[KyChuk's Rentry]

「This time, I’ll protect you just as much as you’ve protected me.」 「So instead of embracing me, embrace the little kid who’s even now still crying within you.」

Kyky / Ara | 20↑ | IzuMako enthusiast Eng / Indo i dont mainly speak JP because im still learning but i will try my best !! よろしくお願いします !!

Before You Follow...

  • I drew IzuMako a lot, and drew their NSFW
  • This account may not mainly an art account.. and you can found some random tweets / retweets xD
  • My taste can be problematic, so if you feel uncomfortable with my account, kindly block / unfollow me anytime
  • I also love MakoIzu & Makoto Poly!! 💚
  • I sometime draw other than IzuMako / Enstars

Regarding My FanArt

  • Do not repost my fanart to such as public place (fanpage, public group, etc) w/out my permission, i must know where you gonna repost my fanart. And please credit me with the link if you get my permission.
  • Using my art as your pfp for personal use are okay, but dont forget to credit me
  • Printing or reproduce my art for any product and selling it, is prohibited!! 🚫🚫

Send me anon message here!

Other art account
Pixiv: https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/41653405
Poipiku: https://poipiku.com/4442567/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ky.chuk/

Edit Report
Pub: 08 Sep 2023 12:02 UTC
Edit: 09 Oct 2024 13:21 UTC
Views: 4571