jays interests

extraordinarily quick compilation off
the top of ajax, his best bud's, head

  • spins : tmc, religion, politics, uncanny valley, architechture, ghost bc
  • music : will wood, ghost, icp, moonwalker, teenage disaster, + a shitton more
  • media : sally face, faith: the unholy trinity, tmc, inside job, clone high, spree, local 58, etc
  • creators : thorne baker, brandon rogers, wendigoon, alex kister, kurtis connor, danny gonzalez, etc
  • general : analog horror, paintings, religion, literature, anarchy (HELP), making fun of conservatives, metal music etc etc etc . . .

jay feel free to add to this if u want

Pub: 11 Oct 2023 03:41 UTC
Edit: 11 Oct 2023 04:05 UTC
Views: 109