blood rose

Aurora/Jade/Bec catsleeping

bat flying basic info: minor + she/they/he + cis female + omniromantic asexual

black hearts comforts: jade harley, bec noir, davepetasprite, karkat vantas, dave strider (homestuck), the knight, hornet (hollow knight), albert (flamingo), mallow (pokemon), tanjiro (demon slayer)

stretching cat dni: basic dni criteria, antis of any of my comforts, anti tone tags and/or xenogenders/neoprounouns, reality checker, above 17, below 12, endogenic system/supporter

spinning flower byf: requires tone tags, 2nd grade humor, positive rant about things i like, kys/kms, homophobic, and ip jokes, super sensitive, bad spelling, occasional dry text, overuse of caps lock, impulsive, anxious so please be patient with me

running cat extra info: major jade harley & bec noir liker, maxie & destiney's bff 4 life, artist, writer, vocalist, & violinist, scene kid probs, owns 1 cat & 1 dog, in est timezone

hearts rentry making: i make rentrys for free! you can ask me at my instagram

thx for reading!! spin


Pub: 12 Mar 2022 07:49 UTC
Views: 187