IxC999’s systerms
♪ Directory ♪
These are all the terms we have coined that are specifically to do with systems and that do not fit into a category that has its own page.
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☆ 1980sbased: A term for systems whose functions, headspace, splitting patterns, etc. are based on or affected by the 1980s.
This could involve:
-headmates who lived during the 1980s in their timeline
-introjects whose sources are from the 1980s
-front triggers related to media/events/themes/etc. from the 1980s
-holders for trauma that occurred during the 1980s (if the system were alive then)
However, it can include anything.
☆ 1990sbased: A term for systems whose functions, headspace, splitting patterns, etc. are based on or affected by the 1990s.
This could involve:
-headmates who lived during the 1990s in their timeline
-introjects whose sources are from the 1990s
-front triggers related to media/events/themes/etc. from the 1990s
-holders for trauma that occurred during the 1990s (if the system were alive then)
However, it can include anything.
☆ 2000sbased: A term for systems whose functions, headspace, splitting patterns, etc. are based on or affected by the 2000s.
This could involve:
-headmates who lived during the 2000s in their timeline
-introjects whose sources are from the 2000s
-front triggers related to media/events/themes/etc. from the 2000s
-holders for trauma that occurred during the 2000s (if the system were alive at the time)
However, it can include anything.
☆ 2010sbased: A term for systems whose functions, headspace, splitting patterns, etc. are based on or affected by the 2010s.
This could involve:
-headmates who lived during the 2010s in their timeline
-introjects whose sources are from the 2010s
-front triggers related to media/events/themes/etc. from the 2010s
-holders for trauma that occurred during the 2010s
However, it can include anything.
Some systems may feel that this counts under pastbased, and some may feel that it counts under presentbased. Either are valid ways to see it.
☆ 2020sbased: A term for systems whose functions, headspace, splitting patterns, etc. are based on or affected by the 2020s.
This could involve:
-headmates who lived during the 2020s in their timeline
-introjects whose sources are from the 2020s
-front triggers related to media/events/themes/etc. from the 2020s
-holders for trauma that occurred during the 2020s
However, it can include anything.
As of the time of coining, this could be considered synonymous with "presentbased". However, some systems may wish to use 2020sbased to emphasize that the things that they are influenced by are from the 2020s and they will continue to be influenced by them even when the 2020s ceases to be "the present".
☆ Acebased: a -based term for systems who feel as though asexual/ace-spec identity/being ace affects how the system works. this may look like the following:
-having system members who are asexual
-having system members who represent archetypes/presentations/identities/etc. within the asexual community
-having introjects of asexual characters, or having introjects who are asexual versions of non-asexual characters
-having system functions being affected by asexual attraction or relationships
-having trauma holders who hold trauma experienced as a result of being asexual.
this term is inclusive of all ace-spec identities.
☆ Addictionbased: a -based term for systems who feel as though addiction affects the way their system works, without automatically saying anything about the system’s origin. this may look like the following:
-having addiction symptom holders/addiction holders
-having symptom neutralizers for addiction who are notable for not being addicts and whose role thus consists of dealing with the system’s addiction
-having alters who hold addiction-related symptoms by having psychological addictions to things the rest of the system is not addicted to (potentially because they have pseudomemories of being addicted to that thing)
-having protectors who deal a lot with or are formed from dangerous, frightening, or traumatic situations that the system get into as a result of their addiction
-having system members whose roles have to do with harm reduction (may be considered protectors)
-having introjects of addicts, or having introjects who had addictions in their timeline that they did not have in canon
-(if the system are in recovery) having system members whose roles have to do with parts of recovery
☆ Addiction manager: An addiction manager is a system member whose role it is to help manage their addiction(s), whatever that looks like for the system.
This could involve:
-helping the system use the subject of their addiction less often and/or more responsibly
-practicing harm reduction for the system
-fronting while the system is using the subject of the addiction
-assisting in addiction recovery efforts
This is similar to a forportian (a protector headmate whose role has to do with protecting the system in substance-related situations) but with the differences that 1. this can relate to addictions that are not to substances, 2. a forportian can protect a system in substance-related situations in the absence of addiction, and 3. an addiction manager is not necessarily a kind of protector.
An addiction manager CAN be a caretaker, a manager, a symptom holder, a protector, or a symptom neutralizer, but this role does not inherently have to be any of those things.
☆ Addictorma: a system member who was formed, in whole or in part, by addiction. such a member can be a symptom holder for addiction, but they don't have to be. this term includes headmates whose systems do not directly experience addiction but who are affected enough by it that it led to a headmate forming (e.g. a trauma holder for trauma caused by proximity to another person's addiction)
☆ Aesthetibased: a term for a system whose functions, headmates, in-space, etc. are affected by aesthetics. this could involve:
-introjects of aesthetics, or aesthetives
-frequently using aesthetic content as front triggers
-in-space locations matching certain aesthetics
-system members making aesthetic edits/etc. together
-system members having different aesthetics according to their roles
-xenoroles related to aesthetics
this can be any kind of aesthetic - e.g. -core, design, historical, etc.
☆ Aesthetiplex: a plurplex term for when aesthetic affects the entire system in some way. it doesn't have to affect them in the same way, it just has to affect everyone.
☆ Aesthetorma: a system member who formed, in whole or in part, because of aesthetic. this could include a system member who formed:
-as an introject of an aesthetic
-as a result of engaging with an aesthetic
-from a persona associated with an aesthetic
-from stress or trauma with which the system used aesthetic to cope
this can be any kind of aesthetic - e.g. -core, design, historical, etc.
☆ Agenderbased: a -based term for systems who feel as though agender identity/being agender affects how the system works, with no connection to or implication about how the system formed. this may look like the following:
-having system members who are agender
-having system members who represent archetypes/gender presentations/identities/etc. within the agender community
-having introjects of agender characters, or having introjects who are agender versions of non-agender characters
-having trauma holders who hold trauma experienced as a result of being agender
☆ Alienbased: A term for systems whose functions, headmates, in-space, etc. are affected by aliens in some way.
This could involve:
-alien extranths
-in-space areas based on alien places
-alien-related front triggers
-roles related to helping the system pursue hobbies involving aliens
-collective spiritual beliefs involving aliens
However, it could involve anything.
☆ Alien-heavy system: An alien-heavy system has a high number of, or is mainly made up of headmates who are aliens or are connected to aliens in some way. There is no set percentage or number needed to identify as alien-heavy, and otherkin can count towards the number of aliens for this term.
☆ Androgynebased: A term for systems whose functions, headmates, in-space, etc. are affected by being androgyne in some way.
This could involve:
-system members who are androgynes
-masculinity and femininity being metaphorical across the system for duality or functions
-trauma holders who hold trauma experienced as a result of being androgyne/having a gendered identity
However, it can involve anything.
☆ Angelbased: A term for systems whose functions, headmates, in-space, etc. are affected by angels in some way.
This could involve:
-angel extranths
-spiritual roles related to or represented by angels
-origins that relate to angels
-in-space areas that look angelic
However, it could involve anything.
☆ Aroacebased: a -based term for systems who feel as though aroace(-spec) identity/being aroace affects how the system works.
☆ Arobased: a -based term for systems who feel as though aromantic/aro-spec identity/being aro affects how the system works.
☆ Azurgirlbased: A term for systems whose functions, headspace, splitting patterns, etc. are based on or affected by being an azurgirl or azurgirl identity.
This could involve:
-introjects of masculine female characters
-azurgirl introjects whose sources are other genders
-functions tied to both masculinity and femaleness
-identity holders for being an azurgirl or for the gendered components of being an azurgirl
However, it can include anything.
☆ Brainmade-heavy: A brainmade-heavy system has a high number, or is mainly made of, brainmades, or system members who are not introjects. There is no set percentage or number needed to identify as brainmade-heavy. Introjects of the system's own original characters can count towards the number of brainmades in a system if the system feel that that is accurate. Introjects of things that are not a real or fictional identity - e.g. an aesthetic or a song instead of a character or person - may consider themselves "brainmade" as well if they feel like it fits them, as they may feel more aligned with being an original identity than an introjected identity. Brainmades can have pseudomemories/timelines, and a brainmade-heavy system might have a lot of brainmades from the same timeline, but they don't have to.
☆ Brainsourced: A brainsourced system member is a system member who feels that they are simultaneously sourced and brainmade (i.e. not an introject).
This could be due to:
-being an introject but being so source-divergent that you identify with being brainmade
-being an extranth of a fictional species
-having a timeline and memories associated with a fictional universe without being a specific character depicted in that media
-being sourced from something that doesn’t have a personality per se (e.g. a song or an aesthetic) and thus the personality of the introject is unsourced
☆ Brainsourced-heavy: A brainsourced-heavy system is a system with many brainsourced headmates. How many constitutes "many" is up to the system.
"Brainsourced" refers to a headmate who is simultaneously or in-between sourced/an introject and non-sourced/not an introject.
☆ Bugbased: A term for systems whose functions, headmates, in-space, etc. are affected by bugs.
This could involve:
-system members who are bug extranths or bug syspets
-switches determined by bugs as a front trigger or activities related to them
-in-space locations with a bug aesthetic
-xenoroles or roleics related to bugs
However, it could involve anything.
☆ Cenelianbased: a -based term for systems who feel as though cenelian identity/being a cenelian affects how the system works, with no connection to or implication about how the system formed. this may look like the following:
-having system members who are cenelians
-having system members who represent archetypes/gender presentations/identities/etc. within the cenelian community
-having introjects of cenelian characters, or having introjects who are cenelian versions of non-cenelian characters
-having system functions being affected by cenelian attraction or relationships
-having trauma holders who hold trauma experienced as a result of being a cenelian
☆ Clownbased: A term for a system whose functions, headmates, in-space, etc. are affected or represented by clowns.
This could involve:
-system members who are clowns
-feeling that your system's functions are affected by silliness
-having circus locations in-space
-comparing your system to a clown car
-xenoroles or roleics related to clowns
However, this could involve anything.
☆ Comedybased: A term for a system whose functions, headmates, in-space, etc. are affected or represented by the comedy genre.
This could involve:
-comedy introjects or front triggers
-in-space locations that look like locations from comedy media
-comparing being in your system to being in comedy media
However, this could involve anything.
☆ Comfortbased: a term for systems who find that comfort affects their headmates, functions, in-space, etc. this may include:
-headmates with roles related to providing comfort
-in-space locations that the system find comforting
-introjects from comfort media or of comfort characters
-switches associated with moments where comfort is needed
☆ Corpsebased: A term for systems whose functions, headspace, splitting patterns, etc. are based on or affected by corpses.
This could involve:
-headmates who take the form of corpses in-space
-holders for Cotard's disorder or trauma connected to corpses
-headmates with medical roles who relate to corpses in a medical way
-spiritual headmates in a system with death-related practices who regard corpses as sacred
However, it can include anything.
☆ Cotard's holder: A specific type of symptom holder who holds symptom of Cotard's delusion for the system. They may be a mortemate (a headmate who appears dead in-space), have memories of having died, be someone who had Cotard's delusion in their timeline, or be connected to death in additional ways, but none of these have to be the case.
☆ Cozycorebased: A term for a system whose functions, headmates, in-space, etc. are affected by cozycore.
This could involve:
-cozycore introjects or front triggers
-in-space locations with cozycore aesthetics
-system members making cozycore edits/etc. together
-xenoroles or roleics related to cozycore
☆ Cringebased: A term for systems whose functions, headmates, in-space, etc. are affected by being cringe
This could involve:
-the system embracing the "cringe but free" attitude
-xenoroles or roleics related to the concept of cringe
-holders for the qualities the system consider cringe
-switches related to feeling cringe
However, it could involve anything.
“Cringe” is intended as a self-descriptor and not as an inherently negative thing.
☆ Cutebased: A term for systems whose functions, headmates, in-space, etc. are affected by cuteness or cute things in some way.
This could involve:
-system members or in-space areas with cute aesthetics
-cuteness-related front triggers, xenoroles, or roleics
However, it could involve anything.
☆ Deathbased: A term for systems whose functions, headspace, splitting patterns, etc. are based on or affected by death.
This could involve:
-headmates who appear dead in-space or who are ghosts/zombies/vampires/etc.
-introjects whose sources are dead (e.g. factives of people who are no longer alive)
-holders for trauma or psychosis related to death
-spiritual headmates in a system with death-related practices
However, it can include anything.
☆ Demonbased: A term for systems whose functions, headmates, in-space, etc. are affected by demons in some way.
This could involve:
-demon extranths
-spiritual roles related to or represented by demons
-origins that relate to demons
-in-space areas that look demonic
However, it could involve anything.
☆ Diamoricbased: a -based term for systems who feel as though diamoric identity/being diamoric affects how the system works, with no connection to or implication about how the system formed. this may look like the following:
-having system members who are diamoric
-having system members who represent archetypes/gender presentations/identities/etc. within the diamoric community
-having introjects of diamoric characters, or having introjects who are diamoric versions of non-diamoric characters
-having system functions being affected by diamoric attraction or relationships
-having trauma holders who hold trauma experienced as a result of being diamoric
☆ Discogrative: a type of musicative that is an introject of much or all of a musical artist's discography. they may particularly identify with a particular song(s) or album(s) but can overall be said to be more generally introjected from the artist's work in general (or a particular era of that artist's work, or any other way of partitioning the artist's work such so that the introject is not just one song or album).
☆ Distractor: A distractor is a system member whose role it is to distract the system in some way, e.g. to keep them from focusing on negative emotions, traumatic memories, or other stressful things.
This could be a form of internal protector or caretaker, but also a delight if the distractions are specifically fun ones.
☆ Dogbased: A term for systems whose functions, headmates, in-space, etc. are affected by dogs.
This could involve:
-system members who are dog extranths or dog syspets
-switches determined by dogs as a front trigger or activities related to them
-in-space locations with a dog aesthetic
-xenoroles or roleics related to dogs
However, it could involve anything.
☆ Dominafemmate: A dominafemmate is a dominamate who experiences their dominance in a distinctly feminine way. A dominamate is a headmate whose role involves dominance in some way.
System roles that this could be especially associated with include protectors, persecutors, managers, caretakers, and anger holders, but it can be any role.
This does not have to refer to dominance in a sexual or kinky sense, but if it does, then a dominamate may also be a sexual or kink headmate.
☆ Dominamascmate: A dominamascmate is a dominamate who experiences their dominance in a distinctly masculine way. A dominamate is a headmate whose role involves dominance in some way.
System roles that this could be especially associated with include protectors, persecutors, managers, caretakers, and anger holders, but it can be any role.
This does not have to refer to dominance in a sexual or kinky sense, but if it does, then a dominamate may also be a sexual or kink headmate.
☆ Dominamate: A dominamate is a headmate whose role involves dominance in some way: having a dominant demeanor, displaying dominance either towards other headmates or to people outside of the system, fronting during situations where dominance is called for, or otherwise incorporating dominance into how they perform their system role.
System roles that this could be especially associated with include protectors, persecutors, managers, caretakers, and anger holders, but it can be any role.
This does not have to refer to dominance in a sexual or kinky sense, but if it does, then a dominamate may also be a sexual or kink headmate.
☆ Enbianbased: a -based term for systems who feel as though enbian identity/being enbian affects how the system works. this may look like the following:
-having system members who are enbian
-having system members who represent archetypes/presentations/identities/etc. within the enbian community
-having introjects of enbian characters, or having introjects who are enbian versions of non-enbian characters
-having system functions being affected by enbian attraction or relationships
-having trauma holders who hold trauma experienced as a result of being enbian
☆ Fantasybased: A term for a system whose functions, headmates, in-space, etc. are affected or represented by the fantasy genre.
This could involve:
-fantasy introjects or front triggers
-in-space locations that look like locations from fantasy media
-comparing being in your system to being in fantasy media
-having functions or origins related to magic or escapism and comparing that to the fantasy genre
However, this could involve anything.
☆ Filthbased: A term for systems whose functions, headmates, in-space, etc. are affected by filth or the concept of filth in some way.
This could involve:
-having holders for feelings or qualities the system feel are filthy
-physically dirty in-space locations
-front triggers related to filthy things
However, it can involve anything.
The word “filth” is a self-descriptor, being reclaimed, not intended to be inherently negative unless the user wants it to be, and is inclusive of anything the user thinks fits.
☆ Freakbased: A term for systems whose functions, headmates, in-space, etc. are affected by being a freak.
This could involve:
-system members who view themselves as freaks
-holders for the qualities the system have that cause them to view themself as a freak
-roles related to coping with those qualities, or with experiences related to them
-switches associated with feeling those qualities more strongly
However, it could involve anything.
The word “freak” is reclaimed, not intended to have negative connotations unless the user wants it to, and is inclusive of anything that the user think counts towards being a freak.
☆ Futurebased: A term for systems whose functions, headspace, splitting patterns, etc. are based on or affected by the future.
This could involve:
-headmates whose roles have to do with managing the future
-splits taking place in response to predicted future events
-headmates whose timelines took place in the future
-introjects from media set in the future
-headspaces that look futuristic
However, it can include anything.
☆ Genderfluidbased: a -based term for systems who feel as though genderfluid identity/being genderfluid affects how the system works. this may look like the following:
-having system members who are genderfluid
-having system members who represent archetypes/gender presentations/identities/etc. within the genderfluid community
-having introjects of genderfluid characters, or having introjects who are genderfluid versions of non-genderfluid characters -having trauma holders who hold trauma experienced as a result of being genderfluid -having switches relating to changes in gender
☆ Genderqueerbased: a -based term for systems who feel as though genderqueer identity/being genderqueer affects how the system works, with no connection to or implication about how the system formed. this may look like the following:
-having system members who are genderqueer
-having system members who represent archetypes/gender presentations/identities/etc. within the genderqueer community
-having introjects of genderqueer characters, or having introjects who are genderqueer versions of non-genderqueer characters
-having trauma holders who hold trauma experienced as a result of being genderqueer
☆ Genderqueerplex: when a genderqueer identity/being genderqueer effects the entire system (or subsystem, or layer). it doesn’t have to be in the same way, it just has to affect everyone. this will probably involve all system members having a genderqueer identity.
☆ Genretive: a headmate who is an introject or embodiment of a genre. the genre can be from any type of media (e.g. horror movies, high fantasy literature, heavy metal music, etc.) while they could be an introject of a character from that media, they don't have to be, and introjects from specific genres are not genretives unless they are in some way the personification of that genre. a genretive could be seen as being to a genre what an aesthetive is to an aesthetic.
☆ Goatbased: A term for systems whose functions, headmates, in-space, etc. are affected by goats.
This could involve:
-system members who are goat extranths or goat syspets
-switches determined by goats as a front trigger or activities related to them
-in-space locations with a goat aesthetic
-xenoroles or roleics related to goats
However, it could involve anything.
☆ Gothbased: a -based terms for systems who feel as though goth - music, aesthetic, culture, etc. - affects the way the system works. this may look like the following:
-headmates who are goths
-introjects from gothic media
-musicatives relating to goth music
-members who front a lot during goth-related social events
-a headspace whose locations have a gothic aesthetic
-system members who work together to make goth(ic) media together
-xenoroles related to goth
☆ Goth-heavy system: A goth-heavy system has a high number of, or is mainly made up of headmates who are goths or are connected to goth(ic) media or themes in some way. There is no set percentage or number needed to identify as goth-heavy.
☆ Gothorma: a system member who was formed, in whole or in part, by goth - music, aesthetics, culture, etc. this could involve a system member who originated through:
-listening to goth music (potentially being a musicative)
-participating in goth culture, possibly with a persona that became a headmate
-trauma or stress that the system used goth to cope with
☆ Gothplex: a plurplex term for when goth - music, aesthetics, culture, etc. - affects the entire system (or subsystem, layer, etc.). it doesn’t have to affect them all the same way, just to some extent.
☆ Grossbased: A term for systems whose functions, headmates, in-space, etc. are affected by gross things or the concept of grossness in some way.
This could involve:
-having holders for feelings or qualities the system feel are gross
-physically gross in-space locations
-front triggers related to gross things
However, it can involve anything.
The word “gross” is a self-descriptor, being reclaimed, not intended to be inherently negative unless the user wants it to be, and is inclusive of anything the user thinks fits.
☆ Holder-heavy system: A holder-heavy system has a high number of, or is mainly made up of headmates who are holders of something. This can include symptom holders, trauma holders, identity holders, and emotion holders, but any system member counts if they regard themself as a holder for something. There is no set percentage or number needed to identify as holder-heavy.
☆ Horrorgenrebased: A term for a system whose functions, headmates, in-space, etc. are affected or represented by the horror genre.
This could involve:
-horror introjects or front triggers
-in-space locations that look like locations from horror media
-comparing being in your system to being in horror media
-having origins or functions related to trauma or fear and comparing that to the horror genre
However, this could involve anything.
This is different from horrorbased because that term is about the emotion of horror, whereas this is about the genre of media.
☆ Humorbased: A term for a system whose functions, headmates, in-space, etc. are affected by humor in some way.
This could involve:
-in-space appearances or abilities dictated by what the system finds funniest
-humor-related front triggers
-different senses of humor corresponding to different system roles
-introjects from comedy or humorous media
However, this could involve anything.
☆ Hypertensionbased: a -based term for when hypertension affects a system's functions, headmates, etc. this could involve:
-feeling headmates more intensely when blood pressure is higher
-switches determined by hypertension
☆ Insanebased: A term for systems whose functions, headmates, in-space, etc. are affected by being insane.
This could involve:
-system members who view themselves as insane
-holders for the qualities the system have that cause them to view themself as insane
-roles related to coping with those qualities, or with experiences related to them
-switches associated with feeling those qualities more strongly
However, it could involve anything.
The word “insane” is reclaimed and not intended to have negative connotations unless the user wants it to.
☆ Interestbased: a term for a system who finds that their headmates, functions, in-space, etc. are affected by their interests. this could involve:
-headmates who are introjects from the system's interests
-relating roles to things from the system's interests
-headspace locations involving things from the system's interests
-system members with the same role having the same interests
this is inclusive of special interests and hyperfixations, as well as interests that do not fit those descriptions.
☆ Interestive: An interestive is an introject of an interest the system has.
This can include anything that constitutes an interest, but may particularly encompass characters, people, aesthetics, and music. This is inclusive of special interests and hyperfixations as well as interests not fitting that description.
☆ Interestorma: a term for system members who were formed, in whole or in part, by the system's interests. this could involve a headmate formed:
-as a result of interacting with the system's interests
-as an introject of something from the system's interests
-from trauma or stress with which the system used their interests to cope
this is inclusive of special interests and hyperfixations, as well as interests not fitting those descriptions
☆ Interestplex: a plurplex term for when the system's interests affect the entire system. it doesn't have to affect everyone in the same way, it just has to affect them all. this is inclusive of special interests and hyperfixations, as well as interests not fitting that description.
☆ Intrusibased: a term for systems who feel as though intrusive thoughts affect the way their system/headmates/headspace/etc. work this could include the following:
-symptom holders, symptom neutralizers, and/or symptom enjoyers for intrusive thoughts
-introjects of figures involved in intrusive thoughts
-locations in headspace being the same as locations in intrusive thoughts
-many system members' roles or activities have to do with managing/coping with intrusive thoughts
☆ Intrusiplex: when intrusive thoughts affect the entire system (or subsystem, or layer). it doesn’t have to be in the same way, it just has to affect everyone.
☆ Intrusive thoughts holder: a headmate whose role is to hold or experience intrusive thoughts. this is a specific type of symptom holder.
☆ Intrusorma: a system member who was formed because of intrusive thoughts. this could involve being the embodiment of an intrusive thought, an introject of a figure involved in intrusive thoughts, or a headmate formed to hold intrusive thoughts.
☆ Isolabased: a system whose functions, headmates, inner space, etc. is affected by isolation or loneliness. this could include:
-headmates forming to keep other headmates company or to otherwise cope with loneliness
-splits occurring during periods of greater isolation than usual
-stress or trauma associated with loneliness affect system functions
☆ Isolaplex: a plurplex term for when isolation or loneliness affect an entire system. it doesn't have to affect everyone the same way, it just has to affect everyone.
☆ Isolorma: a system member who was formed, in whole or in part, due to isolation or loneliness. this could involve a system member who formed:
-to alleviate the system's loneliness
-as a result of stress or trauma caused by isolation
-to have functions that help cope with isolation
☆ Kiaorma: a term for a system member who was created unintentionally. the term comes from "kia", which, among other things, is a creative force in chaos magic (which can be used for intentional or unintentional creation), but this term is not inherently spiritual.
☆ Kink headmate: a kink headmate is similar to a sexual headmate but, instead of holding or dealing with sexuality, they are concerned with kink. this can overlap with being a sexual headmate but does not need to, especially if the system is overall asexual or this member split from another member who is. this can include but is not limited to the following:
-someone in the system has a kink but compartmentalizes it, leading to a headmate formed to deal with this
-the system gained a kink as a result of trauma and this headmate comes from the same trauma
-the system member is an introject of a kink
-the system member's origin has to do with kink
-the system are asexual or otherwise disinterested in sex but are interested in kink and find that kink takes the role of sex for them, such so that a kink headmate would be equivalent to a sexual headmate for them.
not all headmates with kinks are kink headmates, just like how not all system members who want to have sex are sexual headmates. the difference is that, to a kink headmate, kink is not just a fact about them but a part of their role/function/etc. as a system member. this could be considered a xenorole to some but doesn't have to be.
☆ Kink holder: a kink holder is a holder subtype (and a type of kink headmate) whose job it is to hold/have a certain kink for the system. this differs from a general kink headmate in that, while a kink headmate’s role can involve kink in any way (including in a very general way), this role is about holding a specific kink, the way a symptom holder would hold a symptom. the reasons why a system would have a member with this role could include the following:
-the kink is something the system is compartmentalizing about themselves, and that led to a headmate who holds that kink in a concentrated form
-the kink is related to trauma and this headmate is also a trauma holder for that trauma
-the object of the kink has to do with another system role this headmate has (e.g. a headmate whose role is to prepare food for the system is also a food kink holder)
-the headmate is also a love holder for someone with whom the system have a kink relationship, and the kink they hold is shared by the person they love
-the kink in question is physically or psychologically dangerous for the system to engage with, so relegating it to one (or a few) headmate(s) keeps the system safe
☆ Kinkbased: a system whose functions, headspace, system members, etc. are affected by kink. this could involve the following:
-having kink alters
-having kinktives (kink introjects) in specific
-being a system strongly affects how members of the system engage with kink
-headmates frequently engaging in kink activities in-space or having kink relationships with each other
-in-space locations dedicated to kink activities
-the system has identifiable patterns between individual members' kinks and other facts about them (e.g. members with a certain role all having the same kink)
☆ Kinkorma: a system member who was formed, in whole or in part, by kink. such a member can be a headmate of a kink persona (either one's own or someone else's), the embodiment/introject of a kink, or someone with pseudomemories relating to kink, but they don't have to be. they are probably, but don't have to be, a kink alter.
☆ Kinkplex: a plurplex term for systems (or subsystems, layers, etc.) whose members are all affected by kink. it doesn't have to affect them all the same way, it just has to affect everyone.
☆ Languagebased: A term for systems whose functions, headspace, splitting patterns, etc. are based on or affected by language.
This could involve:
-headmates with language-related roles, symptoms, difficulties, or interests
-headmates who speak different languages
-use of different languages corresponding to certain roles or functions
-front triggers related to hearing certain languages
However, it can include anything. This can include the system's native language(s) as well as languages they have learned later in life.
☆ Leatherbased: A term for systems whose functions, headmates, in-space, etc. are affected by leather in some way.
This could involve:
-system members or headspace locations with a leather aesthetic
-front triggers, xenoroles, or roleics related to leather
However, it could involve anything.
☆ Lesboybased: A term for systems whose functions, headspace, splitting patterns, etc. are based on or affected by being a lesboy or lesboy identity.
This could involve:
-introjects of lesboy characters
-lesboy introjects whose sources are other identities
-functions tied to both masculinity/maleness and lesbian identity
-identity holders for being a lesboy or for the identity components of being a lesboy
However, it can include anything.
☆ Lovebased: a term for systems who feel as though love affects their system functions, headmates, in-space, etc. this could involve:
-a lot of love holders/managers
-system members who define themselves by love in some way
-system members who were formed by love in some way
-functions of the system being tied to relationships the system have
-in-space locations with a lovecore aesthetic and/or that are places the system associate with love
-roles or xenoroles related to love
☆ Lovecorebased: A term for a system whose functions, headmates, in-space, etc. are affected by lovecore.
This could involve:
-lovecore introjects or front triggers
-in-space locations with lovecore aesthetics
-system members making lovecore edits/etc. together
-xenoroles or roleics related to lovecore
☆ Loveorma: a system member who was formed, in whole or in part, by love. this could involve being: -a love holder -formed by strong feelings of love -an introject of someone the system loves
☆ Loveplex: a plurplex term for when love affects the entire system. it doesn't have to be the same way, it just has to affect everyone. this can be love of any kind.
☆ Luxibased: A term for systems whose functions, headmates, in-space, etc. is affected by luxinity and/or luxine themes such as divinity, vastness, light, awe, etc. This could involve:
-many system members with luxine genders
-emotion holders for joy, nostalgia, awe, or other luxine emotions
-angelic, holy, or divine extranths
-feeling as though one's system functions in a way that is hard to explain in a way that is encompassed by luxinity
-in-space locations with a lot of light, prominently visible sky, or that otherwise "look" luxine
-system members who have roles related to learning, experiencing, creativity, or other luxine pursuits
☆ Maniabased: a term for systems whose functions/structure/headmates/etc. are affected by mania. this could involve:
-splits happening during manic episodes
-having mania symptom holders, neutralizers, or enjoyers
-switches or blurring corresponding to mania
-protectors who keep the system safe from reckless behavior that may accompany mania
☆ Maniaorma: a system member who formed, in whole or in part, because of mania. this could include a headmate forming:
-during a manic episode
-as something the system was fixated on during a manic episode
-to be a mania symptom holder
-during a split that was sped up or brought on by mania
☆ Maniaplex: a plurplex term for when mania affects an entire system (or subsystem, layer, etc.) it doesn’t have to affect them all the same way, it just has to affect everyone.
☆ Medsbased: A term for systems whose functions, headmates, in-space, etc. are affected by medication in some way (inclusive of anything but mostly intended to refer to prescription medication taken as instructed).
This could involve:
-medication affecting switches, system stability, or splits
-system functions changing when the system's medication changes
-system roles involving taking medication
However, it can involve anything.
☆ Metalbased: a -based terms for systems who feel as though heavy metal - music, aesthetic, culture, etc. - affects the way the system works. this may look like the following:
-headmates who are metalheads
-introjects from metal-related media or media that is popular with metalheads
-musicatives relating to metal music
-members who front a lot during metal-related social events
-a headspace whose locations have a metal aesthetic
-system members who work together to make heavy metal music/media together
-xenoroles related to metal
☆ Neutroisbased: A term for a system whose functions, headmates, in-space, etc. are affected or represented by being neutrois in some way.
This could involve:
-system members who are neutrois
-gender neutrality being representative of the system's functions
-trauma holders who hold trauma experienced as a result of being neutrois/having a gendered identity
However, this could involve anything.
☆ Nostalgiacorebased: A term for a system whose functions, headmates, in-space, etc. are affected by nostalgiacore.
This could involve:
-nostalgiacore introjects or front triggers
-in-space locations with nostalgiacore aesthetics
-system members making nostalgiacore edits/etc. together
-xenoroles or roleics related to nostalgiacore
☆ Objectumbased: A term for a system whose functions, headmates, in-space, etc. are affected or represented by being objectum.
This could involve:
-a large number of objectum headmates
-introjects of objects for which objectum headmates have feelings
-attraction to different kinds of objects corresponding to different system roles
However, this could involve anything.
☆ Pastbased: A term for systems whose functions, headspace, splitting patterns, etc. are based on or affected by the past.
This could involve:
-trauma holders for things that happened in the past, especially longer ago
-headmates whose timelines took place in the past
-introjects from older media
-headspaces that look historical, retro, or otherwise like they're from the past
However, it can include anything.
☆ Pellicbased: A term for a system whose functions, headmates, in-space, etc. are affected or represented by being pellic - i.e. someone who prefers non-sexual kink acts to sex.
This could be synonymous with being a kinkbased system whose kink is non-sexual, or it could more specifically involve:
-a system whose preference for non-sexual kink is connected to something else that affects system functions
-having some members who are pellic and some members who prefer sex or sexual kink and finding that differences in system role can be mapped onto this difference of identity
-feeling that the kink aspect of being pellic and the non-sexual aspect of being pellic affect the system differently instead of in the same way
However, this could involve anything.
☆ Philosobased: a -based term for systems who feel as though their system - functions, headmates, headspace, etc. - is affected by philosophy. this could include:
-headmates who represent or hold different philosophies (potentially considering themselves introjects of philosophies)
-fictives of characters from philosophical works, or factives of philosophers
-philosophical discussion between system members
-headmates who feel as though their roles or functions are best described in philosophical terms
-roles or xenoroles relating to philosophical writing or debate
☆ Philosophorma: a term for a system member who was formed, in whole or in part, by or because of philosophy. this could include a headmate who formed:
-as a result of a philosophical crisis
-to embody a certain philosophy after learning about it
-as a philosophy-related introject
-as a result of trauma or stress with which the system used philosophy to cope
☆ Philosoplex: a plurplex term for when philosophy affects the entire system. it doesn't have to be in the same way, it just has to affect everybody.
☆ Phobia manager: a headmate whose role is to mitigate the symptoms of a phobia for a system. the subjects of phobias other system members have do not bother a phobia manager, and they may even actively enjoy those subjects (such as a system with a phobia of dogs having a member who is interested in dogs). however, all that is required is for them to not have a phobia that the rest of the system does or for a member whose phobia they are managing. this could be considered both a form of symptom neutralizer and/or symptom enjoyer.
☆ Platonibased: a -based term for systems who feel as though platonic relationships/feeling/etc. affect how the system works this may look like the following:
-having system members who want or prioritize platonic relationships
-having system members who have notable platonic relationships with each other
-having introjects of characters who have very strong platonic bonds with other characters from their source, or such bonds forming between introjects from the same media who did not have such a relationship in canon
-having love holders/managers/etc. for platonic feelings
-having system functions being affected by platonic relationships/feelings
-being affected by a platonic/familial/etc. partner system
-having trauma holders who hold trauma related to platonic relationships/feelings
this is inclusive of queerplatonic relationships and is based off of my term "queerplatonibased", but this term involves all forms of non-romantic relationship, including friends and family. it is particularly intended for systems who do not feel fully or at all represented by "queerplatonibased". queerplatonibased could be considered a specific form of platonibased.
☆ Plurautonic: "Plurautonic" is a word to describe attraction that between members of the same system that feels auto-spec as a result of them sharing the same body.
This could be an identity (e.g. calling yourself plurautonic to emphasize that you prefer in-sys relationships and view that as auto-spec) or a descriptor of feelings (e.g. not identifying with being auto-spec but feeling that an individual relationship within your system is a plurautonic relationship).
For system members who do not want to use "plurautonic" as an identity but feel that they have in-system relationships that fit that description, they can call their relationships "plurautoniships".
☆ Plurid: A "plurid", short for "plural identity", is an identity that a system collectively have even if not all of its individual members have it. It could be:
-an identity that is common among individual members of the system so they feel as though it affects or applies to all of them
-an identity that no individual member has individually but that they feel like they each make up collectively
-an identity that is ascribed to the system's singletsona
-an identity that, as a result of one/a few system member(s) having it, the system have had lived experiences that they all identify with, even if they do not identify with the identity that led to those experiences
Either way, the plurid is something that the system feel they, as a collective entity, identify as. It can be something like a gender, a kintype, or anything that can constitute an identity.
☆ Polyamobased: a -based term for a system who feels as though polyamory/being polyamorous/polyamorous relationships affect how the system works. this could involve the following:
-having polyamorous headmates
-having fictives of polyamorous characters, or polyamorous versions of non-polyamorous characters
-having systems who are involved in polyamorous relationships
-having a relationship with a partner system that feels or is polyamorous due to the role plurality plays in the relationship
-having more than one partner system
-having love holders for polyamorous feelings (e.g. having feelings for multiple people at once, or for partners with whom one is already in a poly relationship)
-having system members who have relationships with multiple external people/systems in a way that feels or is polyamorous
☆ Presentbased: A term for systems whose functions, headspace, splitting patterns, etc. are based on or affected by the present day (or the very recent past).
This could involve:
-headmates whose roles have to do with managing present events
-splits taking place in response to present events (as opposed to remembering the past or in response to future predictions)
-headmates whose timelines took place in the present day
-introjects from media from or set in the present
-headspaces that look modern, current, or otherwise like they're from the present day
However, it can include anything.
☆ Prophet headmate/prophetmate: a system member who is a prophet or has something to do with prophecy, especially to the point where they regard it as a role. they could be a reliux, a spiritualist, or a spiritmate. this system member gets to define “prophecy” however they want, and it can involve things they currently do in this life, things they believe they will do in the future, things they have already done, and/or things they did in pseudomemories. while this is a spiritually-inclined role, this can be used by systems of any origins.
☆ Punkbased: a -based terms for systems who feel as though punk - music, aesthetic, culture, etc. - affects the way the system works. this may look like the following:
-headmates who are punks
-introjects from punk media
-musicatives relating to punk music
-members who front a lot during punk-related social events
-a headspace whose locations have a punk aesthetic
-system members who work together on punk projects or activities
-xenoroles related to punk
☆ Punkorma: a system member who was formed, in whole or in part, by punk - music, aesthetics, culture, etc. this could involve a system member who originated through:
-listening to punk music (potentially being a musicative)
-participating in punk culture, possibly with a persona that became a headmate
-trauma or stress that the system used punk to cope with
☆ Punkplex: a plurplex term for when punk (music, aesthetic, fashion, etc.) affects an entire system (or subsystem, layer, etc.) it doesn't have to affect everyone the same way, they just have to be affected to some extent.
☆ Queerplatonic love holder: a queerplatonic love holder is a system member who holds love for the system, specifically queerplatonic love. this can be considered a more specific version of the love holder role.
☆ Queerplatonibased: a -based term for systems who feel as though queerplatonic relationships/attraction/etc. affect how the system works this may look like the following:
-having system members who want or prioritize queerplatonic relationships
-having system members who are in queerplatonic relationships with each other
-having introjects of characters whose relationships the system reads as queerplatonic, or queerplatonic bonds forming between introjects from the same media who did not have such a relationship in canon
-having love holders/managers/etc. for queerplatonic feelings
-having system functions being affected by queerplatonic relationships/attraction
-being affected by a queerplatonic partner system
-having trauma holders who hold trauma related to queerplatonic relationships/feelings
☆ Queerplatoniplex: when queerplatonic relationships/attraction affects the entire system (or subsystem, or layer). it doesn’t have to be in the same way, it just has to affect everyone. this will probably result in all system members wanting or prioritizing queerplatonic relationships and may especially be true of a system with a queerplatonic partner system.
☆ Queerplex: when queerness/queer identity/being queer affects the entire system (or subsystem, or layer). it doesn’t have to be in the same way, it just has to affect everyone. this will probably result in all system members being queer.
☆ Quoirobased: A term for a system whose functions, headmates, in-space, etc. are affected by being quoiromantic in some way.
This could involve:
-love holders for feelings that are in-between romantic and platonic
-front triggers related to different kinds of platonic/romantic feelings
-roles related to relationships involving quoiromantic feelings
However, this could involve anything.
☆ Ratbased: A term for systems whose functions, headmates, in-space, etc. are affected by rats.
This could involve:
-system members who are rat extranths or rat syspets
-switches determined by rats as a front trigger or activities related to them
-in-space locations with a rat aesthetic
-xenoroles or roleics related to rats
However, it could involve anything.
☆ Relationship manager: A relationship manager is a headmate who maintains relationships for the system, either by participating in them directly and/or by handling aspects of them for the headmates participating in them.
This is mostly coined to refer to romantic and queerplatonic relationships, but can also be used for "regular" platonic and familial ones as well. Additionally, this can include in-system relationships as well as external relationships.
This can include the following:
-participating in relationships personally
-engaging with aspects of a relationship that not all headmates engage with
-communicating needs in relationships on headmates' behalf
-planning dates (without necessarily being the headmate going on the date)
-helping headmates decide who they should date
-helping headmates manage emotions or symptoms that make relationships difficult
This can overlap with and be considered a subset of other roles depending on how the system uses them (e.g. manager or protector), but it can also exist as a role unrelated to other roles.
This is separate from the similarly-named role "love manager". A love manager splits having a partner and a high level of knowledge of relationships, but neither of these things are inherent to the role of a relationship manager.
☆ Romantibased: A term for systems whose functions, headmates, in-space, etc. are affected by romance or romantic feelings in some way.
This could involve:
-having system members who want or prioritize romantic relationships, either inside or outside the system
-having love holders/managers/etc. for romantic feelings
-having system functions being affected by romantic relationships/attraction
-being affected by a romantic partner system
-having trauma holders who hold trauma related to romantic relationships/feelings
However, it can involve anything and is inclusive of aro-spec systems if they feel like it applies to them.
☆ Romantic love holder/romance holder: a type of love holder that specifically holds romantic feelings for a system. reasons a system might consider this to be a specific role include:
-aromantic/aro-spec systems whose romance holders are notable in contrast with the rest of the system
-systems who have both romantic and platonic love holders and find it useful to distinguish between the two
-systems who have traumatic experiences with romance that affect how system members hold romantic feelings (possibly to the point where there is overlap for them between this and a trauma holder)
however, it can be used by any system member who feels as though their experience with romantic love constitutes a role.
☆ Rosboybased: A term for systems whose functions, headspace, splitting patterns, etc. are based on or affected by being a rosboy or rosboy identity.
This could involve:
-introjects of feminine male characters
-rosboy introjects whose sources are other genders
-functions tied to both femininity and maleness
-identity holders for being a rosboy or for the gendered components of being a rosboy
However, it can include anything.
☆ Scenebased: a -based terms for systems who feel as though scene - aesthetic, culture, music, etc. - affects the way the system works. this may look like the following:
-headmates who are scene
-introjects of scene characters or media that is popular in scene culture
-musicatives relating to scene music
-members who front a lot during scene-related social events
-a headspace whose locations have a scene aesthetic
-system members who work together to engage in scene activities
-xenoroles related to scene
☆ Scifibased: A term for a system whose functions, headmates, in-space, etc. are affected or represented by the science fiction genre.
This could involve:
-sci-fi introjects or front triggers
-in-space locations that look like locations from sci-fi media
-comparing being in your system to being in sci-fi media
-having functions or origins related to science or escapism and comparing that to the sci-fi genre
However, this could involve anything.
☆ Seizure headmate/seizuremate: a seizuremate is a headmate who is connected to seizures in some way. this could include being:
-a seizure symptom holder
-a headmate who is front-triggered by seizures
-a trauma holder for seizure-related trauma
☆ Seizurebased: a term for when a system's headmates/functioning/headspace/etc. is affected by seizures. this could include:
-headmates splitting during seizures
-seizure symptom holders, neutralizers, etc.
-front changes associated with seizures
☆ Seizureplex: a plurplex term for when seizures/having seizures affects the entire system. it doesn't have to all be in the same way, it just has to affect everyone.
☆ Seizurorma: a term for system members who were formed, in whole or in part, by seizures. this could include being/having a headmate who formed:
-during a seizure
-to be a seizure symptom holder/manager
-as a trauma holder for seizure-related trauma
☆ Selfshipbased: a system whose functions, headspace, system members, etc. are affected by self-shipping. this could involve the following:
-introjects of f/os, aka selfshiptives
-introjects of self-inserts
-system members looking like their self-inserts in-space
-headspace locations from self-ship fanworks the system have made, or from canonical locations in their f/os' source material
-a system with many members involved in self-shipping
-a system with members who have xenoroles related to self-shipping
☆ Selfshiporma: a selfshiporma is a system member who originates through self-shipping in some way. such a member is probably, but not necessarily, a selfshiptive.
☆ Selfshiptive: a self-ship introject - which can also be called a "selfshiptive" - is an introject that comes about as a result of self-shipping. this will usually be an introject of the f/o, but introjects of self-inserts or other characters appearing in one's self-ship fanworks can count under this.
☆ Sentipet: a system member who takes the form of a sentient pet. they may have a system role that involves providing emotional support and comfort to other members (similarly to an actual pet) and therefore fulfill some of the same role that a non-sentient syspet might. they could, however, also just be a system member whose in-space form is that of a talking animal. non-domesticated animal species can be included under this if they feel the role fits them.
☆ Sillybased: A term for a system whose functions, headmates, in-space, etc. are affected or represented by silliness or being silly in some way.
This could involve:
-system members with roles related to silliness
-silly things affecting system functions
-a headspace with silly-looking locations, or where in-space abilities are determined by what would be silliest
However, it could involve anything
☆ Softbased: A term for a system whose functions, headmates, in-space, etc. are affected or represented by softness or soft things in some way.
This could involve:
-introjects, roles, or front triggers related to soft things or aesthetics
-front changes or splits feel "soft"
-soft in-space locations
However, this can involve anything.
☆ Songtive-heavy system: A songtive-heavy system has a high number of, or is mainly made up of headmates who are songtives/musicatives/musical introjects of some kind. There is no set percentage or number needed to identify as songtive-heavy, and introjects of works of music who identify with a term other than "songtive" count for this term.
☆ Spacebased: A term for systems whose functions, headmates, in-space, etc. are affected by outer space in some way.
This could involve:
-outer space-related extranths
-in-space areas based on outer space
-outer space-related front triggers
-roles related to helping the system pursue hobbies or a career involving outer space
However, it could involve anything.
☆ Space-heavy system: A space-heavy system has a high number of, or is mainly made up of headmates who are connected to space. They can be human or a space-related species, and they can be from Earth or another planet, just as long as they have to do with space in some way.
There is no set percentage or number needed to identify as space-heavy, and otherkin can count towards the number of space-related headmates for this term.
This is different from alien-heavy because that term refers to headmates whose specific connection to space is that they are aliens, but this can involve headmates with any connection to space.
☆ Spiritual headmate/spiritmate: a spiritual headmate, or spiritmate, is a headmate who is heavily connected to spirituality, especially to the point where they consider it a role. a spiritual headmate may engage in spiritual practices both outside the system and within its innerworld. they may document their spiritual practices, write about their spiritual beliefs, or anything associated with spiritual roles. they may identify with a word like “prophet”, “hierophant”, “disciple”, etc., but they don’t have to. this is different from two similar existing term - reliux and spiritualist - in the following respects. a reliux is a headmate who formed for religious reasons and/or handles religion in a system. this is very similar to a spiritmate, but a spiritmate’s spirituality is not necessarily connected to or described as religion. this is an important semantic difference to many people. a spiritualist (in the system sense) is a headmate responsible for spirituality as practiced in the outerworld. this is not necessary to the definition of a spiritual headmate, as the practices (if any are present) can be in-space as well.
☆ Substancebased: a term for a system whose headmates, functions, in-space, etc. are affected by substances (inclusive of anything but mostly intended to refer to anything that would be considered "drugs"). this could include:
-forming system members while under the influence
-drug use influencing switches
-the innerworld looking different under the influence than it does sober
-system members who have roles that have to do with aspects of substance use
-(if the system are substance addicts) having symptom holders/etc. for substance use
☆ Substanceorma: a system member who formed, in whole or in part, because of substances (inclusive of anything but mostly intended to refer to anything that would be considered "drugs"). this could include a system member who formed:
-while the system was under the influence
-in response to something traumatic or stressful experienced because of substances
-from a hallucination (or anything similar) had while under the influence
-(if the system are substance addicts) to hold substance abuse symptoms
☆ Surrealbased: A term for a system whose functions, headmates, in-space, etc. are affected or represented by surrealism or are surreal in some way.
This could involve:
-having a headspace that looks surreal
-switches and splits feeling chaotic and strange
-surrealism-related front triggers or introjects
However, this can involve anything.
☆ Symptom enjoyer: a symptom enjoyer is a system member who enjoys experiencing symptoms of conditions that the system have. one example of a symptom enjoyer would be a system member with psychosis who enjoys delusions or hallucinations that other members of the system do not enjoy having. another example would be a system member that actively enjoys stimming but whose other system mates do not have strong feelings about stimming. the symptom is probably usually one that is considered unpleasant by the other members of the system, but all that is required to be a symptom enjoyer is for the system member to actively enjoy experiencing the symptom in a way that is notable enough that they feel it constitutes a system role. this is not inherently a form of symptom holder, but many symptom enjoyers may be symptom holders as well.
☆ Symptom holder-heavy: A symptom holder-heavy system has a high number of, or is mainly made up of headmates who are symptom holders of some kind. There is no set percentage or number needed to identify as symptom holder-heavy.
☆ Symptom neutralizer: a symptom neutralizer is, in essence, the opposite of a symptom holder. this can look like the following:
-a system member who, in contrast with a system who are entirely or largely affected by a particular condition, does not seem to have any symptoms of it.
-a system member who does display symptoms of a condition that affects the rest of the system, but their symptoms are much milder/more manageable for them than for the rest of the system.
-a system member who experiences a symptom to some extent but is notably better at managing it than other system members are who have the same symptom.
-a system member who is in some way “immune” to the symptom in question (e.g. an aromantic system member who does not experience hyperromantic symptoms)
-a system member who is not bothered by symptoms that bother the other members of the system (e.g. intrusive thoughts that distress most of the members of the system do not upset a symptom neutralizer for them.)
however, anything that lessens the impact, extent, or distressing nature of a symptom, or any system member who experiences notably less or none of a symptom that much of the rest of the system experience, can fit under symptom neutralizer.
☆ Sysregressor: A sysregressor is a headmate who fulfills a similar role as a syskid but is an age regressor instead of a child.
This is not the same thing as as an age slider, because an age slider's actual in-space age changes, whereas an age regressor adopts the mindset of a child without necessarily becoming the age of one in-space. Additionally, age regression isn't system-specific while age sliding is, and some age sliders may not see themselves as syskids or having the role of one.
This is also not the same thing as being an age regressor who is in a system. They have to feel that their age regression is similar or comparable to being a syskid/little/child headmate/etc.
What makes it similar to being a syskid is up for interpretation and ideas about that can vary between different systems or different headmates in the same system. Some systems could simply see that as age regression as a system role, or some systems may have more specific criteria.
☆ Trauma holder-heavy: A trauma holder-heavy system has a high number of, or is mainly made up of headmates who are trauma holders of some kind. There is no set percentage or number needed to identify as trauma holder-heavy.
☆ Veldianbased: a -based term for systems who feel as though veldian identity/being a veldian affects how the system works, with no connection to or implication about how the system formed. this may look like the following:
-having system members who are veldians
-having system members who represent archetypes/gender presentations/identities/etc. within the veldian community
-having introjects of veldian characters, or having introjects who are veldian versions of non-veldian characters
-having system functions being affected by veldian attraction or relationships
-having trauma holders who hold trauma experienced as a result of being a veldian
☆ Veldigirlbased/turigirlbased: A term for systems whose functions, headspace, splitting patterns, etc. are based on or affected by being a veldigirl or veldigirl identity.
This could involve:
-introjects of veldigirl characters
-veldigirl introjects whose sources are other identities
-functions tied to both femininity/femaleness and veldian identity
-identity holders for being a veldigirl or for the identity components of being a veldigirl
However, it can include anything.
☆ Videogamebased: videogamebased describes a system whose function, headspace, headmates, etc. are affected by video games without saying anything about the system's origin. this could include the following:
-having a headspace that looks and functions like a video game
-fronting feels like controlling a character in a game
-comparing various system functions to mechanics or functions from video games
-having introjects from video games
-conceptualizing your system roles as relating to roles or archetypes in video games
not all of those things have to be true of a videogamebased system, just enough where they feel like the term fits them.
☆ Voidbased: a -based term for systems who feel as though the void affects their system's functioning/headmates/headspace/etc. "void", for the purposes of this term, can encompass anything that the system associates with that phrase and the way in which it is meant may be metaphysical, philosophical, spiritual, artistic, gendered, related to non-humanity, or anything else. this also includes the void as it is depicted in specific fictional media. this could involve the following:
-having system members who have to do with the void (e.g. non-human entities relating to it)
-having system members with genders or identities relating to the void (e.g. kenochoric)
-having a headspace that you conceptualize as a/the void
-feeling as though some or all of your system members came from or have origins related to the void
-believing that the void is a force that directly affects your system
-feeling that concepts relating to the void (e.g. emptiness, nothingness, vastness, etc.) affect your system
☆ Void-heavy: A void-heavy system has a high number, or is mainly made of, voidmates and/or other system members who have to do with the void in some way. There is no set percentage or number needed to identify as void-heavy. This differs from "voidbased" in that, while voidbased describes the system's function and a voidbased system can be void-heavy, "void-heavy" refers specifically to a system that has a large number of void-related headmates.
☆ Voidmate/void headmate: a voidmate is a system member who has to do with the void in some way. “void”, for the purposes of this term, can encompass anything that the system associates with that phrase and the way in which it is meant may be metaphysical, philosophical, spiritual, artistic, gendered, related to non-humanity, or anything else. this can also include the void as it is depicted in specific fictional media. this could involve:
-a void-related extranth
-a system member whose connection to the void has to do with a role involving absence, nothingness, removal, etc. -a system member who feels as though they came from the void/are a voidorma some system members may see this as a role - and if so, it may be considered a xenorole - but all that is necessary for self-identification as a voidmate is for the headmate to feel significantly connected to the void.
☆ Voidorma: a system member who was formed, in whole or in part, by the void. “void”, for the purposes of this term, can encompass anything that the system associates with that phrase and the way in which it is meant may be metaphysical, philosophical, spiritual, artistic, gendered, related to non-humanity, or anything else. this also includes the void as it is depicted in specific fictional media. depending on how the system relates to or views the concept of void, this could relate to spirituality and/or be a spiritual origin, but it doesn’t have to be. for example, it can include headmates who originated through the natural process of splitting but who view that split to have been orchestrated by the void.
☆ Voidplex: when the void affects the entire system (or subsystem, or layer). it doesn’t have to be in the same way, it just has to affect everyone. “void”, for the purposes of this term, can encompass anything that the system associates with that phrase and the way in which it is meant may be metaphysical, philosophical, spiritual, artistic, gendered, related to non-humanity, or anything else. this also includes the void as it is depicted in specific fictional media.
☆ Webcorebased: A term for a system whose functions, headmates, in-space, etc. are affected by webcore.
This could involve:
-webcore introjects or front triggers
-in-space locations with webcore aesthetics
-system members making webcore edits/etc. together
-xenoroles or roleics related to webcore
☆ Weirdbased: A term for systems whose functions, headmates, in-space, etc. are affected by being weird.
This could involve:
-system members who view themselves as weird
-holders for the qualities the system have that cause them to view themself as weird
-roles related to coping with those qualities, or with experiences related to them
-switches associated with feeling those qualities more strongly
However, it could involve anything.
The word “weird” is reclaimed and not intended to have negative connotations unless the user wants it to.