IxC999’s roleic coining


Roleic (link to coining post, pronounced "roh-LAY-ick") is a term we have made to describe a form of identity that is felt by a system member in regards to their role, status, or experience in the system.

If something is one's roleic, that means it is involved in their role or is connected in some other way to their status as a system member. For example, a system member who has a role that involves making food for the system may consider themselves foodroleic, or a system member who split during a manic episode may consider themselves maniaroleic.

What constitutes a "role" is up to the user of the term, and roleics are inclusive of things that are not part of the role per se but still relate to the system member's experience as a system member.

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1980sroleic: A term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves the 1980s.
This could involve:
-being an introject whose source is from the 1980s
-having lived during the 1980s in their timeline
-presenting with a 1980s aesthetic
-having front triggers associated with 1980s aesthetics/media/themes/etc.
-having formed during the 1980s (if the system is old enough)
However, it can include anything.

1990sroleic: A term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves the 1990s.
This could involve:
-being an introject whose source is from the 1990s
-having lived during the 1990s in their timeline
-presenting with a 1990s aesthetic
-having front triggers associated with 1990s aesthetics/media/themes/etc.
-having formed during the 1990s (if the system is old enough)
However, it can include anything.

2000sroleic: A term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves the 2000s.
This could involve:
-being an introject whose source is from the 2000s
-having lived during the 2000s in their timeline
-presenting with a 2000s aesthetic
-having front triggers associated with 2000s aesthetics/media/themes/etc.
-having formed during the 2000s
However, it can include anything.

2010sroleic: A term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves the 2010s.
This could involve:
-being an introject whose source is from the 2010s
-having lived during the 2010s in their timeline
-presenting with a 2010s aesthetic
-having front triggers associated with 2010s aesthetics/media/themes/etc.
-having formed during the 2010s
However, it can include anything.

2020sroleic: A term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves the 2020s.
This could involve:
-being an introject whose source is from the 2020s
-having lived during the 2020s in their timeline
-presenting with a 2020s aesthetic
-having front triggers associated with 2020s aesthetics/media/themes/etc.
-having formed during the 2020s
However, it can include anything.

Academiaroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves academia in some way.
This can involve:
-having a role related to helping the system with their academic pursuits
-being an academia-related introject (e.g. from literature)
-being a trauma holder for something that happened at school
However, it can involve anything.

Aceroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves being asexual(-spectrum) in some way.
This can involve being:
-an asexual identity holder
-a trauma holder for trauma related to being asexual
-someone who was asexual in their timeline
-an asexual love holder
-a headmate whose role involves lacking something and feels that their lack of sexual attraction is connected to that
However, it could involve anything.

Achilleanroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves being achillean in some way.
This can involve being:
-an achillean identity holder
-a trauma holder for trauma related to being achillean
-someone who was achillean in their timeline
-an achillean love holder
However, it could involve anything.

Actingroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves actors or acting in some way.
This could involve:
-having been an actor in one's timeline
-comparing one's system role to acting
-helping the system pursue a career in acting
However, this could involve anything.

Addictionroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves addiction in some way.
This can involve a headmate who:
-is an addiction holder
-is an addiction symptom neutralizer
-formed for addiction-related reasons
-is a trauma holder for something related to addiction
-is an addict introject
However, it can involve anything.
Due to the fact that addiction can affect systems in ways other than them directly experiencing it (e.g. having trauma due to proximity to someone else's addiction), an addictionroleic headmate is not necessarily an addict themselves.

Addifictiroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves addiction and fiction in some way.
This can involve:
-being a fictive and an addiction holder
-coping with addiction using fiction
-creating fiction about addiction
-being an addiction holder with another role involving fiction
However, it could involve anything.

Addikinkroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves addiction and kink in some way.
This can involve:
-being an addiction holder and a kink holder
-having a kink surrounding the subject of your addiction
-coping with or recovering from addiction using kink
However, it could involve anything.

Addimusiroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves both addiction and music in some way.
This could include:
-having multiple roles, including one involving addiction and one involving music
-being a musicative who experiences addiction
-coping with addiction using music
-being an introject related to both music and addiction
However, it could involve anything.

Addisymptiroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves addiction and being a symptom holder in some way.
This will probably involve being both an addiction holder and a holder of other symptoms, but can involve anything.

Aesthetiroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves aesthetic in some way.
This can involve:
-being an aesthetive/aesthetic introject
-coping with something using aesthetic
-being a social headmate who socializes in aesthetic-related communities
-having an in-space appearance related to an aesthetic
However, it could involve anything and is inclusive of any kind of aesthetic.

Agenderroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves being agender in some way.
This can involve being:
-an agender identity holder
-a trauma holder for trauma related to being agender
-someone who was agender in their timeline
-a headmate with a role related to agender transition
-a headmate whose role involves lacking something and feels that their lack of gender is connected to that
However, it could involve anything.

Alcoholroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves alcohol in some way.
This may involve:
-being a symptom holder for alcohol use
-helping the system manage their alcohol use
-fronting while under the influence
However, it can involve anything.

Alienroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role or status as a system member involves aliens in some way.
This can involve:
-being an alien extranth or someone who encountered aliens in their timeline
-having a role that involves holding feelings of disconnect or alienation and relating to aliens as a result
-being a creative headmate who makes works related to aliens
However, it can involve anything.

Androgiroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves being androgynous in some way.
This may involve:
-being an androgynous identity holder or introject
-feeling that one performs one's role in an androgynous way
-presenting as androgynous when fronting
However, it can involve anything.
This is different from androgyneroleic in that that term is about androgyne as a gender, but this term is about androgyny as a presentation.

Androgyneroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves being androgynous/androgyne in some way.
This can involve being:
-an androgyne identity holder
-a trauma holder for trauma related to this identity
-someone who was androgyne in their timeline
-a headmate who helps with transition
-a headmate with a role involving duality who sees this identity as representing that
However, it could involve anything.

Angelroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves angels in some way.
This can involve:
-being an angel extranth
-holding angelic delusions
-holding religious trauma connected to angels
-being a spiritual headmate with a connection to angels
However, it can involve anything.

Angerroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves anger or being angry in some way.
This can involve:
-being an anger holder
-originating as a result of feelings of strong anger
-having a role that involves coping with anger
However, it can involve anything.

Anxietyroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves anxiety in some way.
This can involve a headmate who:
-is an anxiety holder, neutralizer, or enjoyer
-formed because of anxiety
-fronts during anxiety-inducing situations
However, it can involve anything.

Artroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves art in some way.
This can involve:
-being an art-related introject
-having a role related to art
-having formed because of art
-coping with something using art
However, it can involve anything.
This is inclusive of all kinds of art, and the system member can specify which kind of art if they like (e.g. paintingroleic, graphicdesignroleic, etc.)

Aroaceroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves being aroace(-spectrum) in some way.
This can involve being:
-an aroace identity holder
-a trauma holder for trauma related to being aroace
-someone who was aroace in their timeline
-an aroace/queerplatonic love holder
-a headmate whose role involves lacking something and feels that their lack of attraction is connected to that
However, it could involve anything.

Aroroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves being aromantic(-spectrum) in some way.
This can involve being:
-an aromantic identity holder
-a trauma holder for trauma related to being aromantic
-someone who was aromantic in their timeline
-an aromantic/queerplatonic love holder
-a headmate whose role involves lacking something and feels that their lack of romantic attraction is connected to that
However, it could involve anything.

Autismroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves autism in some way.
This can involve a headmate who:
-is a symptom holder, neutralizer, or enjoyer for autism
-is a trauma holder for autism-related trauma
-is an interest holder for or introject from special interests
-helps the system cope by stimming, engaging in special interests, or other behaviors related to autism
However, it can involve anything.

Autoroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves being autospec - i.e. autosexual, autoromantic, etc. - in some way.
This will probably involve having a role involving an in-system relationship that feels autospec, or having such feelings or relationships in general, but it can involve anything.

Azurgirlroleic: A term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves being an azurgirl or azurgirl identity.
This could involve:
-being an azurgirl identity holder
-being an azurgirl introject whose source is another gender
-holding trauma associated with masculinity and/or femaleness
-feeling that being a masculine woman is relevant to how you perform your role
-feeling that the tasks you perform as a headmate are feminine but you do them in a masculine way
However, it can include anything.

Bastardroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves being a bastard in some way.
This could involve:
-being a holder for bastard-like qualities
-having a bastard-like attitude as part of their role or approach
-being a persecutor (or something similar) and self-identifying as a bastard because of it
However, it could involve anything.
"Bastard" is intended as a self-descriptor and is not an inherently negative thing unless the system member using it wants it to be.

Biroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves being bi in some way.
This can involve being:
-a bi identity holder
-a trauma holder for trauma related to being bi
-someone who was bi in their timeline
-a bi love holder
However, it could involve anything.

Bloodroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves blood in some way.
This could include:
-being a trauma holder for trauma that involved blood
-having blood as a front trigger
-having a role that involves taking care of the system's body when it is bleeding
-being an extranth of a species to which blood is important (e.g. a vampire)
However, it could involve anything.

Bodyroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves the body in some way.
This can involve:
-holding feelings the system have about their body
-helping the system take care of their physical body
-bodily sensations such as pain are front triggers
However, it can involve anything.

Bookroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves books/literature in some way.
This can involve a headmate who:
-is a book introject, or was involved with books in their timeline
-originated because of books
-helps the system cope by reading books
-has a role involving academics, a hobby, or a career involving books
However, it can involve anything.

Bugroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves bugs in some way.
This can involve being a headmate who:
-is a bug extranth
-has a role related to academics, a hobby, or a career involving bugs
-copes with something using bugs as an interest
-is a spiritual headmate with a spirituality that involves bugs
However, it can involve anything.
"Bug" is inclusive of any creature the user thinks counts as a bug (i.e. not just insects)

Calmroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves calmness or being calm in some way.
This can involve:
-a role that is comparable to the opposite of an anxiety holder
-having a role that involves trying to keep the system calm
-has a calming in-space presence
However, it could involve anything.

Cartoonroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves cartoons in some way.
This can involve a headmate who:
-is a cartoon introject, or was involved with cartoons in their timeline
-originated because of cartoons
-helps the system cope by watching/drawing cartoons
-has a role involving a hobby or career involving cartoons
However, it can involve anything.
"Cartoon" is inclusive of non-animated art such as comics if the user of this word wants it to be.

Catroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role or status as a system member involves cats in some way.
This can involve:
-being a cat extranth
-having a role that involves cats
-comparing your system role to cats or being a cat
However, it can involve anything.

Childhoodroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves childhood in some way.
This could include:
-being a syskid or a caretaker for one
-holding childhood trauma, memories, or nostalgia
-being introjected from something from the system's childhood
-helping the system with their responsibilities involving children in the external world
However, it could involve anything. "Childhood" could mean the system's own childhood, childhood as a concept, or anything relating to chidren.

Childtraumaroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves childhood and trauma in some way.
This could include:
-holding childhood trauma
-being a syskid who holds or is affected by trauma (from any time of the system's life)
-coping with trauma using things that are childlike or associated with children
-having a young in-space age because of trauma
However, it could involve anything.

Choreroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves chores - e.g. housekeeping, manual labor, cooking, etc. - in some way.
This will probably involve a system member whose role is to perform these tasks, but it can involve anything.

Cenelianroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves being a cenelian in some way.
This can involve being:
-a cenelian identity holder
-a trauma holder for trauma related to being a cenelian
-an introject of a cenelian character
-a love holder with cenelian feelings
However, it could involve anything, and can also be called turianroleic, gaymanroleic, or cintheanroleic.

Clownroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves clowns in some way.
This could involve:
-having a role related to humor, happiness, or fun, and relating to clowns as a result
-being a clown in one's timeline or in-space
-having clowns as a front trigger
However, it could involve anything.

Coiningroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves coining - e.g. of mogai or system terms - in some way.
This can involve:
-being an introject related to coining or a coined term
-coping with something using coining
-being an identity holder and expressing this through coining terms
However, it can involve anything.

Colorroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves colors or a color in some way.
This can involve:
-having certain colors as a front trigger
-being a spiritual headmate who does color magic
-being a creative headmate who makes colorful art
-associating a certain color with your role
However, it can involve anything.

Comedyroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves the comedy genre in some way.
This can involve:
-being a comedy introject
-coping with something through comedy
-having a role that is influenced by comedy
-helping the system pursue a career as a comedian
However, it can involve anything.
This is different from humorroleic in that humorroleic is inclusive of anything that is considered humorous, whereas this term is specifically about comedy as a genre, especially for anyone who identifies with "comedy" but not "humor" (e.g. comedy introjects who don't especially identify with humor).

Comfichildroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves childhood and comfort in some way.
This could include:
-holding childhood trauma, nostalgia, or memories while having a connection to comfort
-being a comforter for syskids or holders of childhood trauma
-coping by seeking comfort in things from childhood
-being introjected from something that was comforting in childhood
However, it could involve anything. "Childhood" could mean the system's own childhood, childhood as a concept, or anything relating to chidren.

Comfortroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves comfort in some way.
This may involve:
-being a comforter as your system role
-coping with something using comforting things
-being an introject of something comforting
However, it can involve anything.

Concubusroleic/succubusroleic/incubusroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves concubi/succubi/incubi in some way.
This can involve:
-being a concubus extranth
-relating to concubi because of your role (e.g. sexual headmate)
-being a spiritual headmate with a connection to concubi
However, it can involve anything.

Conculovecoreroleic/succulovecoreroleic/inculovecoreroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves kink and concubi/succubi/incubi in some way.
This could involve being a concubus with a lovecore aesthetic, or being a kink/sexual headmate who relates to both concubi and lovecore, but it can be anything.
The difference between this and conculoveroleic is that that term focuses on love as an emotion whereas this is about lovecore as an aesthetic.

Conculoveroleic/succuloveroleic/inculoveroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves kink and concubi/succubi/incubi in some way.
This could involve being a concubus and a love holder, or being a kink/sexual headmate who relates to concubi and sees love as part of their role, but it can be anything.

Conflictingroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves conflicting feelings or viewpoints in some way.
This may involve:
-holding conflicting feelings for the system
-helping the system process their conflicting feelings
-being the embodiment of one of the viewpoints or feelings in conflict
However, it can involve anything.

Conflictroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves conflict in some way.
This may involve:
-helping the system avoid or deal with conflict
-holding trauma from past conflicts
-having conflict as a front trigger
However, it can involve anything.

Coolroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves coolness or being cool in some way.
This can involve being:
-an introject of something or someone the system thinks is cool
-a social alter who helps the system come off as cool in social settings
-a headmate who copes using something the system thinks is cool
However, it could involve anything.

Corpseroleic: A term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves corpses.
This could involve:
-being a Cotard's holder
-being a trauma holder for corpse-related trauma
-appearing as a corpse in-space
-having medical interest in corpses that corresponds to a medical role
-pursuing a career working with corpses
However, it can include anything.

Cosmiaesthetiroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves outer space and aesthetic in some way.
This can involve any combination of the following:
-being an outer space-related extranth or an aesthetic introject
-coping with something using aesthetic/outer space as an interest
-comparing your system role to aesthetic/outer space
However, it could involve anything.

Cosmikinkroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves kink and outer space in some way.
This can involve:
-being a kink holder and a space-related extranth/introject
-feeling that outer space and your kinks are somehow related
-coping with something using both kink and outer space as an interest
However, it could involve anything.

Cosmintrusiroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves outer space and intrusive thoughts in some way.
This can involve:
-being an outer space-related extranth with intrusive thoughts
-having intrusive thoughts involving outer space
-coping with intrusive thoughts by engaging with outer space as an interest
However, it could involve anything.

Cozycoreroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves cozycore in some way.
This can involve:
-being a cozycore introject
-coping with something using cozycore
-being a social headmate who socializes in cozycore-related communities
-having a cozycore-themed in-space appearance
-being a comforter or caretaker and relating to cozycore
However, it could involve anything.

Cringeroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves the concept of "cringe" in some way.
This can involve:
-embracing the "cringe but free" attitude to help your system
-being an introject of something "cringey"
-having formed due to negative experiences with cringe culture
However, it could involve anything.
"Cringe" is intended as a self-descriptor and is not to be applied to a system member unless they use that word for themself. Some people use "cringe" as a positive self-identifier and this term is mostly based on that.

Cuteroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves cuteness or being cute in some way.
This can involve being:
-an introject of or from something cute
-a syskid or syspet who is cute in ways related to being a child or pet
-a creative headmate who makes cute art
-a headmates who copes using cute things
However, it can involve anything.

Deathroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves death in some way.
This could involve:
-being a trauma holder for death-related trauma
-being a Cotard's holder
-appearing dead in-space, or being a death-related extranth
-helping the system cope with death
-pursuing a career in the death industry
However, it could involve anything.

Delphinianroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves being delphinian (agender-loving-agender) in some way.
This can involve being:
-a delphinian identity holder
-a trauma holder for trauma related to being delphinian
-someone who was delphinian in their timeline
-a delphinian love holder
However, it could involve anything.

Demonroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves demons in some way.
This can involve:
-being a demon extranth
-holding demonic delusions
-holding religious trauma connected to demons
-being a spiritual headmate with a connection to demons
However, it can involve anything.

Depressionroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves depression in some way.
This can involve a headmate who:
-is a symptom holder, neutralizer, or enjoyer for depression
-helps the system cope with depression
-formed as a result of depression
However, it can involve anything.

Diamoricroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves being diamoric in some way.
This could include being:
-a diamoric introject or identity/love holder
-a trauma holder from a diamoric relationship
-outside the dichotomy of "gay" and "straight" in a way that you feel represents another dichotomy outside of which you operate
However, it could involve anything.

Diffamiliroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves difficult feelings about or situations with the system's family in some way.
This may involve:
-trauma holders for difficult family situations
-holders for the system's feelings about their family
-having formed from family-related stress
However, it can involve anything.

Dirtroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves dirt in some way.
This could involve:
-having a role that involves interacting with nature and therefore with dirt
-being a holder for something that feels "dirty" and relating to dirt as a result
However, it could involve anything.

Disabilityroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves disability in some way.
This can involve a headmate who:
-is a symptom holder, neutralizer, or enjoyer for disabilities
-is a trauma holder for disability-related trauma
-helps the system cope with their disability
However, it can involve anything and is inclusive of all disabilities.

Diseatingroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves eating disorders or disordered eating in some way.
This may be:
-a symptom holder for disordered eating
-a headmate with a role related to recovery from the disordered eating
-a trauma holder for past experiences with disordered eating
However, it can involve anything.

Dissociroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves dissociation in some way.
This could include:
-being a dissociation holder
-dissociating more frequently than other headmates in your system
-having an origin relating to dissociation
-helping the system cope with dissociation
However, it could involve anything.

Distractroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves distractions in some way.
This will probably involve being a headmate who copes by seeking out distractions, but it can involve anything.

Dogroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role or status as a system member involves dogs in some way.
This can involve:
-being a dog extranth
-having a role that involves dogs
-comparing your system role to dogs or being a dog
However, it can involve anything.

Eldritchroleic: A roleic term for a system member who considers the eldritch to be part of their role or status as a system member, without it inherently being the role itself.
This may involve a system member who:
-is an eldritch entity or met them in their timeline
-has a spiritual role that relates to the eldritch.
However, it can involve anything.

Enbianroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves being enbian in some way.
This can involve being:
-an enbian identity holder
-a trauma holder for trauma related to being enbian
-someone who was enbian in their timeline
-an enbian love holder
However, it could involve anything.

Fandomroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves fandom in some way.
This can involve:
-being an introject from a fandom the system are involved with
-using fandom to help the system cope with something
-feeling like your role is affected by your system's involvement with fandom
However, it can involve anything.

Fantasyroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves the fantasy genre in some way.
This could involve:
-being an introject from fantasy media
-coping with something using fantasy media
-creating fantasy media as your system role
-feeling like the fantasy genre is otherwise tied up in your system role
However, it could involve anything.

Fearroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves fear or being afraid in some way.
This can involve:
-being an emotion holder for fear
-originating as a result of feelings of strong fear
-having a role that involves coping with fear
-being a trauma holder who has strong feelings of fear associated with the trauma
However, it can involve anything.

Femaleroleic/womanroleic/girlroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves being female or a woman/girl in some way.
This may involve:
-a female identity holder
-a trauma holder for trauma related to this identity
-helping the system process their gender-related feelings
-having a transition-related role in a trans system
However, it can involve anything.
The difference between this and femroleic is that that term is about femininity as a presentation, whereas this is about femaleness as a gender. Additionally, this is about female as a gender completely independent of sex.

Femmeroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves being femme in some way.
This may involve:
-being a femme identity holder or introject
-feeling that one performs one's role in a femme way
-presenting as femme when fronting
However, it can involve anything.

Femroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves being feminine in some way.
This may involve:
-being a feminine identity holder or introject
-feeling that one performs one's role in a feminine way
-presenting as feminine when fronting
However, it can involve anything.

Fictionroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role or status as a system member involves fiction in some way.
This can involve:
-being a fictive
-coping with something through fiction
-being a creative headmate who makes fiction
However, it can involve anything.

Filthroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves the concept of filth in some way.
This can involve a headmate who:
-identifies with the concept of filth
-is an interest holder for something filthy
-is a spiritual headmate who worships filth
-creates art that explores the theme of filth
However, it can involve anything.
The word "filth" is a self-descriptor, being reclaimed, not intended to be inherently negative unless the user wants it to be, and is inclusive of anything the user thinks fits.

Flowerroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves flowers in some way.
This can involve a headmate who:
-has a flower-related species, or was connected with flowers in their timeline
-uses flowers as an interest to cope with something
-has flower-related front triggers
-compares their system role to flowers
However, it can involve anything.

Foodroleic: A roleic term for a system member who considers food to be part of their role or status as a system member, without it inherently being the role itself.
This may involve a system member who:
-prepares food for the system
-is introjected from a food-related source
-has food as a front trigger
-who fronts frequently in food-related situations

Freakroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves being a freak in some way.
This could involve:
-being a symptom or identity holder for the qualities that constitute being a freak
-helping the system process their feelings about being a freak
-helping the system cope with the negative aspects of being a freak
However, it could involve anything.
The word "freak" is reclaimed, not intended to have negative connotations unless the user wants it to, and is inclusive of anything that the user think counts towards being a freak.

Fungusroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves fungi in some way.
This can involve being a headmate who:
-has a fungus-related species
-has a role related to academics, a hobby, or a career involving fungi
-copes with something using fungus as an interest
-is a spiritual headmate with a spirituality that involves fungi
However, it can involve anything.

Funroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves fun in some way.
This could involve:
-making sure the system have fun
-having formed because of fun experiences
-as an introject from something fun
However, it could involve anything.

Furryroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves furries or the furry fandom in some way.
This can involve:
-taking an anthro form in-space or being an introject of such a character
-being a creative headmate who makes furry art
-being a social headmate who participate in the furry fandom to help the rest of the system socialize
However, it can involve anything.

Futureroleic: A term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves the future in some way.
This could involve:
-having a role that involves managing the future
-having split in response to something predicted from the future
-having a timeline that took place in the future
-being an introject from media set in the future
-acting, talking, dressing, and/or looking like they come from a time period in the future
-holding interests related to the future
However, it can include anything.

Gastrokinkroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves food and kink in some way.
This could involve:
-simultaneously having roles involving food and kink
-coping with something (e.g. difficulty eating) using food kink
However, it could involve anything.

Gayroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves gayness/being gay/gay identity in some way.
This can involve being:
-an identity holder for a gay identity
-a trauma holder for trauma related to being gay
-a headmate with a role that involves processing feelings related to being gay
-a love holder whose feelings are gay
However, it can involve anything.

Genderfluidroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves being genderfluid in some way.
This can involve being:
-a genderfluid identity holder
-a trauma holder for trauma related to being genderfluid
-someone who was genderfluid in their timeline
-a headmate with a role related to genderfluid transition
-a headmate whose role involves changes and feels that their changing gender is connected to that
However, it could involve anything.

Genderroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves gender in some way.
This can involve being:
-an identity holder for a certain gender
-a trauma holder for gender-related trauma
-a headmate with a role that involves processing gender-related feelings
However, it can involve anything.

Genderqueerroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves being genderqueer in some way.
This can involve being:
-a genderqueer identity holder
-a trauma holder for trauma related to being genderqueer
-someone who was genderqueer in their timeline
-a headmate with a role related to genderqueer transition
However, it could involve anything.

Ghostroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves ghosts in some way.
This could involve being:
-a dissociation holder who compares dissociation to feeling like a ghost
-a death-related headmate who relates to ghosts
-a headmate who takes the form of a ghost
However, it could involve anything.

Gncroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves gender non-conformity in some way.
This may involve:
-being a GNC identity holder or introject
-feeling that one performs one’s role in a gender non-conforming way
-presenting as GNC when fronting
However, it can involve anything.

Gothroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves goth in some way.
This can involve a headmate who:
-is a goth-related introject or was a goth in their timeline
-have a role related to coping and use goth to cope
-has an origin related to goth
However, it can involve anything.

Grossroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves grossness or being gross in some way.
This can involve a headmate who:
-is an interest holder for gross subjects
-is more comfortable dealing with gross things than the rest of the system
-is an introject from something gross
However, it can involve anything.
The word "gross" is a self-descriptor, being reclaimed, not intended to be inherently negative unless the user wants it to be, and is inclusive of anything the user thinks fits.

Happyroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves happiness or being happy in some way.
This can involve:
-being a happiness holder
-originating as a result of feelings of strong happiness
-having a role related to keeping the system happy
However, it can involve anything.

Hateroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves hate in some way.
This can involve being:
-an anger holder who feels hate as a result of their anger
-a trauma holder who helps cope with feelings of hate
However, it can involve anything. The word "hate" here is meant in an emotional rather than ideological sense and should not be construed as specifically the kind of hate associated with bigotry.

Historyroleic: A roleic term for a system member who considers history to be part of their role or status as a system member, without it inherently being the role itself.
This may involve a system member who:
-has a role that involves history-related academia or a career
-is a history-related introject or otherwise has a timeline in which they come from a different period of history
-is a comforter who uses historical knowledge to reassure other system members about world events
-has coping methods that involve learning about history

Horrorroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves the horror genre in some way.
This could involve:
-being an introject from horror media
-coping with something using horror media
-creating horror media as your system role
-feeling like the horror genre is otherwise tied up in your system role
However, it could involve anything.

Humanroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves humans, humanity, or being human in some way.
This can involve:
-being a human headmate (possibly in a system with many non-human system members)
-holding feelings of humanity for the rest of the system
-coping with the distressing aspects of living a human life
However, it can involve anything.

Humorroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role or status as a system member involves humor in some way.
This can involve:
-being a comedy introject
-coping with something through humor
-thinking something about your experience with your system is funny
-having a role that is influenced by humor
However, it can involve anything.

Hygieneroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves hygiene in some way.
This will probably involve having a role that involves the body's hygiene, but it could involve anything.

Industrialroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves industrial music in some way.
This can involve a headmate who:
-is an industrial-related introject or was connected to industrial music in their timeline
-have a role related to coping and use industrial music to cope
-has an origin or front triggers related to industrial music
However, it can involve anything.

Insaneroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves being insane in some way.
This could involve:
-being a symptom holder for the qualities that constitute being insane
-helping the system process their feelings about being insane
-helping the system cope with the negative aspects of being insane
However, it could involve anything.
The word "insane" is reclaimed and not intended to have negative connotations unless the user wants it to.

Interestroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves one or more of the system's interests in some way.
This could involve:
-being an interest holder
-being an introject related to the system's interests
-helping the system cope with something by using their interests
-having front triggers related to the system's interests
However, it could involve anything, and can apply to any interest had by any member of the system. It is inclusive of but not limited to hyperfixations and special interests.

Internetroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves the internet in some way.
This can involve a headmate who:
-is an internet-related introject
-has a role that involves using the internet
-is a trauma holder for internet-related trauma
However, it can involve anything.

Intrusikinkroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves intrusive thoughts and kink in some way.
This could involve:
-being a kink headmate and an intrusive thoughts holder simultaneously
-having intrusive thoughts about kink
-coping with intrusive thoughts using kink
However, it could involve anything.

Intrusiroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role or status as a system member involves intrusive thoughts in some way.
This can involve:
-being a symptom holder, neutralizer, or enjoyer for intrusive thoughts
-having intrusive thoughts about something else that is part of your system role
-being formed through intrusive thoughts without necessarily having a role related to them
However, it can involve anything.

Kenoroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves kenosity or kenochoric themes - e.g. vastness, the unknown, liminality, etc. - in some way.
This could involve being:
-an eldritch/ocean-related/void-related/etc. extranth, or just a non-human member in general
-an emotion holder for fear, nostalgia, or other kenochoric emotions
-a headmate who considers themself liminal in some way
However, it could involve anything.

Kidcoreroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves kidcore in some way.
This can involve:
-being a kidcore introject
-coping with something using kidcore
-being a social headmate who socializes in kidcore-related communities
-having a kidcore-themed in-space appearance
-being a nostalgia holder or syskid and relating to kidcore
However, it could involve anything.

Kinkroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves kink in some way.
This can involve:
-having a kink-related role
-having formed because of kink
-incorporating kink into the performance of your system role
However, it can involve anything.

Kinkubusroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves kink and concubi/succubi/incubi in some way.
This could involve:
-being a kink headmate and comparing oneself to a concubus because of it
-being a concubus extranth who likes kink
However, it could involve anything.

Languageroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves language in some way.
This can involve:
-holding language as an interest
-helping communicate in situations where headmates are non-verbal
-helping the system learn a language
-speaking a language most of the system don't speak
However, it can involve anything.

Leatherroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves leather in some way. This may involve being a system member whose in-space form or aesthetic is defined by leather, but this can involve anything.

Lesbianroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves being a lesbian in some way.
This can involve being:
-a lesbian identity holder
-a trauma holder for trauma related to being a lesbian
-an introject of a lesbian character
However, it could involve anything.

Lesboyroleic: A term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves being a lesboy or lesboy identity.
This could involve:
-being a lesboy identity holder
-being a lesboy introject whose source is another gender
-holding trauma associated with masculinity/maleness and/or being a lesbian
-feeling that being a lesboy is relevant to how you perform your role
However, it can include anything.

Lovecoreroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves lovecore in some way.
This can involve:
-being a lovecore introject
-coping with something using lovecore
-being a social headmate who socializes lovecore-related communities
-having a lovecore-themed in-space appearance
-being a love holder who relates to lovecore
However, it could involve anything.

Loveroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves love in some way.
This can involve being:
-a love holder
-an introject of something related to love
-a spiritual headmate involved with a love deity
-a trauma holder for love-related trauma
However, it can involve anything.

Lustroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves lust in some way.
This can involve being:
-a sexual/kink headmate
-a hypersexuality symptom holder
-a headmate who helps the system manage their feelings of lust
However, it could involve anything.

Luxiroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves luxinity or luxine themes - e.g. awe, light, divinity, etc. - in some way.
This could involve being:
-a spiritual headmate
-an angelic/divine/etc. extranth
-an emotion holder for awe/wonder/joy/etc.
-a headmate with a role related to learning or experiencing
However, it could involve anything.
The word this post uses is "spiritual", but you can replace it with "religious" if that fits better.

Magicroleic: A roleic term for a system member who considers magic to be part of their role or status as a system member, without it inherently being the role itself.
This may involve a system member who:
-originated through magic
-has a system role that involves performing magic
-is an introject from something or has a timeline involving magic
-uses magic for anything that involves the system
However, it can involve anything.

Maleroleic/manroleic/boyroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves being male or a man/boy in some way.
This may involve:
-a male identity holder
-a trauma holder for trauma related to this identity
-helping the system process their gender-related feelings
-having a transition-related role in a trans system
However, it can involve anything.
The difference between this and mascroleic is that that term is about masculinity as a presentation, whereas this is about maleness as a gender. Additionally, this is about male as a gender completely independent of sex.

Maniaroleic: A roleic term for a system member who considers mania to be part of their role or status as a system member, without it inherently being the role itself.
This may involve a system member who:
-is a mania symptom holder
-split during a manic episode
-has mania as a front trigger
However, it can involve anything.

Mascroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves being masculine in some way.
This may involve:
-being a masculine identity holder or introject
-feeling that one performs one's role in a masculine way
-presenting as masculine when fronting
However, it can involve anything.

Meatroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves meat in some way.
This could involve:
-being an extranth that eats meat
-having a role related to the system's physical body and relating to meat as a result
-preparing meat as food
However, this could involve anything.

Medsroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves medication in some way.
This may involve:
-helping the system remember to take their meds
-helping the system adjust to changes in their medication
-having formed because of medication
However, it can involve anything.

Memeroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves memes in some way.
This may involve:
-coping with something by using memes
-being an introject of a meme
-explaining your system role in terms of memes
However, it can involve anything.

Metalroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves heavy metal in some way.
This can involve a headmate who:
-is a metal-related introject or was a metalhead in their timeline
-have a role related to coping and use metal to cope
-has an origin or front triggers related to metal
However, it can involve anything.

Mogairoleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves being mogai/mogai identity in some way.
This can involve being:
-an identity holder for a mogai identity
-a trauma holder for trauma related to being mogai
-a headmate with a role that involves processing feelings related to being mogai
-a headmate with a role related to mogai coining
However, it can involve anything.

Moldroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves mold in some way.
This could involve feeling that your role or origin are moldy, or having a role that involves interacting with mold (or other contaminants), it could involve anything.

Moonroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves the moon in some way.
This could include:
-being an introject of the moon
-feeling like your role is comparable to the moon or a moon
-associating your role or origin with light, darkness, reflection, or anything else would associate with the moon
-having a spiritual role associated with the moon
However, it could involve anything.

Movieroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves movies/film in some way.
This can involve a headmate who:
-is a movie introject, or was involved with movies in their timeline
-originated because of movies
-copes with something by watching movies
-helps the system work on filmmaking
However, it can involve anything.

Mspecgayroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves being mspec gay in some way.
This can involve being:
-an mspec gay identity holder
-a trauma holder for trauma related to being mspec gay
-someone who was mspec gay in their timeline
-an mspec gay love holder
However, it could involve anything.

Mspecroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves being mspec in some way.
This can involve being:
-an mspec identity holder
-a trauma holder for trauma related to being mspec
-someone who was mspec in their timeline
-an mspec love holder
However, it could involve anything.

Musicroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves music in some way.
This can involve:
-being a music-related introject
-having a role related to music
-having formed because of music
-coping with something using music
However, it can involve anything.

Natureroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves nature in some way.
This can involve having:
-a nature-related species or being a nature-related introject
-a role that involves spending time in nature
-a role related to academics or a career involving nature
However, it can involve anything.

Newwaveroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves new wave in some way.
This can involve a headmate who:
-is a new wave-related introject or was connected to new wave in their timeline
-have a role related to coping and use new wave to cope
-has an origin or front triggers related to new wave
However, it can involve anything.

Neutraroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves being gender neutral in some way.
This may involve:
-being a gender neutral identity holder or introject
-feeling that one performs one's role in a gender neutral way
-presenting as gender neutral when fronting
However, it can involve anything.
This is about gender neutrality as a presentation or alignment and not necessarily a gender itself (e.g. if you're a woman who identifies with gender neutrality, this term can still apply to you just as much as someone with a neutral gender)

Neutroisroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves being gender neutral in some way.
This may involve:
-a neutrois identity holder
-a trauma holder for trauma related to this identity
-someone who was neutrois in their timeline
-a headmate who helps with transition
However, it can involve anything.
The difference between this and neutraroleic is that that term is about gender neutrality as a presentation/quality, whereas this is about neutrois/neutral as a specific gender.

Nonhumachildroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves childhood and non-humanity in some way.
This could include:
-being a non-human syskid or non-human caretaker for them
-holding feelings of non-humanity that started in childhood
-seeming or seeing oneself as childlike for reasons involving non-humanity
However, it could involve anything. "Childhood" could mean the system's own childhood, childhood as a concept, or anything relating to children.

Nonspiriroleic/nonreligiroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves being non-spiritual in some way.
This could involve:
-being a holder for spiritual trauma and rejecting spirituality as a result
-a non-spiritual member in a system whose members are largely spiritual
-an extranth of something one would expect to be spiritual (e.g. an angel) who does not practice spirituality
However, this could involve anything. The word "religion" can be used instead of "spirituality" if the system member using the word thinks it fits.

Nostalgiacoreroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves nostalgiacore in some way.
This can involve:
-being a nostalgiacore introject
-coping with something using nostalgiacore
-being a social headmate who socializes in nostalgiacore-related communities
-having a nostalgiacore-themed in-space appearance
-being a nostalgia holder and relating to nostalgiacore
However, it could involve anything.

Nostalgiaroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves nostalgia in some way.
This can involve being:
-a nostalgia holder
-a headmate who copes using nostalgic things
-a memory holder for things for which the system feel nostalgic
-an introject from something nostalgic
However, it can involve anything.

Objectumroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves being objectum in some way.
This could involve:
-being an objectum identity or love holder
-being an introject of an object to which someone in the system is attracted
-having a role related to the objects to which one is attracted
However, it could involve anything.

Oceanroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves the ocean in some way.
This can involve being a headmate who:
-is an ocean-related extranth
-has a role related to academics or a career involving the ocean
-frequently interacts with the ocean as part of their role
-copes with something using the ocean as an interest
However, it can involve anything.

Oldwebroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves the old web in some way.
This can involve being:
-a nostalgia holder for old web-related nostalgia
-an interest holder for the old web
-a headmate who copes with something through the old web as an interest
-an old web-related introject
-a trauma holder for a traumatic internet experience that happened during the time of the old web
However, it can involve anything.

Omniroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves being omni in some way.
This can involve being:
-an omni identity holder
-a trauma holder for trauma related to being omni
-someone who was omni in their timeline
-an omni love holder
However, it could involve anything.

Panroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves being pan in some way.
This can involve being:
-a pan identity holder
-a trauma holder for trauma related to being pan
-someone who was pan in their timeline
-a pan love holder
However, it could involve anything.

Partnerroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves partners - i.e. relationships - in some way.
This could involve:
-being a trauma holder for a past relationship
-having an in-system partner
-having a role related to a partner system
However, it could involve anything.

Pastroleic: A term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves the past in some way.
This could involve:
-being a trauma holder or introject from the system's past
-having a timeline that took place in the past
-being an introject from older media
-acting, talking, dressing, and/or looking like they come from an older time period
-holding interests related to the past.
However, it can include anything.

Pastelroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves pastel colors/aesthetics in some way.
This can involve:
-having a pastel appearance in-space
-coping with something using pastel aesthetics
-creating pastel art
-comparing pastel colors to your system role
-feeling that your experience with the system is affected by pastels
However, it could involve anything.

Pellicroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves being pellic - i.e. someone who prefers non-sexual kink acts to sex - in some way.
This could involve:
-being an asexual kink headmate
-coping with sexual trauma with non-sexual kink
-helping the system engage in kink safely
However, this could involve anything.

Persodisoroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves a personality disorder in some way.
This may involve:
-symptom holders for personality disorders
-having formed as a result of a personality disorder
-feeling that one's functions in the system are affected by one's personality disorder
However, it can involve anything.

Petroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves pets in some way.
This can involve:
-being a syspet
-coping with something by looking after pets
-having pets as a front trigger
-helping the system pursue a career involving pets
However, it can involve anything.

Playlistroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves playlists in some way.
This could involve:
-coping with something using playlists
-being an introject of a playlist
-having a playlist as a front trigger
However, it could involve anything.

Plyroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves being ply (i.e. polysexual, polyromantic, etc.) in some way.
This can involve being:
-a ply identity holder
-a trauma holder for trauma related to being ply
-someone who was ply in their timeline
-a ply love holder
However, it could involve anything.

Postpunkroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves post-punk in some way.
This can involve a headmate who:
-is a post-punk-related introject or was connected to post-punk in their timeline
-have a role related to coping and use post-punk to cope
-has an origin or front triggers related to post-punk
However, it can involve anything.

Presentroleic: A term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves the present day (or the very recent past).This could involve:
-having a role that involves managing present events
-having split in response to something from the present, e.g. a present source of stress
-having a timeline that took place in the present
-being an introject from media from or set in the present
-acting, talking, dressing, and/or looking like they come from the present day
-holding interests related to the present day
However, it can include anything.

Psychosiroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves psychosis in some way.
This may involve:
-being a psychosis symptom holder, neutralizer, or enjoyer
-having formed during a psychotic episode
-having psychosis as a front trigger
However, it can involve anything.

Punkroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves punk in some way.
This can involve a headmate who:
-is a punk-related introject or was a punk in their timeline
-have a role related to coping and use punk to cope
-has an origin or front triggers related to punk
However, it can involve anything.

Queerplatoniroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves queerplatonic relationships or feelings in some way.
This can involve:
-being a queerplatonic love holder
-holding trauma related to queerplatonic relationships
-participating in a relationship with a queerplatonic partner system
However, it could involve anything.

Quoiroroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves being quoiromantic in some way.
This could include:
-being a quoiromantic love or identity holder
-having a role that involves differentiating between romantic or platonic feelings
-feeling that being quoiromantic represents your system role
However, it could involve anything.

Ratroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role or status as a system member involves rats in some way.
This can involve:
-being a rat extranth
-having a role that involves rats
-comparing your system role to rats or being a rat
However, it can involve anything.

Recoveryroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves recovery in some way.
This will probably involve being a system member whose role involves helping the system with their recovery, but it can involve anything.
This can mean recovery from anything and is inclusive of any extent of recovery.

Responsiroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves responsibility in some way.
This will probably involve being a manager headmate or someone who otherwise helps the system maintain their responsibilities, but it can involve anything.

Roleic: A roleic (pronounced "roh-LAY-ick") is an identity experienced by a system member in which they feel a certain thing is tied to or involved with their role in the system, without that thing necessarily being the role in and of itself.
Roleics can center around just one thing, or one roleic term may have multiple things involved with it at once, much like how xenogenders can be comparing the gender to just one thing or to multiple at once.
Reasons a system member might want to designate something a roleic include:
-they interact with that thing as part of their role (e.g. "foodroleic" for a caretaker whose role involves preparing food for the system)
-the way they experience their role involves that thing (e.g. "historyroleic" for a trauma holder who has a timeline wherein the equivalent of the system's trauma from this life happened to someone in a different era of history)
-it has to do with their origin as a system member (e.g. "maniaroleic" for a system member who split during a manic episode)
-it has to do with their in-system identity (e.g. "magicroleic" for a fictive from a fantasy series about magic)
Some might conceptualize this as "a xenogender but for system roles", which would not be fully inaccurate, but these are not inherently genders. They are comparable to xenogenders in the sense that, like how xenogenders are related to things one would not necessarily typically think of as relating to genders, roleics are related to things that one would not necessarily think of as relating to system roles.
This is also different from xenorole in that a xenorole is, in and of itself, a role. While someone might consider one's roleic to be one's role as well, the definition of roleic is that it is or feels INVOLVED in the role without (necessarily) being the role itself.
A roleic can be used to describe how one experiences any type of role, or multiple roles at once, and what constitutes a "role" in the first place is up to the system member defining themself.
This can also involve parts of the system member's experience with the system that do not involve their role but involve some other aspect of their experience that is relevant to being a system (e.g. how they interact with their headmates, their origin, etc.)
You can say "my roleic is [thing]" or "I am [thing]roleic". If it is a roleic based on something that cannot be boiled down to a simple word, "-roleic" can be used as a suffix in the way that "-ic" often is for more complicated xenogenders.
Roleic flags can look like anything, but the one used in this post is based off of the simplified system role flag.

Romantiroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves romantic relationships or feelings in some way.
This can involve:
-being a romantic love holder
-holding trauma related to romantic relationships
-participating in a relationship with a romantic partner system
-holding hyperromantic symptoms
However, it could involve anything.

Rosboyroleic: A term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves being a rosboy or rosboy identity.
This could involve:
-being a rosboy identity holder
-being a rosboy introject whose source is another gender
-holding trauma associated with femininity and/or maleness
-feeling that being a feminine man is relevant to how you perform your role
-feeling that the tasks you perform as a headmate are masculine but you do them in a feminine way
However, it can include anything.

Sadroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves sadness or being sad in some way.
This can involve:
-being a sadness/depression holder
-originating as a result of feelings of strong sadness
-having a role that involves coping with sadness
However, it can involve anything. This term is mostly intended to be a counterpart to "depressionroleic" but inclusive of non-clinical sadness.

Safetyroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves safety in some way.
This may involve:
-keeping the system safe
-reassuring the system that they are safe if they currently are
-being particularly safety-oriented compared to your other system members
However, it can involve anything.

Sapphicroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves being sapphic in some way.
This can involve being:
-a sapphic identity holder
-a trauma holder for trauma related to being sapphic
-someone who was sapphic in their timeline
-a sapphic love holder
However, it could involve anything.

Scienceroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves science in some way.
This could involve:
-being a science-related introject, or having a timeline in which they were connected to science
-helping with science-related academia or a career
-being a science interest holder
-being a comforter who uses scientific knowledge to reassure other system members
-feeling like science is otherwise tied up in your role in the system
However, it could involve anything.

Scifiroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves the science fiction genre in some way.
This could involve:
-being an introject from sci-fi media
-coping with something using sci-fi media
-creating sci-fi media as your system role
-feeling like the sci-fi genre is otherwise tied up in your system role
However, it could involve anything.

Seizureroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves seizures in some way.
This can involve a headmate who:
-is a symptom holder, neutralizer, or enjoyer for seizures
-helps the system cope with seizures
-formed as a result of seizures
-has seizures as a front trigger
However, it can involve anything and is inclusive of seizures had for any reason.

Selfharmroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves self-harm in some way.
This could include:
-being a symptom holder/neutralizer/etc. for self-harm
-having a role that involves protecting the body from self-harm
-helping the system cope with the desire to self-harm
-having self-harm as a front trigger
However, it could involve anything.

Selfshiproleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves self-shipping in some way.
This can involve:
-being a self-ship introject or an F/O fictive
-using self-shipping to help the system cope with something
-feeling like your role is affected by your system's involvement with self-shipping
However, it can involve anything.

Sexroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves sex in some way.
This can involve:
-being a sexual headmate
-being a sexual abuse trauma holder
-coping with something using sex
-being a love holder for someone with whom the system have a sexual relationship
However, it can involve anything.

Sextraumaroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves sex and trauma in some way.
This can involve:
-being a trauma holder for sexual trauma
-being both a trauma holder and a sexual headmate
-coping with trauma using sex
However, it can involve anything.

Shippingroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves shipping in some way.
This can involve:
-being an introject from a ship your system has
-using shipping to help the system cope with something
-feeling like your role is affected by your system's involvement with shipping
However, it can involve anything.

Sillyroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves silliness or being silly in some way.
This could involve:
-helping the system by maintaining a light-hearted, silly attitude
-silly things as a front trigger
-performing your system role in a silly way
-being an introject of something silly
However, it could involve anything

Sleeproleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves sleep in some way.
This can involve:
-helping the system with bedtime activities
-frequently being the last one to front before sleeping, or the first to front after
-making the system sleepy when you're around
However, it could involve anything.

Smokingroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves smoking in some way.
This could involve:
-being a symptom holder for smoking
-helping the system manage their smoking habit
-smoking as a front trigger
However, this could involve anything. This is inclusive of anything that can be smoked.

Spacechildroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves childhood and outer space in some way.
This could include:
-holding childhood trauma, nostalgia, or memories while having a connection to outer space
-being a syskid who comes from space
-holding a childhood interest in space
However, it could involve anything.

Spaceroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role or status as a system member involves space in some way.
This can involve:
-being a space-related extranth or having a space-related timeline
-having a role that involves engaging with space for academia or a career
-using outer space as an interest to cope with something as part of their system role
However, it can involve anything.

Spectrecaniroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves dogs and ghosts in some way.
This can involve any combination of the following:
-comparing your system role to dogs or ghosts
-being a dog or ghost extranth
-having a role that involves taking care of dogs
-having a role that relates to death and relating to ghosts as a result
However, it could involve anything.

Spirikinkroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves spirituality and kink in some way.
This could involve:
-being a kink headmate and a spiritual headmate simultaneously
-having spiritual beliefs or practices involving kink
-coping with something spiritual using kink
However, it could involve anything.

Spiripsychosiroleic/religipsychosiroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves psychosis and spirituality in some way.
This may involve having roles or origins related to spirituality or psychosis, or experiencing spiritual psychosis, but it can involve anything.
The word "spiritual" can be substituted with "religious" if it seems more accurate.

Spiriroleic/religiroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves spirituality in some way.
This could involve:
-being a spiritual headmate
-having a spiritual origin as a headmate
-being a trauma holder for spiritual trauma
-using spirituality to cope with something
However, it could involve anything.
The word this post uses is "spiritual", but you can replace it with "religious" if that fits better.

Spirosikinkroleic/relosikinkroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves psychosis, kink, and spirituality in some way.
This may involve having roles or origins related to spirituality/psychosis/kink, or having these things as front triggers, but it can involve anything.
The word "spiritual" can be substituted with "religious" if it seems more accurate.

Starroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves stars in some way.
This could involve:
-being a personified star
-comparing your role to being a star
-coping with something using stars/space as an interest
However, this could involve anything.

Substanceroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves substances in some way (inclusive of anything but mostly intended to mean anything that could be considered "drugs").
This can involve:
-having formed under the influence of substances
-being a symptom holder for substance use
-having substance use as a front trigger
-being a trauma holder for substance-related trauma
However, it can involve anything.

Suicideroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves suicide in some way.
This can involve a headmate who:
-is a symptom holder, neutralizer, or enjoyer for suicidal ideation/behaviors
-helps the system cope with suicidal ideation
-is a trauma holder for suicide-related trauma
However, it can involve anything.

Sunroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves the sun in some way.
This could include:
-being an introject of the sun
-feeling like your role is comparable to the sun or a sun
-making sure the system get enough sunlight
-associating your role or origin with warmth, light, life, or anything else would associate with the sun
-having a spiritual role associated with the sun
However, it could involve anything.

Symptofictiroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves fiction and being a symptom holder in some way.
This can involve:
-being a fictive and a symptom holder
-coping with your symptoms using fiction
-creating fiction about or inspired by your symptoms
-being a symptom holder with another role involving fiction
However, it could involve anything.

Symptokinkroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves kink and being a symptom holder in some way.
This can involve:
-being a kink holder and a symptom holder
-coping with your symptoms using kink
-feeling that your symptoms and your kinks are somehow connected
However, it could involve anything.

Transgenderroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves being trans/trans identity in some way.
This can involve being:
-an identity holder for a trans identity
-a trauma holder for trauma related to being trans
-a headmate with a role that involves processing feelings related to being trans
-a headmate with a role related to transition, helping the system pass, or anything else that is a part of the everyday experience of being trans
However, it can involve anything.

Therapyroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves therapy in some way.
This can involve:
-fronting during therapy
-being a manager who helps the system implement things they learn in therapy
-being a trauma holder for therapy-related trauma
-helping the system pursue a therapy-related career
However, it can involve anything.

Timeroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves time in some way.
This can involve:
-having a notable connection to a specific time of the system's life
-being a time-related introject
-helping with time management
However, it can involve anything.

Traumaroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves trauma in some way.
This can involve a headmate who:
-is a trauma holder
-did not originate as a trauma holder but experienced trauma after splitting that affected their role/experience with the system
-fronts during situations that are traumatic or are triggering for traumatic reasons
-originated from trauma
However, it can involve anything, and is not exclusive to traumagenic or traumabased systems.

Traukinkroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves trauma and kink in some way.
This can involve:
-having kinks because of trauma, or vice versa
-being a kink holder and a trauma holder
-coping with trauma using kink
However, it could involve anything.

Traumintrusiroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves trauma and intrusive thoughts in some way.
This can involve:
-having intrusive thoughts about or because of trauma
-being both a trauma holder and an intrusive thoughts holder
However, it could involve anything.

Unlabelledroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves being unlabelled (e.g. with regards to orientation or gender) in some way.
This could include:
-not labelling your system role/origin/etc. and feeling that having an unlabelled identity corresponds to that
-being notable for being unlabelled in a system whose other members use a lot of labels
However, it could involve anything.

Unreciproleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves unreciprocated feelings (of any kind) in some way.
This could involve:
-a holder for unreciprocated feelings
-an introject of someone for whom someone in the system has unreciprocated feelings
-having a role involving helping the system get over unreciprocated feelings
However, it could involve anything. This term was coined with unreciprocated love (of any kind) in mind, but it can be any kind of feeling if the system member using the term thinks it fits.

Veldigirlroleic: A term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves being a veldigirl or veldigirl identity.
This could involve:
-being a veldigirl identity holder
-being a veldigirl introject whose source is another gender
-holding trauma associated with femininity/femaleness and/or being a veldian
-feeling that being a veldigirl is relevant to how you perform your role
However, it can include anything.

Webcoreroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves webcore in some way.
This can involve:
-being a webcore introject
-coping with something using webcore
-being a social headmate who socializes in webcore-related communities
-having a webcore-themed in-space appearance
-having a role related to the internet and relating to webcore
However, it could involve anything.

Weedroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves weed in some way.
This may involve:
-being a symptom holder for weed use
-helping the system manage their weed use
-fronting while under the influence
However, it can involve anything.

Weirdcoreroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves weirdcore in some way.
This can involve:
-being a weirdcore introject
-coping with something using weirdcore
-being a social headmate who socializes in weirdcore-related communities
-having a weirdcore-themed in-space appearance
-being a symptom holder for dissociation or other symptoms that are themes in weirdcore
However, it could involve anything and is inclusive of any kind of aesthetic.

Wildcatroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves wild cats in some way.
This can involve a headmate who:
-is a wild cat extranth
-uses wild cats as an interest to cope with something
-has wild cat-related front triggers
-compares their system role to being a wild cat
However, it can involve anything. This is inclusive of all wild cats, including big cats.

Witchroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves witches or being a witch in some way.
This could involve:
-having a magic-related origin or role
-comparing your role to being a witch
-being an introject of a witch character
However, it could involve anything

Wizardroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves wizards or being a wizard in some way.
This could involve:
-having a magic-related origin or role
-comparing your role to being a wizard
-being an introject of a wizard character
However, it could involve anything

Wolfroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves wolves in some way.
This can involve a headmate who:
-is a wolf extranth
-uses wolves as an interest to cope with something
-has wolf-related front triggers
-compares their system role to being a wolf
However, it can involve anything.

Workroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves work/a job in some way.
This could involve:
-fronting frequently at work
-helping the system maintain a work-life balance
-coping with work-related stress
However, it could involve anything.

Writingroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves writing in some way.
This can involve:
-being an introject from a written work or of a writer
-having a role related to writing
-having formed because of writing
-coping with something using writing
However, it can involve anything.

Veldianroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves being a veldian in some way.
This can involve being:
-a veldian identity holder
-a trauma holder for trauma related to being a veldian
-an introject of a veldian character
-a love holder with veldian feelings
However, it could involve anything, and can also be called turianroleic, gaymanroleic, or cintheanroleic.

Videogameroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves video games in some way.
This can involve a headmate who:
-is a video game introject
-originated because of video games
-copes with something by playing video games
-helps the system work on game development
However, it can involve anything.

Violenceroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves violence in some way.
This could include being:
-a trauma holder for a violent event
-a symptom holder, neutralizer, or enjoyer for violent thoughts or urges
-an introject from or of something violent
-a headmate who has violence-related front triggers
However, it could involve anything.

Voidikinkroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves kink and the void in some way.
This can involve:
-being a void headmate and a kink holder
-feeling that the void and your kinks are somehow related
-being a spiritual headmate with beliefs related to both the void and kink
However, it could involve anything.

Voidroleic: A roleic term for a system member whose role, status, or experience as a system member involves the void in some way.
This can involve being:
-a void-related extranth
-a spiritual headmate that has to do with void-related beliefs
-a creative headmate who makes works related to the void
-a system member who originated because of the void
However, it can involve anything.

Pub: 02 Mar 2024 02:04 UTC
Edit: 09 Dec 2024 21:57 UTC
Views: 262