.co/jbchance Extra . some of this was previously stated in my byi

haiiiiiiiii im jb (stands for janitor boy) or anything on my names list. im a partial did system host, whos been the host for as long as i can remember ^_^ i Love using emoticons and im Very aware that im cringe .

i am very attached to many characters and view them as myself, meaning i will refer to them as myself. though i am mindmade, i am an introject of said characters and cant control this ^_^"

im a genderqueer aroace(flux) lesbian whos currently in a polyamorous relationship with my boyfriend kin && my qp jay . i use he / it or no pronouns & i prefer masculine terms like. calling me a boy But i refer to myself as a girl and i prefer feminine compliments!

im white (german & russian) and jewish by blood . im fluent in english & i can say basic phrases in french and japanese

i have EVIL autism.... due to this i infodump a whole lot about things i like. i have a really hard time listening to other people infodump though, so please be mindful! i tend to make a whole lot of references. i can control this and dont have to do it but it makes me happy to. i get very protective over my interests and having people say they like them more than me makes me Very uncomfortable and id prefer for people to not do that

im a furry && im also a deitykin and a calico cat therian (+ otherkin of some Very dumb things..) . i make cat puns occasionally (often just replacing the word "now" with "meow") and sometimes refer to myself as a cat . my apologies

i can only call with people on weekends and i tend to have a very limited amount of time to talk to people throughout the week !! i call with my WORST friend (charlie) every single weekend for about 12 hours a day (Chronically online i Know.) so theres a bit of a wait time if we Do end up calling

i REALLY like art , animation, and especially writing . from time to time i may send my artwork or animation wips to get a Second opinion!

go back

Pub: 11 Apr 2024 13:54 UTC
Edit: 09 Jun 2024 19:31 UTC
Views: 537