this is sort of cringe but hi javi ^_^ i think ur asleep right now which is okay but i wanted to write thsi be cause you wrote me something ages ago and i feel like i should show you how much i appreciate u as a person.

ur the best person to ever exist and i want u soooo freaking bad i want that cookie. Um. i feel sort of silly writing all of this but im so happy we met!! i'm not very good at this lovemail thing but i think you might be one of the most understanding ppl ive ever met online. uve never judged me once even during times where i was at my lowest and uve always been in my corner. it's insane we met in a hellish syscord server full of chronically online ppl. u mean the world and more to me & i can't believe it's been a YEAR since we met. i love u SOOO much, like actually i want to vomit and throw up everytime i think of u and its gotten 2 the point all my friends are rooting 4 us. i'm so happy u exist and i get to be in the same timespan as you. god this is actually so much and i should probably shut up now but im just really happy we even know eachother and stuff. ahhhhh ure amazing and Im feeling embarrassed now so ill sthu. ilysm javi. youre amazing and please never change. im always rooting for u <3

Pub: 04 Nov 2024 06:08 UTC
Views: 84
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