"a thing”

What if Mari was still breathing after she fell down the stairs?
[it's mostly from my memory, so sorry if some events from the black space photo album (aka the incident when he pushes her off the stairs) aren't 100% accurate]
[also, I haven't played through the hikikomori route yet, so I might not know some stuff]
[also, I've been thinking if I should refer to Sunny, as "Sunny", or "You", "You" felt more natural, but I wasn't sure so I went with Sunny, please give me some feedback on this]
It's a very rough draft, something I just quickly wrote up, mostly from memory, and didn't double check much stuff
I'm sorry if it sucks, I promise I can do better than that if I put more time and effort

Sunny couldn't believe what he had just done.
His very own sister, there she was, lying motionlessly on the ground on top on his broken violin which has caused all this.
It feels as if time has stopped right there and then, as if an eternity passed in this short moment.
Sunny snaps back to reality.
He then finally gathers the courage to go down the stairs and check up on his sister.
"She's fine, r-right? She must've just fainted from all the stress, and the fall did her in...
r-right?" Sunny tried to cope with mental gimnastics.
"I can't leave her laying like this, I'll take her to her bed. Hopefully no one will find out..."
Sunny carries her body upstairs.
She's surprisingly light, he thinks to himself.
"It's not the time to space out now" Sunny thinks to himself as he finally gets her to her bed.
Some time passes.
She doesn't show any sign of waking up.
He tries to call out to her, but to no avail.
"What should I do what should I do what should I do"
Sunny's thought start plummeting into the worst possible scenarios.
What if she's dead?
What if she's crippled?
It'd be all his fault.
She would remember him pushing her off the stairs.
She would tell everyone.
He knew his live was over, whether she's alive or not.
While going deeper and deeper down the path of despair in his head, he's forgotten to even check her pulse or breathing.
He just went and assumed she's dead.
But then, he hears a familiar voice.
It's his best friend, Basil.
He tells Sunny to follow him, that he knows a way out of this.
He says that everything will be okay.
Sunny, absolutely in a daze, with no idea what to do, agrees.
The boys pick up Mari, and carry her out of her bedroom.
Sunny is confused, what Basil has in mind?
Not like he had anything better in mind than dying inside next to her bed, so he just keeps on going.
They get to the sliding door to the backyard, Basil reassuring Sunny constantly.
Sunny and Basil get blinded by the bright light of the outside world, while still carrying Mari forward.
Sunny almost drops her, since he rarely goes out and his eyes aren't adjusted to the light.
"N-no, I have to keep on going, whatever it is, I trust in basil"
They finally reach a tree
Sunny looks up for the first time, at the tree, its leaves and thinks to himself
And at this very moment he drifts away.
Drifts away to his own space where all this never happened.
"Everything is going to be okay"
Sunny hears Basil doing something.
He doesn't care at this point.
Just stare at the beautiful leaves, let the thoughts fly away...
Mari leaves his embrace, Basil picked her up.
Sunny trusts him, he's his best friend after all.
He'll find the best way out of this predicament.
He hears sounds of a leaves, rumbling, rustling, a rope, tree branch creaking...
Sunny feels a hand clutch his.
Basil starts pulling him away from the tree.
Sunny looks back, starts at the bottom.
He sees two flying feet.
He suddendly feels at peace.
"Is everything going to be okay?"
"Will I not get in trouble now?"
"Will I be able to live?"
Against his will, he looks higher as Basil's hand hastily pulls him away further.
He sees her.
His sister, Mari.
Hanging, with her both eyes closed.
He's still in a daze.
But suddendly-
Sunny stops.
He stands as still as he had became a tree, and been rooted to the ground at that very moment.
Basil stops with him.
Consfused as to why he stopped, Basil turns back.
They both look at Mari.
Suddendly, she opens a single eye.
Her body twitches upward.
With the last of her strenght she calls out in a bloodcurdling voice...
And her body stops, like a puppet with its strings cut.
The boys look in disbelief at her for a brief moment.
Then they both start running back to the Sunny's house, as if they just saw a terrible monster.
But little do they know...
Basil is the real monster.
Is Sunny a monster as well?
I wonder...
[To be continued]

Pub: 29 Dec 2021 05:05 UTC
Views: 653