the individual members do.
This could be because there are so many mlm identities within the system that they find it convenient to just label themselves as achillean, or because the system are in a relationship that they regard as achillean regardless of individual members’ identities, but it could be for any reason.

Addictplurid: in which the system collectively identifies as an addict, even if not all the individual members do.
while this identity would involve the system overall experiencing addiction, some members may not identify with that condition nor experience symptoms of it. whatever the reason, any system experiencing addiction who feels this term fits them may use it.

Agenderplurid: in which the system collectively identifies as agender, even if not all the individual members do.
this could be because, due to the variety of genders present in the system, they find it most convenient to present as an agender person, but it could be for any reason.

Alienplurid: A plurid in which aliens affect the system's identity collectively, or in a way with which the system collectively identify.
This could involve aliens affecting genders, kintypes, hobbies, career paths, or how the system present themselves to others. It could involve being collectively aliengender/alienkin, having alien extranths, or collectively creating or participating in fandoms for media about aliens, but it could include anything.

Androgiplurid: A plurid in which the system collectively identify as androgynous, even if not all individual members do. This will probably involve collectively presenting as androgynous, but it can involve anything.
This is different from androgyneplurid in that that term is about androgyne as a gender, but this term is about androgyny as a presentation.

Androgyneplurid: in which the system collectively identifies as androgyne, even if not all the individual members do.
this could be because there is a mix of masculine and feminine identities within the system such so that the system prefer to present as both, but it could be for any reason.

Angelplurid: A plurid in which the system have a collective identity involving angels and/or in which angels affect the system in a way that everyone identifies with.
This could involve angels affecting kintypes, genders, spirituality, or how the system present themselves to others. This could also involve being collectively angelkin/angelgender or having an angel-related spirituality, but can be anything that the system sees as a collective identity.

Aroplurid: in which the system collectively identifies as aromantic, even if not all the individual members do.
this could be because there are so many aro-spec identities within the system that they find it convenient to just label themselves as aromantic, or because the system do not participate in romantic relationships (for any reason) and therefore present as an aromantic person, but it can be for any reason.

Artistplurid: A plurid in which the system collectively identify as an artist, even if not all of them individually create art.
This could be because the pursuits and experiences of the artist members of the system affect the rest of the system, or because they have a career or public identity relating to art, but it can be for any reason.

Autoplurid: A plurid in which the system collectively identify as auto-spec (i.e. autosexual, autoromantic, etc.), even if not all individual members do.
This could involve the system preferring in-system relationships and therefore presenting as an auto-spec person, but it could be for any reason.

Azurgirlplurid: A plurid in which the system collectively identify as an azurgirl, even if not all individual members do.
This could be because the system have a lot of masculine headmates as well as a lot of female headmates, or because they have a connection to both masculinity and femininity that they present as being a masculine woman, but it can be anything.

Biplurid: in which the system collectively identifies as bi, even if not all the individual members do. this could be because the variety of orientations among the system members causes them to prefer to present as a bi person, but it can be for any reason.

Bookplurid: A plurid in which the system have a collective identity involving books and/or in which books affect the system in a way that everyone identifies with.
This could involve books affecting kintypes, hobbies, career path, spirituality, priorities, or how the system present themselves to others. This could also involve the system having book-related introjects, or the system also being a writer (possibly using writerplurid as well), but it can be for any reason.
The definition of this term does not mean that everybody in the system has to have their identity individually affected by books. It just means that enough system members have identities related to or affected by books that the system identify with it in a collective sense.
This is inclusive of both fiction and non-fiction, as well as other forms of literature such as short stories.

Boygirlplurid: in which the system collectively identifies as a boygirl, even if not all the individual members do. this could be because there is a mix of masculine and feminine identities within the system such so that the system prefer to present as both, but it could be for any reason.

Bugplurid: A plurid in which the system have a collective identity involving bugs and/or in which bugs affect identity among the system in a way that everyone identifies with.
This could involve bugs affecting kintypes, genders, hobbies, career path, or how the system present themselves to others. This could also involve being collectively bugkin or buggender but can be anything that the system sees as a collective identity.
The definition of this term does not mean that everybody in the system has to have their identity individually affected by bugs. It just means that enough of them do that the system collectively identify WITH bugs, even if not all of them identify AS something related to it.
The word "bug" is inclusive of any creature the user sees as a bug (i.e. not just insects).

Butchplurid: A plurid in which the system collectively identify as butch, even if not all individual members do. This will probably involve collectively presenting as butch, but it can involve anything.

Candelplurid/lumenplurid: A plurid in which the system collectively identify as luxine (or as a candel/lumen, which are the words for a luxine adult/child), even if not all of them individually do.
This is not the same thing as luxiplurid. Luxiplurid is when luxine THEMES - e.g. light, vastness, innocence etc. - affect the system in a way that constitutes an identity to the system. This is specifically about the system collectively presenting with a luxine gender.
This could be because enough system mates relate to luxine themes that they decide to collectively assign it their gender, or because their singletsona is luxine, but it could be for any reason.

Cartoonplurid: A plurid in which the system have a collective identity relating to cartoons or identify with cartoons in a way that affects the system collectively.
This could involve cartoons affecting kintypes, genders, spirituality, career path, or how the system present to others. It could involve participating in cartoon fandoms, collectively drawing cartoons as hobby, pursuing a career in cartooning, or having cartoon introjects, but it can be for any reason.

Catloveplurid: A multiplurid in which the system have a collective identity involving cats and love, or in which these affect the system in a way with which everyone identifies.
This could involve these things mixed with each other (e.g. collectively having a lovecore aesthetic incorporating cats) or they could be separately (e.g. collectively being catkin and lovegender) but it could be anything.

Catplurid: A plurid in which the system have a collective identity involving cats and/or in which cats affect the system in a way that everyone identifies with.
This could involve cats affecting kintypes, genders, hobbies, career path, or how the system present themselves to others. This could also involve being collectively catkin or catgender but can be anything that the system sees as a collective identity.
The definition of this term does not mean that everybody in the system has to have their identity individually affected by cats. It just means that enough of them do that the system collectively identify WITH cats, even if not all of them identify AS something related to it.
This is inclusive of cats of any kind, including big cats.

Cenelianplurid: in which the system collectively identifies as cenelian, even if not all the individual members do. this could be because there are so many nln identities within the system that they find it convenient to just label themselves as cenelian, or because the system are in a relationship that they regard as cenelian regardless of individual members' identities, but it could be for any reason.

Clownplurid: A plurid in which the system have a collective identity involving clowns, or in which clowns affect the system in a way with which everyone identifies. This will probably involve the system collectively presenting with a webcore aesthetic, but it can involve anything.

Colorplurid: A plurid in which the system have a collective identity involving colors, or where colors affect the system in a way everyone identifies with.
This could involve colors affecting kintypes, genders, spirituality, career path, or how the system present to others. It could involve being colorkin/colorgender, practicing color magic, creating colorful art, but it can be for any reason.

Comedyplurid: A plurid in which the system have a collective identity involving the comedy genre, or where comedy affects the system in a way everyone identifies with.
This could involve comedy affecting kintypes, genders, hobbies, career path, or how the system present to others. It could involve having kintypes or introjects from comedy, collectively producing comedic content, participating in comedy fandom, or pursuing a career as a comedian, but it can be for any reason.
This is different from "humorplurid" in that humorplurid is about anything that is considered humorous, but this is about comedy as a genre specifically.

Concubusplurid: A plurid in which the system have a collective identity relating to concubi, or identify with concubi in a way that affects the system collectively.
This could involve having kintypes/genders related to concubi, as well as concubi affecting or representing spirituality, social circle, priorities, what kinds of members the system has, or how the system present themselves to others.

Coolplurid: A plurid in which the system collectively identify as cool, even if not all system members individually do. This will probably involve the system collectively presenting with a "cool" aesthetic, but it can involve anything.
"Cool" is inclusive of anything the system thinks is cool.

Corpseplurid: A plurid in which the system have a collective identity relating to corpses, or identify with corpses in a way that affects the system collectively.
This could involve corpses affecting kintypes, genders, spirituality, career path, or how the system present to others. It can involve having Cotard’s delusion, mortemates/headmates who appear as corpses in-space, life experiences involving corpses, spiritual beliefs that regard corpses as sacred, or a career working with corpses, but does not need to.

Cozycoreplurid: A plurid in which the system have a collective identity involving cozycore, or in which cozycore affects the system in a way with which everyone identifies. This will probably involve the system collectively presenting with a cozycore aesthetic, but it can involve anything.

Cringeplurid: A plurid in which the system collectively identify as cringe, even if not all system members individually do.
This probably involves the system collectively embracing the "cringe but free" attitude without all members identifying with the traits that make them "cringe", but it can involve anything. "Cringe" is intended as a self-descriptor and not as an inherently negative thing.

Cuteplurid: A plurid in which the system collectively identify as cute, have a collective identity relating to cuteness, or identify with cuteness in a way that affects the system collectively.
In addition to the system collectively using “cute” as a self-descriptor, this could involve cute things or the concept of cuteness affecting kintypes, genders, spirituality, career path, social circle, or how the system present themselves to others.
It could involve being cutegender, having kintypes that the system consider cute, having system members who are introjects of cute aesthetics or things, collectively creating cute art, or participating in fanbases for cute media or things, but it can be for any reason.

Deathplurid: A plurid in which the system have a collective identity relating to death, or identify with death in a way that affects the system collectively.
This could involve death affecting kintypes, genders, spirituality, career path, or how the system present to others. It can involve having Cotard's delusion, mortemates/headmates who appear dead in-space, death-related life experiences, spiritual practices related to death, or a career in the death/funeral industry, but does not need to.

Delphinianplurid: A plurid in which the system collectively identifies as delphinian (agender-loving-agender), even if not all the individual members do.
This could be because the system are in a relationship that they regard as delphinian regardless of individual members’ identities, but it could be for any reason.

Demonplurid: A plurid in which the system have a collective identity involving demons and/or in which demons affect the system in a way that everyone identifies with.
This could involve demons affecting kintypes, genders, spirituality, or how the system present themselves to others. This could also involve being collectively demonkin/demongender or having an demon-related spirituality, but can be anything that the system sees as a collective identity.

Diamoricplurid: a plurid in which the system collectively identifies as agender, even if not all the individual members do.
this could be because, due to the variety of genders present in the system, they find it most convenient to present as non-binary and label their attraction "diamoric" as a result, but it could be for any reason.

Disabledplurid: A plurid in which the system collectively identify as disabled, even if not all of the members of the system see themselves as affected by disability.
While this would involve the system overall experiencing disability in this life, the following might keep all system members from identifying with that:
-some members have only fronted at times when the system wasn't experiencing symptoms of their disability
-some members display or experience fewer symptoms than others
-some members are symptom neutralizers who do not have symptoms of the disability in question at all
-some members are in denial that their condition "counts" as a disability but accept that other members of the system see themselves as disabled.
However, this can be for any reason.

Dogplurid: A plurid in which the system have a collective identity involving dogs and/or in which dogs affect the system in a way that everyone identifies with.
This could involve dogs affecting kintypes, genders, hobbies, spirituality, or how the system present themselves to others. This could also involve being collectively dogkin or pupgender/doggender but can be anything that the system sees as a collective identity.
The definition of this term does not mean that everybody in the system has to have their identity individually affected by dogs. It just means that enough of them do that the system collectively identify WITH dogs, even if not all of them identify AS something related to it.

Dogweirdplurid: A multiplurid in which the system have a collective identity involving dogs and weirdness, or in which these affect the system in a way with which everyone identifies.
This could involve these things mixed with each other (e.g. doing weird art featuring dogs) or they could be separately (e.g. having a weirdcore aesthetic and being dogkin) but it could be anything.

Eldritchplurid: A plurid in which the eldritch affects the system's collective identity, or in a way with which the system collectively identify. This could involve the eldritch affecting genders, kintypes, hobbies, spirituality, artistic pursuits, or how the system present themselves to others. It could involve being collectively eldritchgender/eldritchkin, having a lot of system members who are eldritch entities or encountered them in their timelines, having spiritual beliefs involving the eldritch, or creating work with eldritch themes, but it could include anything.

Enbyplurid: in which the system collectively identifies as non-binary/an enby, even if not all the individual members do. this could be because, due to the variety of genders present in the system, they find it most convenient to present as a non-binary person, but it could be for any reason.

Fandomplurid: in which the system collectively identify as a fan/participant in fandom/"fandom person", even if not all system members individually participate in or connect to fandom.
This could be because:
-the system have a fandom-related social circle that affects even those members who don't participate in fandom
-the system have introjects from a piece of media in whose fandom some members participate, even if those introjects or other members don't consider themselves part of the fandom
-fandom involvement affects how the system works or experiences the system has had
-the system create fanworks and some members participate not because they are part of the fandom per se but as a system activity.
However, this can be for any reason. It can also be for any fandom.

Fantasyplurid: A plurid in which the system have a collective identity involving the fantasy genre, or where fantasy affects the system in a way everyone identifies with.
This could involve fantasy affecting kintypes, genders, hobbies, career path, or how the system present to others. It could involve having fantasy introjects/kins, participating in fantasy fandom, or creating fantasy media, but it can be for any reason.

Femaleplurid/womanplurid/girlplurid: A plurid in which the system collectively identify as female or as a woman/girl, even if not all individual members do.
The difference between this and femplurid is that that term is about femininity as a presentation, whereas this is about femaleness as a gender. Additionally, this is about female as a gender completely independent of sex.

Femmeplurid: A plurid in which the system collectively identify as femme, even if not all individual members do. This will probably involve collectively presenting as femme, but it can involve anything.

Femplurid: A plurid in which the system collectively identify as feminine, even if not all individual members do. This will probably involve collectively presenting as feminine, but it can involve anything.

Fictionplurid: A plurid in which the system have a collective identity relating to fiction, or identify with fiction in a way that affects the system collectively.
This could involve fiction affecting kintypes, genders, spirituality, career path, or how the system present to others. It can involve being fictionkin or having fictives, but does not need to.

Fictionkinplurid: A plurid in which the system collectively identify as fictionkin, even if not all individual members do.
This could be because:
-many but not all of the system's members are fiction
-the system have fictive members whose identities aren't kin but who use or identify with the kin community
-it is easier for the system's fictives to present as kin
-involvement in the fictionkin community affects all members of the system
However, it can be for any reason.

Filthplurid: A plurid in which the system collectively identify as filthy, or where the concept of filth collectively affects the system in a way everyone identifies with.
This could involve filth affecting kintypes, genders, spirituality, career path, or how the system present to others. It could involve having kintypes or genders related to things people find filthy, creating art that explores the theme of filth, or collectively having a filthy aesthetic, but it can be for any reason.
The word "filth" is a self-descriptor, being reclaimed, not intended to be inherently negative unless the user wants it to be, and is inclusive of anything the user thinks fits.

Flowerplurid: A plurid in which the system have a collective identity relating to flowers or identify with flowers in a way that affects the system collectively.
This could involve flowers affecting kintypes, genders, spirituality, career path, or how the system present to others. It could involve being flowerkin/flowergender, having flower-related extranths, spiritual beliefs surrounding flowers, or pursuing a career with flowers, but it can be for any reason.

Foodplurid: A plurid in which the system have a collective identity involving food and/or in which food affects the system in a way that everyone identifies with.
This could involve food affecting genders, kintypes, hobbies, spirituality, career path, or how the system present themselves to others. This could also involve being collectively foodkin/foodgender or having a hobby/career involving food that affects the whole system, but it can be anything that the system sees as a collective identity.
The definition of this term does not mean that everybody in the system has to have their identity individually affected by food. It just means that enough of them do that the system identify with food in a collective sense.

Freakplurid: A plurid in which the system collectively identify as a freak, even if not all individual system members do.
This could be because:
-the qualities that lead to the system self-identifying as a freak apply to many but not all system members
-while all system members identify with the qualities in question, not all of them use the word "freak" to describe that aspect of themselves despite being comfortable with the system overall being described that way
-the qualities in question have led to experiences that the whole system identify with, even if they don't all identify with the qualities or identities that led to those experiences
-the system have a social circle associated with being a freak that affects all system members, regardless of whether they all identify with those traits.
However, this can be for any reason.
The word "freak" as used in this post is a self-identifier, reclaimed, not intended to have negative connotations unless the system using it wants it to, and inclusive of anything that the system using it thinks qualifies them as a "freak".

Fungusplurid: A plurid in which the system have a collective identity relating to fungi or identify with fungi in a way that affects the system collectively. This could involve fungi affecting kintypes, genders, spirituality, career path, or how the system present to others. It could involve being funguskin/fungusgender, having spiritual beliefs about fungi, involvement with mycology or foraging, or having system members who are fungus-related extranths, but it can be for any reason.

Furryplurid: in which the system collectively identifies as a furry, even if not all the individual members do. This could be because some members of the system have involvement with the furry fandom that affects the rest of the system, but it could be for any reason.

Gamerplurid: A plurid in which the system collectively identify as a gamer, even if not all system members individually play video games or identify with video game culture.
This could be because:
-the system have a social circle from gaming that affects even those members who don't play video games
-the system have video game introjects without those introjects or other members necessarily being or considering themselves gamers
-involvement with video games/the gaming community affects how the system works or experiences the system has had
-some members of the system don't actively play games but enjoy being co-conscious when other members are playing games
-the system's singletsona is a gamer.
However, this can be for any reason.
It can be for any kinds of video games and is inclusive of anyone who considers themself a gamer.

Gayplurid: in which the system collectively identifies as gay, even if not all the individual members do. this could be because there are so many queer identities within the system that they find it convenient to just label themselves as gay, or because the system are in a relationship that they regard as gay regardless of individual members' identities, but it could be for any reason.

Genderfluidplurid: in which the system collectively identifies as genderfluid, even if not all the individual members do. this could involve the system feeling or presenting as genderfluid specifically due to switches/host changes/etc.

Genderqueerplurid: in which the system collectively identifies as genderqueer, even if not all the individual members do. this could be because, due to the fact that there are many different genders among the system members, the system prefers to present as genderqueer, but it can be for any reason.

Gncplurid: A plurid in which the system collectively identify as gender non-conforming, even if not all individual members do. This will probably involve collectively presenting as GNC, but it can involve anything.

Goatplurid: A plurid in which goats affect the system's identity collectively, or in a way with which the system collectively identify.
This could involve goats affecting genders, kintypes, hobbies, spirituality, career path, or how the system present themselves to others. It could involve being collectively goatkin/goatgender, having a lot of goat-related system members, having spiritual beliefs involving goats, or pursuing a career path related to goats, but it could include anything.

Gothplurid: in which the system collectively identifies as goth, even if not all the individual members do.

Grossplurid: A plurid in which the system collectively identify as gross, or where the concept of grossness collectively affects the system in a way everyone identifies with.
This could involve grossness affecting kintypes, genders, spirituality, career path, or how the system present to others. It could involve having kintypes or genders related to things people find gross, pursuing a career path in a field that is considered gross, or collectively having a gross aesthetic, but it can be for any reason.
The word "gross" is a self-descriptor, being reclaimed, not intended to be inherently negative unless the user wants it to be, and is inclusive of anything the user thinks fits.

Historyplurid: A plurid in which the system have a collective identity involving history, or where history affects the system in a way everyone identifies with.
This could involve history affecting kintypes, genders, spirituality, career path, or how the system present to others. It could involve having system members from different historical periods, pursuing a history-related career, or being involved with history-related communities, but it could be for any reason.

Horrorplurid: A plurid in which the system have a collective identity involving the horror genre, or where horror affects the system in a way everyone identifies with.
This could involve horror affecting kintypes, genders, hobbies, career path, or how the system present to others. It could involve having horror introjects/kins, participating in horror fandom, or creating horror media, but it can be for any reason.

Humanplurid: A plurid in which the system collectively identify as human, even if not all individual members do. This could be because most of the system's members are human despite having some non-human members, or because any number of system members are non-human but the system are bodily human and thus present as such, but it can be for any reason.

Humorplurid: A plurid in which the system have a collective identity relating to humor or identify with humor in a way that affects the system collectively.
This could involve music affecting kintypes, genders, hobbies, career path, or how the system present to others. It could involve being funnygender/sillygender, having kintypes or introjects from comedy, collectively producing comedic content, or pursuing a career as a comedian, but it can be for any reason.

Insaneplurid: A plurid in which the system collectively identify as insane, even if not all individual system members do.
This could be because:
-the qualities that lead to the system self-identifying as insane apply to many but not all system members
-while all system members identify with the qualities in question, not all of them use the word “insane” to describe that aspect of themselves despite being comfortable with the system overall being described that way
-the qualities in question have led to experiences that the whole system identify with, even if they don’t all identify with the qualities or identities that led to those experiences
-the system have a social circle associated with being insane that affects all system members, regardless of whether they all identify with those traits.
However, this can be for any reason.
The word “insane” as used in this post is a self-identifier, reclaimed, and not intended to have negative connotations unless the system using it wants it to.

Kenoplurid: A plurid in which the system collectively identify with kenopsia or kenochoric themes - e.g. nostalgia, liminality, the unknown, etc. - or where those themes affect the system in a way everyone identifies with. This is not inherently the same as collectively identifying or presenting as kenochoric. Kenochoric is a specific gender, but kenoplurid is about the themes ASSOCIATED with that gender affecting the system. A kenoplurid system will probably collectively identify as kenochoric, but not necessarily. This could result in kenochoric themes affecting genders, kintypes, spirituality, collective pursuits, social circle, or how the system present themselves to others. In addition to kenochoric system members, it could also involve having members who are non-human or who have species/kintypes related to the void/space/the ocean/etc., worshipping entities associated with the void/the unknown/etc., being kenobased, or collectively making art based on those themes, but it could be for any reason.

Kinplurid: A plurid in which the system collectively identify as kin, even if not all individual members do.
This could be because:
-many but not all of the system's members have kintypes
-the system have non-human/introjected members whose identities aren't kin but who use or identify with the kin community
-involvement in the kin community affects all members of the system.
However, it can be for any reason. This is inclusive of any kind of kin.

Kinkplurid: in which the system collectively identifies as kinky, even if not all the individual members do. this could be because the system are involved in a kink relationship or a kink community despite not all the individual members having kinks, but it can be for any reason.

Leatherplurid: A plurid in which the system have a collective identity involving leather, or in which leather affects the system in a way with which everyone identifies. This will probably involve the system collectively presenting with a leather aesthetic, but it can involve anything.

Lesboyplurid: A plurid in which the system collectively identify as a lesboy, even if not all individual members do.
This could be because the system have a lot of masculine/male headmates as well as a lot of lesbian headmates, but it can be anything.

Lovecoreplurid: A plurid in which the system have a collective identity involving lovecore, or in which lovecore affects the system in a way with which everyone identifies. This will probably involve the system collectively presenting with a lovecore aesthetic, but it can involve anything.

Loveplurid: A plurid in which the system have a collective identity involving love and/or in which love affects the system in a way that everyone identifies with.
This could involve love affecting genders, hobbies, career path, spirituality, life decisions, or how the system present themselves to others. This could also involve being collectively lovekin or lovegender but can be anything that the system sees as a collective identity.
The definition of this term does not mean that everybody in the system has to have their identity individually affected by love, and this can include systems with loveless members. It just means that enough system members have identities related to or affected by love that the system identify with it in a collective sense. This is inclusive of love of any kind.

Lustplurid: A plurid in which the system have a collective identity relating to lust, or identify with lust in a way that affects the system collectively. This could involve lust or the concept thereof affecting kintypes, genders, spirituality, career path, social circle, priorities, or how the system present themselves to others. It could involve having genders or kintypes related to lust (e.g. lustgender or succubuskin), worshipping lust-related deities, having system members who are introjects related to lust/sex/kink, or collectively creating NSFW content, but it can be for any reason.

Luxiplurid: A plurid in which the system collectively identify with luxine themes - e.g. light, holiness, vastness, etc. - or where those themes affect the system in a way everyone identifies with. This is not inherently the same as collectively identifying or presenting as luxine. Luxine is a specific gender, but luxiplurid is about the themes ASSOCIATED with that gender affecting the system. A luxiplurid system will probably collectively identify as luxine, but not necessarily. A system that identifies collectively as luxine can use candelplurid/lumenplurid. This could result in luxine themes affecting genders, kintypes, spirituality, collective pursuits, social circle, or how the system present themselves to others. In addition to luxine system members, it could also involve having members who are non-human or who have species/kintypes related to holiness/light/vastness/etc., worshipping entities associated with light or as part of practices one associates with luxinity, or collectively making art based on those themes, but it could be for any reason.

Maleplurid/manplurid/boyplurid: A plurid in which the system collectively identify as male or as a man/boy, even if not all individual members do.
The difference between this and mascplurid is that that term is about masculinity as a presentation, whereas this is about maleness as a gender. Additionally, this is about male as a gender completely independent of sex.

Mascplurid: A plurid in which the system collectively identify as masculine, even if not all individual members do. This will probably involve collectively presenting as masculine, but it can involve anything.

Metalplurid: in which the system collectively identifies as metal or as a member of heavy metal culture, even if not all the individual members do. this could be because they choose to present as metal, or they have members whose involvement in metal-related social circles affects the rest of the system, but it can be any reason.

Mogaiplurid: A plurid in which the system collectively identify as MOGAI, even if not all individual members do. This could be because there are so many queer identities in the system that they find it convenient to present as MOGAI, or because some members of the system have participation in the MOGAI community that affect them all, but this can be for any reason.

Monogamplurid: in which the system collectively identifies as monogamous, even if not all the individual members do. it could be because the system choose to only participate in relationships that are or feel monogamous to them despite having polyamorous headmates, or because they are in relationships that are or feel polyamorous to them due to systemhood but that they present as monogamous, but it can be for any reason.

Movieplurid: A plurid in which the system have a collective identity relating to movies or identify with movies in a way that affects the system collectively.
This could involve movies affecting kintypes, genders, spirituality, career path, or how the system present to others. It could involve participating in movie fandoms, making films as a hobby, or having movie-related introjects, but it can be for any reason.

Mspecgayplurid: in which the system collectively identifies as mspec gay, even if not all the individual members do. this could be because the variety of orientations among the system members causes them to prefer to present as an mspec gay person, or because the system has both mspec members and gay members, but it can be for any reason.

Multiplurid: A multiplurid is a plurid that relates to more than one thing. For example, a plurid that relates to goth, dogs, and pastels.
The things can be connected to each other (e.g. the system having a pastel goth dog fursona that they use to represent the system) or not (e.g. the system doing pastel art, dressing goth, and being dogkin).
Not everyone necessarily has to identify with all of the components of the multiplurid at once, they just have to feel like all of the components of the multiplurid affect the system's overall or collective identity in some way.

Musicplurid: A plurid in which the system have a collective identity relating to music or identify with music in a way that affects the system collectively, even if not all individual members have a music-related identity.
This could involve music affecting kintypes, genders, hobbies, spirituality, career path, or how the system present to others. It could involve being musickin/musicgender, having music introjects, having a social circle based around music, or producing music as a system, but it can be for any reason.

Neutraplurid: A plurid in which the system collectively identify as gender neutral, even if not all individual members do. This will probably involve collectively presenting as neutral, but it can involve anything.
This is about gender neutrality as a presentation or alignment and not necessarily a gender itself (e.g. if you're collectively a woman who identifies with gender neutrality, this term can still apply to you just as much as someone with a neutral gender)

Neutroisplurid: A plurid in which the system collectively identify as neutrois, even if not all individual members do.
The difference between this and neutraplurid is that that term is about gender neutrality as a presentation/quality, whereas this is about neutrois/neutral as a specific gender.

Nonfandomplurid: A plurid in which the system collectively view themselves as non-participant in fandom or do not collectively identify with fandom/as "a fandom person", even if some system members do identify with fandom.
While most people who are not involved in fandom do not actively self-identify as "non-fandom", a system might want to use this term because:
-they have some members who participate in fandom, but most of them do not, and they wish to make it clear in fandom spaces that only some of their system members participate in this hobby
-they do not overall consider themselves fandom members but have introjects from media that is associated with fandom, and they wish to emphasize that their introjects are unconnected to the fandom
-the system have a social circle from fandom participation that affect all of them, even if most system members do not participate in that hobby
-the system refrain from participating in fandom regardless of any system members' level of desire to, so they present as someone who is uninvolved in fandom
-the system used to participate in fandom but no longer do and wish to emphasize/signal their current non-involvement.
However, this can be for any reason.

Nonspiriplurid/nonreligiplurid: A plurid in which the system collectively identify as non-spiritual or present as a non-spiritual person, even if individual members are spiritual. This could be because there are a few spiritual headmates in a system who is otherwise non-spiritual, or because the system have a spirituality they are unable to practice or talk about so they present as a non-spiritual person, but it can be for any reason. The phrasing of this post uses the word “spiritual”, but it can be replaced with “religious” if that word better represents the system.

Nonplurid: A plurid term for when a system do not use collective identity. Members of a nonplurid system may see individual identity as more important than collective identity, have so many identities amongst them that it is impossible to designate them any as "collective", or because they do not find "collective identity" a useful or applicable concept for them, but it can be for any reason. Using "nonplurid" is like using "unlabelled" as a label, but with regards to plurids specifically.

Nostalgiacoreplurid: A plurid in which the system have a collective identity involving nostalgiacore, or in which nostalgiacore affects the system in a way with which everyone identifies. This will probably involve the system collectively presenting with a nostalgiacore aesthetic, but it can involve anything.

Objectumplurid: A plurid in which a system collectively identify as objectum, even if not all individual members do.
This could be because the system collectively possess objects to which the objectum member(s) of the system are attracted, but this could be for any reason.

Oceanplurid: A plurid in which the system have a collective identity relating to the ocean or identify with the ocean in a way that affects the system collectively. This could involve the ocean affecting kintypes, genders, spirituality, career path, or how the system present to others. It could involve being oceankin/oceangender, collectively worshiping ocean-related deities, having system members with timelines or species related to the ocean, or pursuing a career related to the ocean, but it can be for any reason.

Oikoplurid: An oikoplurid is a plurid - i.e. an identity collectively shared by the system - that falls into a category traditionally or commonly understood to be an identity, such as gender, orientation, kintype, disability status, profession, etc. This largely stands in comparison to "xenoplurid", which is a plurid that relates to something that is not necessarily traditionally thought of as an identity but can affect identity (e.g. interests, aesthetics, animals, etc) Some things may fall in-between "traditional" and "non-traditional" categories of identity. This term is therefore subjective, and it is not important, when coining or listing a plurid, to distinguish if it is an oikoplurid or a xenoplurid. This word comes from "oiko(s)", which is Greek for "familiar". This is as compared to "xeno", which is Greek for "foreign" and is part of "xenoplurid".

Omenplurid: A plurid in which the system collectively identify as kenochoric (or as an omen, which is the word for a kenochoric person), even if not all of them individually do.
This is not the same thing as kenoplurid. Kenoplurid is when kenopsia or kenochoric THEMES - e.g. nostalgia, liminality, the unknown, etc. - affect the system in a way that constitutes an identity to the system. This is specifically about the system collectively presenting with a kenchoric gender.
This could be because enough system mates relate to kenochoric themes that they decide to collectively assign it their gender, or because their singletsona is kenochoric, but it could be for any reason.

Omniplurid: in which the system collectively identifies as omni, even if not all the individual members do. this could be because the variety of orientations among the system members causes them to prefer to present as a omni person, but it can be for any reason.

Otherkinplurid: A plurid in which the system collectively identify as otherkin, even if not all individual members do. This could be because: -many but not all of the system's members are otherkin -the system have non-human members whose identities aren't kin but who use or identify with the kin community -involvement in the otherkin community affects all members of the system. However, it can be for any reason.

Panplurid: in which the system collectively identifies as pan, even if not all the individual members do. this could be because the variety of orientations among the system members causes them to prefer to present as a pan person, but it can be for any reason.

Pastelanimalplurid: A multiplurid in which the system have a collective identity involving pastels and animals, or in which these affect the system in a way with which everyone identifies.
This could involve these things mixed with each other (e.g. collectively making pastel art of animals) or they could be separately (e.g. collectively wearing pastel clothes and having a job related to animals) but it could be anything.

Pastelplurid: A plurid in which pastel colors/aesthetics affect the system's identity collectively, or in a way with which the system collectively identify.
This could involve pastels affecting genders, kintypes, hobbies, career paths, fashion, or how the system present themselves to others. It could involve having pastel colorgenders/colorkins, wearing pastel clothes in the outer world, or collectively creating pastel art, but it could include anything.

Pellicplurid: A plurid in which the system collectively identify as pellic - i.e. someone who prefers non-sexual kink acts to sex - even if not all individual members do.
This could be because the system are interested in kink but do not have sex, but it can be for any reason.

Petplurid: A plurid in which the system have a collective identity involving pets, or where pets affect the system in a way everyone identifies with.
This could involve pets affecting kintypes, genders, spirituality, career path, or how the system present to others. It could involve having kintypes or genders related to pets, having pet care as a collective hobby, or pursuing a career working with pets, but it can be for any reason.

Platoniplurid: in which the system collectively identifies as (wanting) platonic (relationships), even if not all the individual members do.
this could be for any reasons, including:
-regardless of system members’ individual attractions or relationship preferences, the system prefer to pursue platonic relationships
-there are multiple aplatonic members of a system whose other members are alloplatonic and prioritize platonic relationships
-the system prioritize platonic relationships that are not better described as queerplatonic

Pluridfluid: A plurid for when a system's collective identity feels or is fluid in some way. This can involve being genderfluid or abro (i.e. having genders or orientations that change), but it can also refer to fluidity in things like how the system present themselves, things the system pursue, what affects identity in the system without being the identity itself, etc. This could also be seen as being fluid between plurids.

Pluridvoid: A plurid term for when a system feel that there is nothing, or a void, where collective identity should be. This is not the same thing as a system not using collective identity, which would be nonplurid. With pluridvoid, the system feel as though there "should" be a collective identity (maybe because they used to have one, or in comparison to pre-plural identity) but do not feel as though one exists. This is comparable to how gendervoid refers to an absence of gender where gender "should" be. Not to be confused with voidplurid, which is a plurid where the identity centers around the void.

Plyplurid: in which the system collectively identifies as ply (i.e. polysexual/romantic/etc.), even if not all the individual members do. this could be because the variety of orientations among the system members causes them to prefer to present as a ply person, but it can be for any reason.

Polyamplurid: in which the system collectively identifies as polyamorous, even if not all the individual members do. it could be because some members of the system participate in polyamorous relationships that affect the entire system, or it could have to do with systemhood directly affecting the polyamorous identity, but it can be for any reason.

Queerplatoniplurid: in which the system collectively identifies as (wanting) queerplatonic (relationships), even if not all the individual members do. this could be because, regardless of system members’ individual attractions, the system prefer to pursue queerplatonic relationships, but it can be for any reason

Ratplurid: A plurid in which the system have a collective identity involving rats and/or in which rats affect identity among the system in a way that everyone identifies with. This could involve rats affecting kintypes, genders, hobbies, career path, or how the system present themselves to others. This could also involve being collectively ratkin or ratgender but can be anything that the system sees as a collective identity.

Recoveryplurid: A plurid in which the system collectively view themselves as being in recovery, or identify as (a) recovering (person), without all system members necessarily identifying with this.
This can be recovery from anything, but this post will use the word "condition" to mean "thing from which the system are recovering". This can also be any extent of recovery.
Here are some reasons why not all members of a system would view themselves as recovering even if such can be said for the system overall:
-some/many system members are improving from the condition but some of them are not
-everyone in the system is improving from the condition, but not everyone's symptoms are improving equally
-some system members only front while the system experience symptoms and therefore don't really "feel" the effects of the recovery
-the system have symptom holders who have difficulty identifying with recovery due to their system role
-the system have symptom neutralizers who never really identified with the condition to begin with, meaning they don't really identify with recovering from it either
-the system have fully/mostly recovered and has split new members since that point, and these members may not identify with "recovering" because they've only known the system's post-recovery state.
However, this can be for any reason.

Rodentplurid: A plurid in which the system have a collective identity involving rodents and/or in which rodents affect the system in a way that everyone identifies with.
This could involve rodents affecting genders, kintypes, hobbies, spirituality, career path, or how the system present themselves to others. This could also involve being collectively rodentkin/rodentgender, but it can be anything that the system sees as a collective identity.
The definition of this term does not mean that everybody in the system has to have their identity individually affected by rodents, and it can be different rodents for different members. It just means that enough of them do that the system identify with rodents in a collective sense.

Romantiplurid: in which the system collectively identifies as (wanting) romantic (relationships), even if not all the individual members do. this could be because, regardless of system members' individual attractions, the system prefer to pursue romantic relationships, or because there are both aromantic and alloromantic members, but it can be for any reason

Rosboyplurid: A plurid in which the system collectively identify as a rosboy, even if not all individual members do.
This could be because the system have a lot of feminine headmates as well as a lot of male headmates, or because they have a connection to both masculinity and femininity that they present as being a feminine man, but it can be anything.

Sapphicplurid: A plurid in which the system collectively identifies as sapphic, even if not all the individual members do.
This could be because there are so many wlw identities within the system that they find it convenient to just label themselves as sapphic, or because the system are in a relationship that they regard as sapphic regardless of individual members’ identities, but it could be for any reason.

Scienceplurid: A plurid in which the system have a collective identity relating to science, or identify with science in a way that affects the system collectively.
This could involve science affecting kintypes, genders, spirituality, career path, or how the system present to others. It could involve having many system members who were scientists in their timeline, pursuing a science-related career in this life, or having kintypes related to branches of science the system are interested in, but it could be for any reason.
This is inclusive of all sciences.

Scifiplurid: A plurid in which the system have a collective identity involving the science fiction genre, or where sci-fi affects the system in a way everyone identifies with.
This could involve sci-fi affecting kintypes, genders, hobbies, career path, or how the system present to others. It could involve having sci-fi introjects/kins, participating in sci-fi fandom, or creating sci-fi media, but it can be for any reason.

Selfshipplurid: A plurid in which the system collectively identify as a self-shipper/participant in self-shipping, even if not all system members individually self-ship.
This could be because:
-the system have a social circle from self-shipping that affects even those members who don’t self-ship
-the system have F/O fictives/selfshiptives
-involvement with self-shipping affects how the system works or experiences the system has had
-the system create self-ship fanworks and some members participate not because it is a self-ship project per se but as a system activity.
However, this can be for any reason. It can also be for any kinds of self-ships.

Shipperplurid: in which the system collectively identify as a shipper/participant in shipping, even if not all system members individually have ships or identify with shipping culture.
This could be because:
-the system have a social circle from shipping that affects even those members who don't have ships
-the system have fictives of characters they ship together without those fictives or other members necessarily being or considering themselves shippers
-involvement with shipping affects how the system works or experiences the system has had
-the system create ship-related fanworks and some members participate not because of the ship per se but as a system activity.
However, this can be for any reason. It can also be for any kinds of ships.

Sillyplurid: A plurid in which the system have a collective identity involving silliness or being silly, or in which silliness affects the system in a way with which everyone identifies. This will probably involve the system collectively having a silly demeanor or aesthetic, or being sillygender/having comedic kins, but it can involve anything.

Sleepplurid: A plurid in which sleep affects the system's identity collectively, or in a way with which the system collectively identify.
This could involve sleep affecting genders, kintypes, hobbies, career paths, or how the system present themselves to others. It could involve being collectively sleepgender, having kintypes related to sleep, collectively presenting with sleep-related aesthetics, or pursuing a career in sleep research, but it could include anything.

Sobrietyplurid/soberplurid: A plurid in which the system collectively view themselves as (a) sober (person)/identify with sobriety, even if not all system members do.
The phrasing of this post will assume sobriety from substances, but it can include anything that the system views as part of being sober. This can include sobriety from some substances but not others, and it doesn't have to mean "full" sobriety, especially if this is in conjunction with any kind of recovery.
Here are some reasons why not all members of a system would view themselves as sober even if such can be said for the system overall:
-some system members enjoy substances (either to a healthy or unhealthy degree) but most system members do not, so they present as a sober person
-the system are in the process of getting sober but not all system members are participating in the effort or identify with the recovery
-the system has addiction/symptom holders who have difficulty identifying with sobriety due to their system role
-not all system members agree that the system "count" as sober, but those who disagree can accept that the rest of the system identifies as sober.
However, this can be for any reason.

Softplurid: A plurid in which the system have a collective identity involving softness/soft things, or in which that affects the system in a way with which everyone identifies. This will probably involve the system collectively presenting with a soft aesthetic, but it can involve anything.

Spacegothplurid: A multiplurid in which the system have a collective identity involving space and goth, or in which these affect the system in a way with which everyone identifies.
This could involve these things mixed with each other (e.g. collectively having a dark outer space aesthetic) or they could be separately (e.g. collectively being both alienkin and dressing goth) but it could be anything.

Spaceplurid: in which the system have a collective identity involving outer space and/or outer space affects the system in a way that everyone identifies with. This could involve outer space affecting kintypes, genders, hobbies, career path, or how the system present themselves to others. This could also involve being collectively spacekin or spacegender but can be anything that the system sees as a collective identity.
The definition of this term does not mean that everybody in the system has to have their identity individually affected by outer space. It just means that enough of them do that the system collectively identify WITH space, even if not all of them identify AS something related to it.

Spiriplurid/Religiplurid: A plurid in which the system collectively identify as spiritual, even if not all system members individually hold spiritual beliefs.
This could be because:
-the system are involved in a spiritual community that affect the whole system regardless of individual members' beliefs.
-the system have a spiritual origin or are affected by spirituality, so everybody in the system identifies with spirituality to some extent
-the system have had experiences related to spirituality that they all identify with, even if they don't all identify with the spirituality that led to those experiences
-the system's singletsona is spiritual.
However, this can be for any reason.
The phrasing of this post uses the word "spiritual", but it can be replaced with "religious" if that word better represents the system. Alternatively, some members may prefer "spiritual" and others may prefer "religious" to refer to the same belief system.

Surrealplurid: A plurid in which the system collectively identify as surreal, have a collective identity relating to surrealism/the surreal, or identify with surrealism/the surreal in a way that affects the system collectively.
In addition to the system collectively using "surreal" as a self-descriptor, this could involve the concept of the surreal affecting kintypes, genders, spirituality, career path, social circle, or how the system present themselves to others.
It could involve having genders or kintypes related to the surreal, having system members who are introjects from surreal media, or collectively creating surreal art, but it can be for any reason.

Transgenderplurid: in which the system collectively identifies as transgender, even if not all the individual members do. this could be because the system are in a body that has transitioned or that presents as a gender other than the one it was assigned at birth, but it can be for any reason.

Traumaplurid: in which the system collectively identify as or are traumatized regardless of how individual system members are affected by the trauma.
While this would involve the system having actually experienced trauma in this life, not all system members necessarily identify with that trauma or feel strongly affected by it, meaning the individual levels of identification with trauma across the system may vary without necessarily any denial of the fact that there has been trauma. This may be especially true in a system with many trauma holders who are strongly affected by it while other system members are not, or where the system experienced trauma in the past that members who personally went through it strongly identify with but that members that split later feel distant from.
Either way, this identity involves a traumatized system's feelings about their own trauma being affected by plurality and expresses how individual members may feel different levels of identification with that trauma while still acknowledging it happened to the system. This may be especially applicable to traumagenic or traumabased systems, but it can be used by systems of any origin.

Unlabeledplurid: A plurid in which the system collectively identify as unlabeled, even if the system has individual members who do use labels.
This could be because there are so many identities within the system that they prefer to present as an unlabeled person, or because they do not label their origin/roles/etc. and have an unlabeled identity to reflect this, but it could involve anything.

Vanillaplurid: A plurid in which the system collectively identify as vanilla - i.e. a person who does not have any kinks - despite not all system members sharing this identity.
While most people without kinks do not actively use a label for this fact, the following are some reasons why a system might want to use this term:
-the system has a few system members with kinks but most of them do not have kinks
-system members who do have kinks still identify with the fact that most of their system does not
-any number of the system members have kinks but they refrain from kink activities for any reason, so they present as a vanilla person.
However, this can be for any reason.

Veldigirlplurid/turigirlplurid: A plurid in which the system collectively identify as a veldigirl, even if not all individual members do.
This could be because the system have a lot of feminine/female headmates as well as a lot of veldian headmates, but it can be anything.

Videogameplurid: A plurid in which the system have a collective identity relating to videogames or identify with video games in a way that affects the system collectively.
This could involve video games affecting kintypes, genders, hobbies, spirituality, career path, or how the system present to others. It could involve having video game introjects, pursuing a career in video games, or collectively participating in video game fandom, but it can be for any reason.
The difference between this and gamerplurid is that gamerplurid refers specifically to identification as a gamer, whereas videogameplurid can refer to any aspect of identity that can possibly be affected by video games.

Voidplurid: A plurid in which the system have a collective identity involving the void and/or in which the void affects the system in a way that everyone identifies with.
This could involve the void affecting kintypes, genders, hobbies, spirituality, or how the system present themselves to others. This could also involve being collectively voidkin or gendervoid/voidgender but can be anything that the system sees as a collective identity.
The definition of this term does not mean that everybody in the system has to have their identity individually affected by the void. It just means that enough of them do that the system collectively identify WITH the void, even if not all of them identify AS something related to it.

Weirdplurid: A plurid in which the system collectively identify as weird, even if not all individual system members do.
This could be because:
-the qualities that lead to the system self-identifying as weird apply to many but not all system members
-while all system members identify with the qualities in question, not all of them use the word “weird” to describe that aspect of themselves despite being comfortable with the system overall being described that way
-the qualities in question have led to experiences that the whole system identify with, even if they don’t all identify with the qualities or identities that led to those experiences
-the system have a social circle associated with being weird that affects all system members, regardless of whether they all identify with those traits.
However, this can be for any reason.
This an also refer to a plurid in which weirdness affects identity throughout the system in a way everyone collectively identifies with. It could be involved in the system's gender, neurodivergency, kintypes, how they present themselves, etc. The word “weird” as used in this post is a self-identifier, not intended to have negative connotations unless the system using it wants it to, and inclusive of anything the system using it thinks fits under "weird".

Weirdoplurid: A plurid in which the system collectively identify as a weirdo, even if not all individual members do.
This can involve having a "cringe but free" attitude and not caring if other people or systems think you're weird - whether it's because you have a lot of "non-standard" identities in your system, are introject-heavy, have a lot of members, etc. - as well as the feeling that being a weirdo influences those identities or members. However, this can be for any reason.
This is different from "weirdplurid" in that weirdplurid can also be about weirdness as a concept affecting the system, whereas this is about the perception of being "a weirdo" - either being perceived as such by others or by oneself - and not so much about weirdness as thematic to anything else.
The word "weirdo" in this term is a self-descriptor, being reclaimed, and not intended to have negative connotations unless the system want it to.

Wildcatplurid: A plurid in which the system have a collective identity relating to wild cats or identify with wild cats in a way that affects the system collectively.
This could involve wild cats affecting kintypes, genders, spirituality, career path, or how the system present to others. It could involve having genders or kintypes related to wild cats, having wild cat extranths, spiritual beliefs surrounding wild cats, or pursuing a career involving wild cats, but it can be for any reason.
This includes all wild cats, including big cats.

Wolfplurid: A plurid in which the system have a collective identity relating to wolves or identify with wolves in a way that affects the system collectively.
This could involve wolves affecting kintypes, genders, spirituality, career path, or how the system present to others. It could involve being wolfkin/wolfgender, having wolf extranths, spiritual beliefs surrounding wolves, or pursuing a career involving wolves, but it can be for any reason.

Writerplurid: A plurid in which the system collectively identify as a writer, even if not all members of the system individually write.
This can be because:
-the system's singletsona is a writer and/or the system publish writing under the system's public identity
-writing affects the system's functions despite not all members participating in it
-the system have a social circle and/or career related to writing that affects all members
-some members do not actively write but enjoy being co-conscious when other system members are writing, or they contribute to the creative process without doing the actual writing themselves.
However, this can be for any reason.
This is inclusive of all kinds of writing, and the use of the word "publish" can include self-publishing, including informally online.

Xenicplurid/xenogenderplurid: A plurid in which a system collectively identify as xenogender/xenic, even if not all individual members do.
This could be because they have so many non-binary identities among them that they find it most convenient to present as a xenogender person, or because they have xenogender members whose involvement in the community affect the whole system, but this can be for any reason.
This is not the same thing as nor an example of a xenoplurid. A xenoplurid is a plurid that relates to something that does not fall into "traditional" identity categories but something that AFFECTS identity (such as an animal or aesthetic). Even if xenogender is not a "traditional" gender, gender is a "traditional" category of identity, meaning this plurid is not better categorized as a xenoplurid.

Xenogayplurid: A plurid in which being gay/gayness/gay identity/etc. affect the rest of a system's identity in a collective way, outside of just identifying as gay.
This is not the same thing as collectively identifying as gay, although it can involve that. This is when being gay affect other aspects of the system's identity, such as kintypes, genders, system roles, hobbies, etc.
For example, this could involve the system frequently having kins/introjects of gay characters, orientationgenders related to being gay, system roles to which being gay is relevant, feeling that the system's functions are affected by being gay, collectively creating art/media related to being gay, or other ways being gay can affect identity or a system collectively. This could also be considered being gaybased, but as an identity in and of itself.

Xenoikoplurid: A xenoikoplurid is a plurid that is in-between and/or simultaneously a xenoplurid and an oikoplurid. That is, it is a plurid with a subject around which there is some ambiguity as to whether it falls into a "traditional" category of identity (such as gender, profession, disability status, etc.) Additionally, something may be labeled a xenoikoplurid if the system's members do not all agree if it constitutes a "typical" identity category, or if the different ways they relate to it make it feel like either. Things can be coined as xenoikoplurids (e.g. with that as part of the definition) or can be designated one by the system who have it.

Xenokinkplurid: A plurid in which kink affects the rest of a system's identity in a collective way, outside of just identifying as kinky. This is not the same thing as collectively identifying as kinky, although it can involve that. This is when kink or being kinky affects other aspects of the system's identity, such as kintypes, genders, system roles, hobbies, etc. For example, this could involve the system frequently having kins/introjects related to kink, genders or orientations that are affected by kink, system roles to which kink is relevant (e.g. kink holder), feeling that the system's functions are affected by kink, collectively creating kink content, or other ways being kink can affect identity or a system collectively. This could be considered similar to being kinkbased but as an identity label in and of itself, and in a way that particularly affects other aspects of identity.

Xenoplurid: A xenoplurid is a plurid - i.e. an identity collectively shared by the system - that does not relate to things that fall into categories commonly seen or defined as identities (such as gender, orientation, kintype, or disability status) but things that are not typically thought of as identities and that may affect things that ARE typically thought of as identities. This could include things like animals, aesthetics, nature, or concepts, but those are just examples, and a xenoplurid can be anything that does not constitute a "traditional" category of identity, or something that affects identity without inherently being an identity in and of itself. The "opposite" of xenoplurid is oikoplurid, which is a plurid whose subject is something that IS typically seen or defined as an identity. What counts as "traditional" and/or "an identity category" for the purpose of defining a xenoplurid's subject as outside of them is subjective. Therefore, it is not important, when coining or labeling a plurid, to determine if it is a xenoplurid or an oikoplurid.

Pub: 27 Feb 2024 14:23 UTC
Edit: 09 Dec 2024 21:57 UTC
Views: 262