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( ̄  ̄ " ) ( ᵔ ᗜ ᵔ )
my pronunciation irl may be off , but i think the chinese in me (born and raised) is definitely helping. Btw No im not a bakudeku shipper or weeb or a rcta maggot i'm too lazy to add the actual jp characters but they will be added when I get to that point
my friends are usually the ones teaching me all of these which is why they're all so random! translations may not be 100% accurate youtubers I watch that sometimes help me in my jp : darumaisgod & fuwa minato
I'm not super into learning languages so I'll be learning jp really slowly ^^; currently focused on even getting motivation to learn the basics

kanji - chinese character adaptations
katakana - borrowed words from other languages
hiragana - word scripts
romaji - sound (for beginners aka the temp solution)

my faults:
i sometimes mix up japanese characters with chinese characters
for exct.: 端 (same word but pronounced as duan in chinese, hashi in japanese)

  • numbers:
    ichi - one
    ni - two
    san - three
    shi/yon - four
    go - five
    roku - six
    shichi/nana - seven
    hachi - eight
    kyuu - nine
    juu - ten
  • misc:
    number-kai - number times
    etc.: go-kai (five times)
  • grammar particles:
    wa - am / is
    no - possessive / belongs to me
    de - indicate location where action takes place / provides context or reasons / indicate object associated with smthg
    ga - to describe
    to - and / with
    ni - from / to
  • noun:
    unchi/unko - pooping
  • adjectives:
    takai - tall
  • examples:
    ki ga takai - the tree is tall

  • words:
    atashi / watashi - I (Fem impolite sigma) / I (Fem polite)
    ore / boku - I (Masc impolite sigma) / I (Masc polite)
    watashi wa - I am
    watashi no - my
    watashi no namae wa - my name is

  • memory work:
    temme / anata - "you" in aggressive way or bastard / not necessarily needed (pronoun), can come off as aggressive
    desu / gozaimasu - end of sentence to be polite (the u at the end is usually silent)
    jin - person
    ai at the end of a word - can change to ee, comes off as aggressive/impolite
    omae - can be rude to strangers, normal to super close friends

  • sentences:
    watashi no namae wa kouryuu desu - my name is kouryuu (polite)
    watashi wa kouryuu - i am kouryuu
    watashi wa singaporu jin desu - i am from singapore (polite) / i am singaporean
    nani shiteru n desu ka - what are you doing? (polite)

  • funny things i learnt:
    - I want to fuck fushiguro toji in the ass 5 times ; polite
    note: there isn't actually any direct translation to fuck
  • misc:
    chinchin/chinko - dick
    washi - grandpa
    sessha - samurai / ninja
    babaa - old woman
  • vulgar:
    kuso - shit/fuck (as a swear)
    shi ne - die
    uzai - yuck / annoying / gross
    urusai - shut up / annoying
    aho - stupid
    debu - fatty
    chibi - shorty
    hage - bald person
    abazure - s/ut
    ama - b/tch
    baita - wh/re
  • aggressive:
    fuzakenna - you’re fucking kidding me
    chikuhou - damn it
  • random of random:
    temme, nani shite n da? - what the hell are you doing?
    "mou fakku desu yo" - said when smthg bad happens
Edit Report
Pub: 27 Jul 2024 14:54 UTC
Edit: 26 Mar 2025 07:48 UTC
Views: 608
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