cassius here i Need to fully type him but heres what i got for vin so far.

vin is . . . INXJ NiTe / Fe likely phleg-mel 5w6 / 9w8 sp/sx 592 etc autism be damned this boy can cook !


hello guys cas here. some notes abt vinces typology: im still working on it, so im not absolutely positive—he presents as an intp (mainly bc of how high his ti is), but i could also argue for intj. i think he just has unconventional fi that feeds into his inf se (te/se loop leads to overstimulation etc etc) te and fi work together and boom vin is a being of hatred. its ok guys hes still super duper silly

Pub: 03 Jun 2023 15:22 UTC
Edit: 26 Dec 2023 15:12 UTC
Views: 222