roboty main

  • basic dni criteria
  • under the age of 16
    • i am 21 years old i have no interest in befriending or following a 15 year old
  • anti self-dx
  • think its okay to suibait or make kys jokes

my username does not hold the meaning you think it means; i perceive it as a name

  • as stated above im 21. so. don't rq if you're not comfortable interacting with adults
  • because of my autism i often ask questions for clarification and i cannot stand passive-aggressiveness
    • please be kind in responses, don't talk down to me like i'm a child or god forbid infantalise me
  • i frequently use tone tags and would appreciate if you used them around me (at least the most common ones)

instagram specific

  • this account is technically a spam so sometimes my feed or story gets really cluttered
    • i literally have over 10k posts don't rq if you're gonna complain for any reason
  • i regularly remove accounts that don't interact and very few people have an exception
    • if you get removed feel free to rq as many times as you want but eventually i will stop accepting
  • if a dm conversation is funny to me i may put it on my story
    • if you Don't like that please lmk cause i don't usually ask!!!
  • stuff i repost can be anything from memes to social commentary shit, also lots of irl posting
Pub: 24 Oct 2022 03:59 UTC
Edit: 09 Oct 2023 21:38 UTC
Views: 322