IxC999’s vesility coining


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Clownvesil: A vesility term in which many or all parts of one’s identity are affected by clowns.

Concuvesil: A vesility term in which many or all parts of one’s identity are affected by concubi (gender neutral for succubi/incubi).

Disabilityvesil: A vesility term in which many or all parts of one’s identity are affected by disability/being disabled.

Eldritchvesil: A vesil term for when eldritch concepts, beings, or themes affect many or all parts of one's identity.

Filthvesil: A vesility term for when the concept of filth affects many or all aspects of one's identity. This can include the Filth/the Corruption from The Magnus Archives, but doesn't have to.

Freakvesil: A vesility term for when being a freak affects many or all aspects of one's identity. The word "freak" is being used in a reclaimed way, does not have to have negative connotations unless the user wants it to, and is inclusive of anything that the user sees as part of being a freak.

Gothvesil: A vesil term for when goth - music, aesthetic, subculture, etc. - affects many or all parts of one's identity.

Incuvesil: A vesility term in which many or all parts of one’s identity are affected by incubi.

Leathervesil: A vesility term for when leather affects many or all aspects of one's identity.

Metalvesil: A vesility term in which many or all parts of one’s identity are affected by heavy metal.

Oldwebvesil: A vesility term in which many or all parts of one's identity are affected by the old web.

Ragevesil: A vesil identity for when rage affects many or all parts of your identity.

Ratvesil: a vesility term for when rats affect many or all parts of one's identity.

Sillyvesil: A vesility term in which many or all parts of one’s identity are affected by silliness, being silly, or silly things.

Succuvesil: A vesility term in which many or all parts of one’s identity are affected by succubi.

Pub: 26 Feb 2024 13:05 UTC
Edit: 30 Jun 2024 16:19 UTC
Views: 129