' ' I Wanted You To Know. That I Am Ready To Go, Heartbeat. My Heartbeat! ' ' WIP!! David or Raison He/They intersexambiamorousftm4ftmbeargay I'm also a therian! (red fox and snow leopard) I HAVE A SLIGHT TYPING QUIRK!!! (I change "you" to "u", "your" or "you're" to "ur", "are" to "r", "before" to "b4") DNI! Alfred's Play House Fans (Unless we are Friends) If You Sexualize Minors in Any Media If You Sexualize Pokemon Endo Systems Neos! bun/buns/bunself pup/pups/pupself mew/mews/mewself Mental Disorders! ATTENTION!!!! I AM OFFICIALLY DIAGNOSED BY A LICENSED DOCTOR!! I WILL NEVER SELF-DIAGNOSE UNLESS I DID IN DEPTH RESEARCH! Generalized Anxiety PTSD ADHD Depression Gender Dysphoria Other Sites I'm On! Chicken Smoothie. Goatlings. Carrd. Spacehey. Coping Links. (NOT MADE YET!.)

updated : Sept. 16th 2024

Pub: 10 Sep 2024 18:09 UTC
Edit: 16 Sep 2024 12:23 UTC
Views: 35